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2010-06-09 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2912405

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
DerekL - 2010-06-10 12:06 AM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:54 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:44 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:41 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:37 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:35 PM I Boycott BP gas because i dont feel they are using all of their resources to stop the leak. I think they are trying to stop the leak while preserving the well. Not buying food etc at a bp gas station hurts the owner of the station not bp at all.

Ummm, no.  If you're not buying gas from a BP station, you're hurting the station owner and not BP.  BP isn't in the retail business anymore. 

not what i said, i just made the point that the biggest part of the owners nut comes from food and bp profits very very little from that.

Ok, and my point is that nothing you're going to do is going to affect BP one way or another, but you will affect small business owners instead.

Thats exactly why, I have no other outlet to try and punish bp, so i punish what i can. Is it right, of course not, but what can do you do in a situation where you feel powerless?

So you know you're not hurting BP, but you do it anyway?  Huh?
What you can do is not hurt people who have nothing to do with the current situation.

In Canada and I suspect? in the USA retailers sell gas now as a loss leader to attract drivers to their stores for convenience items. The only real profits made on selling gas accrues to the refiner/producer (BP in this instance) and the distributor, so as long as a BP boycotter who buys their gas elsewhere still goes to the BP station to get their Doritos and washer fluid the theory works. Logistically perhaps, not so much.    

2010-06-10 6:15 AM
in reply to: #2911948

Extreme Veteran
Bluffton, SC
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
gearboy - 2010-06-09 6:03 PM

I think the stronger argument for not boycotting them is that the person who experiences the most harm is the one furthest removed from responsibility of causing or solving the leak.  The local businessperson who owns your local franchise.  I don't specifically expect to boycott them, since I never used them before.  Locally, I get my all my gas from Wawa, along with my coffee, hoagies, and re-fueling on long bike rides.

Bingo on this one!

If you want to screw BP have the franchise owner change brands ..... and now is a good time to switch out.
2010-06-10 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2911934

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Subject: RE: Boycott BP

You guys do know that BP sells MOST of it's refined gas to stations other than BP stations right?  If you boycott a BP station but still buy gas then you aren't hurting BP. Especially if there is a refinery with in a few hundred miles of where you live.  Most stations will probably have BP gas.  Also, they sell a ton of Airplane fuel.  Ohh wait and they sell a TON of OIL!!! Oh and that plastic bottle you are drinking out of and that keyboard you are typing on and that monitor and computer you are looking at.....Guess what????....could be made from BP oil they pumped out of the gulf.

I am sorry, but you can't hurt BP by not buying their gas.  A lot of their money is made after they refine the oil and sell it to everyone.  They don't make money selling gas AT the gas stations.  They make money selling it TOO the gas stations. Lots and lots of non BP gas stations.

2010-06-10 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2912405

Subject: ...
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2010-06-10 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2911934

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Can anyone make a good rational/logical argument FOR boycotting them?  I was hoping to see the other side of this debate, but it hasn't really been spelled out.  Most of what I've seen is just impassioned/emotional outrage at the accident (that is in the boycott pleas on facebook and whatnot).  Even though I don't agree with it now, I wanted the see the other side's argument to get both sides.

Perhaps its just facebook outrage by people who can't really back it up though...I don't know.

Edited by jsiegs 2010-06-10 1:00 PM
2010-06-10 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2912388

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 10:54 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:44 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:41 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:37 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:35 PM I Boycott BP gas because i dont feel they are using all of their resources to stop the leak. I think they are trying to stop the leak while preserving the well. Not buying food etc at a bp gas station hurts the owner of the station not bp at all.

Ummm, no.  If you're not buying gas from a BP station, you're hurting the station owner and not BP.  BP isn't in the retail business anymore. 

not what i said, i just made the point that the biggest part of the owners nut comes from food and bp profits very very little from that.

Ok, and my point is that nothing you're going to do is going to affect BP one way or another, but you will affect small business owners instead.

Thats exactly why, I have no other outlet to try and punish bp, so i punish what i can. Is it right, of course not, but what can do you do in a situation where you feel powerless?

Why is it not right?

Use your dollars to be heard. The station owners are free to brand their stores as they see fit. If their brand is tarnished because that brand is perceived as having caused a catastrophic loss of marine and plant life, causing loss of income to the fishing industry, and food source for the US (granted, remains to be seen but please refer to "perceived"), along with being incompetent and/or powerless to STOP the constant flow of oil + effectively deal with the oil that has been loosed ... then why shouldn't that brand suffer the consequences?  Public perception is everything. Don't think you are powerless. You have the power of the dollar; you have the power to withhold the dollar from a business that is negatively branded.

Never let anyone tell you your outrage and withholding of dollars means nothing. They only want you to feel powerless. It has to start somewhere. Mighty oaks grow from tiny seeds.

Why shouldn't the cost of failure be failure? Perhaps the station/business owners should be negatively influenced to give up the brand, influence that can only be exerted by loss of sales. Let the economic chips fall where they may.

2010-06-10 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2913561

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
ballyard7 - 2010-06-10 1:43 PM

You guys do know that BP sells MOST of it's refined gas to stations other than BP stations right?  If you boycott a BP station but still buy gas then you aren't hurting BP. Especially if there is a refinery with in a few hundred miles of where you live.  Most stations will probably have BP gas.  Also, they sell a ton of Airplane fuel.  Ohh wait and they sell a TON of OIL!!! Oh and that plastic bottle you are drinking out of and that keyboard you are typing on and that monitor and computer you are looking at.....Guess what????....could be made from BP oil they pumped out of the gulf.

I am sorry, but you can't hurt BP by not buying their gas.  A lot of their money is made after they refine the oil and sell it to everyone.  They don't make money selling gas AT the gas stations.  They make money selling it TOO the gas stations. Lots and lots of non BP gas stations.

This is exactly what i was thinking. You have no way of knowing exactly where the gas you are pumping comes from. It's largely a homogeneous product which could really be in any gas you buy ...

The only way to really boycott is to not drive (a gas-powered car) and not buy products made from petroleum but that's soooooo many things!!

Anyway, it's a huge tragedy, one that I hope we can see a conclusion to and some of that great spirit of cooperation we've seen in other disasters to prevent too much ecological damage ...
2010-06-10 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2913628

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Renee - 2010-06-10 2:07 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 10:54 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:44 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:41 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:37 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:35 PM I Boycott BP gas because i dont feel they are using all of their resources to stop the leak. I think they are trying to stop the leak while preserving the well. Not buying food etc at a bp gas station hurts the owner of the station not bp at all.

Ummm, no.  If you're not buying gas from a BP station, you're hurting the station owner and not BP.  BP isn't in the retail business anymore. 

not what i said, i just made the point that the biggest part of the owners nut comes from food and bp profits very very little from that.

Ok, and my point is that nothing you're going to do is going to affect BP one way or another, but you will affect small business owners instead.

Thats exactly why, I have no other outlet to try and punish bp, so i punish what i can. Is it right, of course not, but what can do you do in a situation where you feel powerless?

Why is it not right?

Use your dollars to be heard. The station owners are free to brand their stores as they see fit. If their brand is tarnished because that brand is perceived as having caused a catastrophic loss of marine and plant life, causing loss of income to the fishing industry, and food source for the US (granted, remains to be seen but please refer to "perceived"), along with being incompetent and/or powerless to STOP the constant flow of oil + effectively deal with the oil that has been loosed ... then why shouldn't that brand suffer the consequences?  Public perception is everything. Don't think you are powerless. You have the power of the dollar; you have the power to withhold the dollar from a business that is negatively branded.

Never let anyone tell you your outrage and withholding of dollars means nothing. They only want you to feel powerless. It has to start somewhere. Mighty oaks grow from tiny seeds.

Why shouldn't the cost of failure be failure? Perhaps the station/business owners should be negatively influenced to give up the brand, influence that can only be exerted by loss of sales. Let the economic chips fall where they may.

well put
2010-06-10 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2913654

Sin City
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
I think it's a bit comical that a couple hundred thousand people of FACEBOOK boycotting will do anything.

You think they don't have enough pressure from the WORLD about this?  Constant media coverage, hemoraging money by the second, basically destroyed the image of this company for decades to come, if not permanently...  Fines, clean up costs, mitigations, law suits.

YEAH, I don't think they are really going to be focused on a FB boycot.  ooooo  they get "unfriended"... 
2010-06-10 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2911934

Boynton Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
I stopped using them months ago when they started to surcharge when paying with credit at the pump.  Not many realize it, but you are charged another .05 when using credit.  This is above the posted gas prices.  More principle of the matter vs. dollars so I stopped going...
2010-06-10 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2913628

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Renee - 2010-06-10 2:07 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 10:54 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:44 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:41 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-09 10:37 PM
mkarr0110 - 2010-06-09 9:35 PM I Boycott BP gas because i dont feel they are using all of their resources to stop the leak. I think they are trying to stop the leak while preserving the well. Not buying food etc at a bp gas station hurts the owner of the station not bp at all.

Ummm, no.  If you're not buying gas from a BP station, you're hurting the station owner and not BP.  BP isn't in the retail business anymore. 

not what i said, i just made the point that the biggest part of the owners nut comes from food and bp profits very very little from that.

Ok, and my point is that nothing you're going to do is going to affect BP one way or another, but you will affect small business owners instead.

Thats exactly why, I have no other outlet to try and punish bp, so i punish what i can. Is it right, of course not, but what can do you do in a situation where you feel powerless?

Why is it not right?

Use your dollars to be heard. The station owners are free to brand their stores as they see fit. If their brand is tarnished because that brand is perceived as having caused a catastrophic loss of marine and plant life, causing loss of income to the fishing industry, and food source for the US (granted, remains to be seen but please refer to "perceived"), along with being incompetent and/or powerless to STOP the constant flow of oil + effectively deal with the oil that has been loosed ... then why shouldn't that brand suffer the consequences?  Public perception is everything. Don't think you are powerless. You have the power of the dollar; you have the power to withhold the dollar from a business that is negatively branded.

Never let anyone tell you your outrage and withholding of dollars means nothing. They only want you to feel powerless. It has to start somewhere. Mighty oaks grow from tiny seeds.

Why shouldn't the cost of failure be failure? Perhaps the station/business owners should be negatively influenced to give up the brand, influence that can only be exerted by loss of sales. Let the economic chips fall where they may.

I guess I just don't really buy this point.  I don't think BP is any worse than any other oil company (it may even be one of the better ones, I don't really know, they do go "Beyond Petrolium" after all). So in that vein, I can't blame them any more than I can blame any other oil company or oil driller.  So it was just bad luck that it happened to BP.  Compare that to the mine collapse in WV recently where the company had a proven track record of safety violations and all sorts of shady stuff - that I can blame them for and I do.  I mean, Mobil or anyone could have just as easily leased that platform and the exact same thing would have happened.

Maybe my point is, that I'm a pro regulations type guy.  So if anyone I could blame the government for loose regulations, or for allowing drilling at all (I personally think they should not).  This is sort of how things happen though: industry takes advantage of us, something bad happens, new regulations are created to prevent it from happening again and repeat.  Pro-active regulations don't seem to go over so well because there hasn't been the disaster to justify them yet (For example, I don't think regulations to prevent all of wall street's mess ups would have ever passed before the crash).

So thats where I'm coming from in this debate, does it make sense?

2010-06-10 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2911934

Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Rather than try to hurt BP, I think your effort, energy and support (money) would be better served trying to help those that have been affected, namely our friends on the southern shore.
2010-06-10 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2911934

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-06-10 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2913710

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Kido - 2010-06-10 1:26 PM I think it's a bit comical that a couple hundred thousand people of FACEBOOK boycotting will do anything.

You think they don't have enough pressure from the WORLD about this?  Constant media coverage, hemoraging money by the second, basically destroyed the image of this company for decades to come, if not permanently...  Fines, clean up costs, mitigations, law suits.

YEAH, I don't think they are really going to be focused on a FB boycot.  ooooo  they get "unfriended"... 


"And I'll go get my gas somewhere else!  That'll show 'em!"

BTW, somewhere else likely bought some of their product from BP too.  Good luck with that.
2010-06-10 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2913759

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
"Hey, everybody! Let's try to bankrupt a company we're hoping will pay billions of dollars in restitution!" Brilliant.

2010-06-10 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2913628

Silver member
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Renee - 2010-06-10 1:07 PM

Why is it not right?

Use your dollars to be heard. The station owners are free to brand their stores as they see fit. If their brand is tarnished because that brand is perceived as having caused a catastrophic loss of marine and plant life, causing loss of income to the fishing industry, and food source for the US (granted, remains to be seen but please refer to "perceived"), along with being incompetent and/or powerless to STOP the constant flow of oil + effectively deal with the oil that has been loosed ... then why shouldn't that brand suffer the consequences?  Public perception is everything. Don't think you are powerless. You have the power of the dollar; you have the power to withhold the dollar from a business that is negatively branded.

Never let anyone tell you your outrage and withholding of dollars means nothing. They only want you to feel powerless. It has to start somewhere. Mighty oaks grow from tiny seeds.

Why shouldn't the cost of failure be failure? Perhaps the station/business owners should be negatively influenced to give up the brand, influence that can only be exerted by loss of sales. Let the economic chips fall where they may.

I agree with this.

The whole thing gives me a sick sick sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I'm sad on a very basic level.

I won't go to a BP because I simply don't want to. They make me ill.  I'm not a part of any organized boycott and I haven't jumped on any bandwagon. I work hard for my money and I refuse to fork it over to a company that appears to have no sense of urgency about the destruction it's causing... daily. Hourly. They set up cameras so we can watch (in high definition, no less) the oil spewing out into the water...

I have a choice. I choose not to spend my money at BP. 
I also have a responsibility. And to that end I've done what I can to reduce the amount of gas I consume. I don't buy drinks in plastic bottles if I can possibly avoid it, and I will be writing letters to my congress members in order to voice my opinions.

I'm just sick about it all.

2010-06-10 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2913714

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
cardenas1 - 2010-06-10 2:27 PM I stopped using them months ago when they started to surcharge when paying with credit at the pump.  Not many realize it, but you are charged another .05 when using credit.  This is above the posted gas prices.  More principle of the matter vs. dollars so I stopped going...

Good to know. Thanks.

But shouldn't I be protecting their jobs by forking over more $$?

Oh, that's right, I vote with my dollars on a daily basis. Putting companies out of business one withheld penny at a time! Someday McDonalds will go down!

Facebook: It's called public opinion and using social media to influence said opinion. Who ever heard of such a thing? It's like they want to take their message viral. Crazy talk! Don't these nobodies know that influencing public opinion is the job of corporate marketing giants?

Your opinion means squat! You are helpless and powerless! Give up now!
2010-06-10 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2913832

Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Boycott BP

scoobysdad - 2010-06-10 1:54 PM "Hey, everybody! Let's try to bankrupt a company we're hoping will pay billions of dollars in restitution!" Brilliant.

Exactly!  Feelings trump logic once again...

2010-06-10 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2911934

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Boycott BP

Fine... I'll be stupid, silly, pointless, whatever.

I cannot stomach even a glance at the BP logo after they killed 11 people and poisoned our Gulf.  I won't go to a BP because I get some weird combination of angry and depressed when I see the logo.  I just can't bring myself to spend any money at a place with BP on it's sign.  I think of exploding oil rigs, dead workers, dead animals, and oil now seeping into Perdido Pass.  I think of how the Gulf could potentially be a desert for decades.  So, I don't care who thinks it's pointless, misguided, or silly.  It's how I feel about it, and it's just a part of how I'm going to deal with it and show my frustration.



2010-06-10 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2914320

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
sesh - 2010-06-10 5:23 PM

Fine... I'll be stupid, silly, pointless, whatever.

I cannot stomach even a glance at the BP logo after they killed 11 people and poisoned our Gulf.  I won't go to a BP because I get some weird combination of angry and depressed when I see the logo.  I just can't bring myself to spend any money at a place with BP on it's sign.  I think of exploding oil rigs, dead workers, dead animals, and oil now seeping into Perdido Pass.  I think of how the Gulf could potentially be a desert for decades.  So, I don't care who thinks it's pointless, misguided, or silly.  It's how I feel about it, and it's just a part of how I'm going to deal with it and show my frustration.


Makes sense to me.

2010-06-10 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2914320

Silver member
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
sesh - 2010-06-10 4:23 PM

Fine... I'll be stupid, silly, pointless, whatever.

I cannot stomach even a glance at the BP logo after they killed 11 people and poisoned our Gulf.  I won't go to a BP because I get some weird combination of angry and depressed when I see the logo.  I just can't bring myself to spend any money at a place with BP on it's sign.  I think of exploding oil rigs, dead workers, dead animals, and oil now seeping into Perdido Pass.  I think of how the Gulf could potentially be a desert for decades.  So, I don't care who thinks it's pointless, misguided, or silly.  It's how I feel about it, and it's just a part of how I'm going to deal with it and show my frustration.


That's exactly how I feel too.

2010-06-10 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2911934

Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
I'll just invest in BP when they hit their low since they are financially sound and have the cash to cover this. Ya know, see the silver lining.
2010-06-11 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2914065

New user
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Whizzzzz - 2010-06-10 2:59 PM
Renee - 2010-06-10 1:07 PM

Why is it not right?

Use your dollars to be heard. The station owners are free to brand their stores as they see fit. If their brand is tarnished because that brand is perceived as having caused a catastrophic loss of marine and plant life, causing loss of income to the fishing industry, and food source for the US (granted, remains to be seen but please refer to "perceived"), along with being incompetent and/or powerless to STOP the constant flow of oil + effectively deal with the oil that has been loosed ... then why shouldn't that brand suffer the consequences?  Public perception is everything. Don't think you are powerless. You have the power of the dollar; you have the power to withhold the dollar from a business that is negatively branded.

Never let anyone tell you your outrage and withholding of dollars means nothing. They only want you to feel powerless. It has to start somewhere. Mighty oaks grow from tiny seeds.

Why shouldn't the cost of failure be failure? Perhaps the station/business owners should be negatively influenced to give up the brand, influence that can only be exerted by loss of sales. Let the economic chips fall where they may.

I agree with this.

The whole thing gives me a sick sick sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I'm sad on a very basic level.

I won't go to a BP because I simply don't want to. They make me ill.  I'm not a part of any organized boycott and I haven't jumped on any bandwagon. I work hard for my money and I refuse to fork it over to a company that appears to have no sense of urgency about the destruction it's causing... daily. Hourly. They set up cameras so we can watch (in high definition, no less) the oil spewing out into the water...

I have a choice. I choose not to spend my money at BP. 
I also have a responsibility. And to that end I've done what I can to reduce the amount of gas I consume. I don't buy drinks in plastic bottles if I can possibly avoid it, and I will be writing letters to my congress members in order to voice my opinions.

I'm just sick about it all.

Maybe we should withhold our federal taxes because our Mr. Obama told us since day one, they (feds) were on top of this disaster and IN CHARGE.  Available technologies/expertise for recovery have not been used or contacted; Super Suck (used in Saudi/Kuwaite spill), Oil Eater, 4 weeks to approve (limited) berm construction and Shell offered help on day three but was turned down (possibly because of Jones Act).  The President and Sec. of Interior didn't follow the recomendations of the expert pannel on offshore drilling and actually had the wording changed in the report after it was peer reviewed.  The response for recovery/clean up has been a joke.

2010-06-13 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2913832

Extreme Veteran
Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Boycott BP
scoobysdad - 2010-06-10 1:54 PM "Hey, everybody! Let's try to bankrupt a company we're hoping will pay billions of dollars in restitution!" Brilliant.

I just can't find it in me to reward them, either.... 
2010-06-13 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2914259

Subject: RE: Boycott BP
Renee - 2010-06-10 4:57 PM
cardenas1 - 2010-06-10 2:27 PM I stopped using them months ago when they started to surcharge when paying with credit at the pump.  Not many realize it, but you are charged another .05 when using credit.  This is above the posted gas prices.  More principle of the matter vs. dollars so I stopped going...

Good to know. Thanks.

But shouldn't I be protecting their jobs by forking over more $$?

Oh, that's right, I vote with my dollars on a daily basis. Putting companies out of business one withheld penny at a time! Someday McDonalds will go down!

Facebook: It's called public opinion and using social media to influence said opinion. Who ever heard of such a thing? It's like they want to take their message viral. Crazy talk! Don't these nobodies know that influencing public opinion is the job of corporate marketing giants?

Your opinion means squat! You are helpless and powerless! Give up now!

I agree 100% again, you sure do know what to say!!
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