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2012-09-27 12:17 PM

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Subject: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
I am a beginner triathlete.  Completed my first sprint in September (pool swim).  I am now registered to compete in an 800m open water swim in a week.  It will be a wet suit swim.  I am super nervous since I've never done one before.  I've also trained solo, so no coaches to help calm my nerves. I was wondering if anyone had basic tips or confidence boosters for someone about to compete in their first OWS.  I know so much is mental and I am trying to get and keep my head in the game!  Any last minute pointers?  Thank you!

2012-09-27 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Laguna Beach
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Remember people like Diana Nyad, the ultramarathon swimmer who has made four attempts to swim from Cuba to Florida. Nyad had to swim in the open ocean at night- all night. If a 60+ year old woman (admittedly an incredible athlete) can do that, you can do this.

Remember your training, remember no one is as prepared as they'd like to be, take a few deep breaths, start wide of the group and get a good warm up in the water and you'll be awesome. Have a great race! Report back here please Ma'am when you're done.

Edited by Tom Demerly. 2012-09-27 12:20 PM
2012-09-27 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

To me, OWS is very mental.  There are some physical aspects to it, remember to site, but I think the mental aspect is key.  So, when I start to get freaked out during a swim, I just put my head down and swim.  As corny as it may be, Dory's chant just goes through my head.  "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."  Wetsuits are very buoyant, so that should give some comfort.  But, when all else fails, just keep swimming. 

Good luck.

2012-09-27 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4430390

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Tom Demerly. - 2012-09-27 11:18 AM Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Completely agree with Tom.  Get there early. Do some swimming with your face in the water so you get use to it.  That is the weirdest part. Otherwise, if you've got the fitness, you'll be golden. There may be some bumping/contact with other swimmers.  Hopefully you already experienced that in your pool swim.  Usually it's not too bad but some races are a bit physical at the start until the field thins out.

Have a great time! Remember, we do this for FUN!

2012-09-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4430403

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
rrrunner - 2012-09-27 1:23 PM

Tom Demerly. - 2012-09-27 11:18 AM Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Completely agree with Tom.  Get there early. Do some swimming with your face in the water so you get use to it.  That is the weirdest part. Otherwise, if you've got the fitness, you'll be golden. There may be some bumping/contact with other swimmers.  Hopefully you already experienced that in your pool swim.  Usually it's not too bad but some races are a bit physical at the start until the field thins out.

Have a great time! Remember, we do this for FUN!

+1 to the bolded!
Absolutely get your face in the water and swim around a little before the race, this is even more important if the water has gotten chilly.
Not doing so risks you getting short of breath from a little shock factor, and this often is what causes people to panic at first.

Once you get in and get acclimated and warm up a little.. .then, it's just a matter of have fun and race your race
Enjoy your first!
2012-09-27 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Get in the water before the race.  For practice and also just for getting used to the feeling.

There are a lot of factors that you will need to figure out how to find comfort with:

-Constriction/buoyancy changes in wetsuit.  You may find that you swim a little "different" in open water because of how the wetsuit forces your body (hopefully for the better).

-No lane line or bottom to look at.  Occassionally, I have caused a little panic in myself by imagining something coming out of the darkness of the water at me.  Get used to the feeling of "not knowing what is really down there".  Try to not think about that, and keep your head in the game.

-Finding comfort in your technique.  OWS is full of random elements such as people starting off faster than they can go, people swimming into you, you swimming into people, waves, etc. etc.  Learn to keep your thoughts from those things and keep your thoughts on your patterns.  These are the only thing you have control over in OWS.

I would find some time today or tomorrow to go out and sit in some water in your wetsuit and get accustomed to how it fits on your body while in the water.  

2012-09-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4430419

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
2012-09-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4430414

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
cgregg - 2012-09-27 1:27 PM
rrrunner - 2012-09-27 1:23 PM

Tom Demerly. - 2012-09-27 11:18 AM Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Completely agree with Tom.  Get there early. Do some swimming with your face in the water so you get use to it.  That is the weirdest part. Otherwise, if you've got the fitness, you'll be golden. There may be some bumping/contact with other swimmers.  Hopefully you already experienced that in your pool swim.  Usually it's not too bad but some races are a bit physical at the start until the field thins out.

Have a great time! Remember, we do this for FUN!

+1 to the bolded! Absolutely get your face in the water and swim around a little before the race, this is even more important if the water has gotten chilly. Not doing so risks you getting short of breath from a little shock factor, and this often is what causes people to panic at first. Once you get in and get acclimated and warm up a little.. .then, it's just a matter of have fun and race your race Enjoy your first!

Agree with everything - I have so been in your shoes!

I also suggest letting people go ahead of you so you can get in the water on your own terms. If you're a strong swimmer you will likely have to pass people but that's okay.  For me, i have sort of counted to five after the gun goes off and waded in more slowly to avoid the main pack and the bumping

If you do find yourself getting nervous or panicky it can help to do things such as count your strokes or repeat a mantra (these things have helped me)

And remember - you can go and grab a kayak or boat - it's cool to take a break if you need a minute to collect yourself. It's also okay to use whatever stroke you need to keep going.  Roll on to your back where you can get more breath if you need to.

You can do this!

Edited by juniperjen 2012-09-27 12:35 PM
2012-09-27 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
If you are nervous about the distance in the open water swim just concentrate on one spot at a time worked for me. When I first started I was like just get to the first booey once you get there you will be fine. And then once you get to the 1st gooey you might as well finish cause it will take almost as much energy to swim back. Just break it down piece by piece always helps me in any race and not think about whole distance. Also if you get in a panic lay on you back for a minute and kick catch your breathe relax and go again!
2012-09-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Congrats, triathlete and good luck with the OWS!

I wrote this article very much with situations like yours in mind. I think you'll find at least some of the tips useful:

Open Water Swimming: M.A.P.S. to Get Ready

2012-09-27 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
I am right there with you. Based on your location, I assume it is the race in Rockwall.  I will be there too and the 800m has me a little intimidated as well (my other sprints were 300m).  My self taught "Total Immersion" technique has not gone as well as I would like.  I think I will be doing a fair amount of breast stroke. I love that stroke and I have yet to learn to love freestyle.

2012-09-27 1:21 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Panama City, FL
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
Do at least a pool swim in a wetsuit if you've never swam in one before. That's a biggy.  Good luck. You can do it.
2012-09-27 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Panama City, FL
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

With the wetsuit, you can in worst case scenario, you can roll on your back and float/breathe, then keep plowing! No worries!


2012-09-27 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Oh my goodness this is all wonderful!  Thank you everyone!  So did I understand correctly that it is okay with rules to grab a kayak if I need to?  And yes- I am doing the US Open- best wishes to you too!  It will be very intimidating with all of the professionals around!

2012-09-27 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4430428

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Kido - 2012-09-27 12:34 PM YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


X2.  If you have trained for this, you can do this easily.  The hardest part of the swim will be the six inches between your ears.  Luckily, this distance can be easily overcome.

Definitely get your face in the water.  Even if you don't get to really warm up, get in the water, and get your head wet.  It will help.

The wetsuit means that you will have unequaled buoyancy.  If you get tired, panicked, etc., just roll over on your back.  In the wetsuit, it will feel like you're on a raft.  Float for a second, get your wits back, and turn over and swim.

The most important thing ---- have fun!!  Think about how much fun and freedom you get from swimming in a lake.

2012-09-27 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4430560

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
qtzie - 2012-09-27 2:24 PM

So did I understand correctly that it is okay with rules to grab a kayak if I need to?

If this is a triathlon, I can say that as long as you do not use the kayak to advance yourself forward in the race, yes, you can hang on it and rest if needed.

If this a straight up swim race using rules from someone other than USAT, I don't know the rules on that... but, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to. Worst case, ask the race director... just shoot 'em an email and you'll know for certain.

2012-09-27 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Along with what everyone else has written, you can try these in the pool to help prepare a little:

1) The biggest difference for me in OWS vs. pool is you don't get to stop and rest on the wall.  Swim a couple 1x500s (in the pool) where you don't stop on the wall to catch a breath or rest.  If you need more air either slow down and breathe more during the lap, switch to side stroke, or do a back float. Those will be your way of catching your breath in the OWS.  You can always rest on a kayak during the OWS.  There's no penalty as long as it doesn't provide forward movement.

2) Close your eyes while you swim in the pool and only open them when your head is above water.  That means you'll need to look forward to see how close to the wall you are.

Good luck, you'll do great!

2012-09-27 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4430386

Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Try not to think about it.  Just get in the water and do it!

You did your training and your ready!

Thinking about it will just make you nervous.

2012-09-27 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Tempe, Arizona
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Tons of great advise here.

Try and use your wetsuit at least once in a pool before your race, to get a feel for it.  I think you'll be amazed by how much buoyancy it gives and will boost your confidence.  It's really just a large skin-tight floatie!  However, I would wash it off thoroughly after pool use, as chlorine is not kind to neoprene

Also learn how to put your wetsuit on right, and remember to hoist it all the way up on your legs/torso so your neck and chest doesn't feel constricted.  I often see people having trouble breathing in wetsuits because they haven't put them on correctly.  I found this video by Macca/Orca really useful when I was first learning to put on a wetsuit:

A lot of races can be a washing machine at the start, so if you don't have the confidence yet, then stay back, and if the buoy turns are crowded, then stay a wide.  It may mean you have to swim a bit further, but it will be much more pleasant than getting clobbered.  Hang onto the kayaks/paddleboards if needed - they are there to help you out, and lots of people do it.  Need to take a breather during the race, try a different stroke (breaststroke/backstroke/sidestroke), or move a bit wide (so nobody collides with you) and float on your back.  I've seen lots of people doing all these things and they have always finished. 

And the most important thing of all -  HAVE FUN

2012-09-27 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

I am a second year triathlete.  The Toyota Open was my first Oly last year.  The venue is absolutely beautiful. 

The water was low, so there was a lot of mud at the end of the swim.  Keep swimming until your fingers touch the mud, it is much easier than trying to walk in it!

Enjoy and have fun!

2012-09-27 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Gold Canyon
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

I just went through this experience last Sunday, my first tri and my first ows.  I would have to agree with everything people have said so far.  We had to drop our bikes off at the event the day before, and seeing all the expensive bike's and the pro's, and here I am with my $100 mtb.  I was very intimidated that night before.  But I got there the next day and just started talking to people next to me in transition, and I found that at the actually event people are very much like they are on this forum.  They are very nice, they are proud of you being out there doing your first, and no one is going to get on your case if you get in their way in swim. We all had our first. You will be going around people, they are going to be going around you.  Don't worry about it.  Race your race, do your thing.  For me I kind of liked the reduced visibility of the ow.  I could only see about a foot or two in front of me, and I found it kind of peaceful and let me concentrate more on my stroke, my race, and the issue's going on between my ears.  Just watch for bubble's in front of you, I discovered that means your getting close to someone's feet.  Sighting is a challenge at first, but you will get into a rhythm what works for you.  You can go into other stroke's if need be.  I went into the side stroke to keep my head out of water for sighting early on, getting around the corners, and catching my breath.  You can always go into the back stroke to catch your breath as well.  I did this just before the half way point.

Some one made the comment about breaking it up.  I found this to help so much.  I did not think about the end till that was the last stretch.  It was first buoy, then second buoy, then I was half there, then the next thing you know you see the stairs to get out.  As long as you did your work in the pool and know you can make the distance, you can make it through the ows.  Another thing someone said that help me is to think about someone like diana nyad, or someone you respect like that.  For me it was Navy Seals.  These guys swim like 10k's in full gear, surely I can swim 750 meters.  Find your manta that helps keep your confidence.

Stay relaxed, race your race, you can do this.  Once your done you might find yourself craving for the next chance for an ows.

2012-09-27 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Newport, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
My first sprint was August 4 with about 4-6 foot waves pounding the beach entry but I went anyway.  I stopped and thought about going back in but didnt and made the swim.  There is some physical aspect to overcome in a sprint distance but in open water, just like everyone said, its mainly mental.  if your not comfortable being around 50 other age groupers kicking each other in the water like me  you have two options, stay to the back and you'll pass alot of them anyway or go to the front and stay in the front.  Another mental game is murky water and goggles.  I am still working on that.  You'll be fine!!!!
2012-09-27 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4430414

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
cgregg - 2012-09-27 12:27 PM
rrrunner - 2012-09-27 1:23 PM

Tom Demerly. - 2012-09-27 11:18 AM Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Completely agree with Tom.  Get there early. Do some swimming with your face in the water so you get use to it.  That is the weirdest part. Otherwise, if you've got the fitness, you'll be golden. There may be some bumping/contact with other swimmers.  Hopefully you already experienced that in your pool swim.  Usually it's not too bad but some races are a bit physical at the start until the field thins out.

Have a great time! Remember, we do this for FUN!

+1 to the bolded! Absolutely get your face in the water and swim around a little before the race, this is even more important if the water has gotten chilly. Not doing so risks you getting short of breath from a little shock factor, and this often is what causes people to panic at first. Once you get in and get acclimated and warm up a little.. .then, it's just a matter of have fun and race your race Enjoy your first!

The only time I did an OWS in an Olympic during February, the water was in the 50's and I could NEVER get used to putting my face in that cold water.  Everytime I tried, my breathing would skyrocket.  Seriously, how do you train yourself to immerse your face in cold water?


2012-09-27 4:09 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Have you taken an ice bath yet?

Just keep putting your face in the cold water until you get used to it. Wink  The water won't be that cold in Rockwall.


Edited by jackiep 2012-09-27 4:10 PM
2012-09-27 4:18 PM
in reply to: #4430949

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
goose1126 - 2012-09-27 4:57 PM

cgregg - 2012-09-27 12:27 PM
rrrunner - 2012-09-27 1:23 PM

Tom Demerly. - 2012-09-27 11:18 AM Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Completely agree with Tom.  Get there early. Do some swimming with your face in the water so you get use to it.  That is the weirdest part. Otherwise, if you've got the fitness, you'll be golden. There may be some bumping/contact with other swimmers.  Hopefully you already experienced that in your pool swim.  Usually it's not too bad but some races are a bit physical at the start until the field thins out.

Have a great time! Remember, we do this for FUN!

+1 to the bolded! Absolutely get your face in the water and swim around a little before the race, this is even more important if the water has gotten chilly. Not doing so risks you getting short of breath from a little shock factor, and this often is what causes people to panic at first. Once you get in and get acclimated and warm up a little.. .then, it's just a matter of have fun and race your race Enjoy your first!

The only time I did an OWS in an Olympic during February, the water was in the 50's and I could NEVER get used to putting my face in that cold water.  Everytime I tried, my breathing would skyrocket.  Seriously, how do you train yourself to immerse your face in cold water?


That's why you get in BEFORE the race.
Ear plugs help a LOT when it is that cold (or pull the swim cap down over the ears). Other than that, just put your full face into the water, and start swimming some warm ups... get your blood moving, things will settle out. It'll still be cold, but the heart rate should come back to regular workout levels. The heart rate skyrocketing (and the mind kinda freaking out with a "holy crap, that's COLD!") is the normal physiological reaction to your face/head going into really cold water, and it is this that induces panic in lots of people... and you don't want the start of the race to be the first moment you experience it that day

If you have to, do like you would at the pool as a kid.... dive under completely for a second or two. Then surface and swim around for a bit, put your head under some more. Things feel less extreme once you experience them.
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