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2012-09-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Santa Clara, UT
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
Start SLOW......super slow!  Nothing worse than letting your nerves and the adrenaline cause you to start too fast in the swim.  At the start keep telling yourself to "keep it slow" until you know for certain that have found your rhythm. Tune out all the other swimmers....they will only cause you to go faster than you should at the start.

2012-09-27 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4430390

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
Tom Demerly. - 2012-09-28 3:18 AM

Be sure to allow yourself some time to get to the race early and get a good warm-up so you are relatively calm and comfortable in the water before the start.

Remember people like Diana Nyad, the ultramarathon swimmer who has made four attempts to swim from Cuba to Florida. Nyad had to swim in the open ocean at night- all night. If a 60+ year old woman (admittedly an incredible athlete) can do that, you can do this.

Remember your training, remember no one is as prepared as they'd like to be, take a few deep breaths, start wide of the group and get a good warm up in the water and you'll be awesome. Have a great race! Report back here please Ma'am when you're done.

I think I have a crush on Tom..!!!!  Great advice.

2012-09-28 5:15 AM
in reply to: #4430386

Niagara Region
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
My 2 cents. As a former lifeguard, people in swimming situations that had trouble always panicked. The funny thing was I believe most of these people would have been fine if they just remained calm. My point is relax and stay calm. Here is my advice on race day. Get to the side and let the race horses go, find a little open water and start swimming. LISTEN to Your breathing you know what feels right. If you are going out to fast with the crowd slow down. Also use the first 200-300 hundred meters to set up your rhythm. Most people in races tend to go out fast and run into breathing problems and then need to check up.

What I do is get into my rythym and let my breathing dictate my pace. I typically am at the front of my age group. But it's not because I race out front and stay there. I pace my self and maintain MY pace. It makes you race way more fun too.

Cheers and good luck.
2012-09-28 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4430386

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Lake Oswego, OR
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

People have offfered some great advice.

When I'm at the start of a triathlon I can always spot the people who are going to have a problem. They are nervous and quiet. I just start talking with them. it gets their mind off it. You might find someone who is uneasy at the start and just chat it up a bit. Don't worry about missing the start. Just start near the back and off to the side and enjoy yourself. Don't try to cut too close to a buoy.

2012-09-28 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4430386

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
And don't forget to tell us how it went!
2012-09-28 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

I was right there with you before my first sprint in July this year.  I had done some OWS but always by myself (with my husband as a spotter, of course!).  I have this irrational fear of deep water.  I wish I could say that I overcame it, but no, its still there.  HOWEVER, I was surprisingly very comfortable in the OWS at the race partly because there were so many other people with me in the water.  I did not once think about creatures, goo, deep pits of abyss .... rather, I just swam because that was what everyone else was doing. 

I agree with the other postings that say stay back and to the side and don't let the others rev you up and get too excited.  But, I found the emotions and energy of the mass start and lots of thrashing people helped me to calm down and just swim.

Good luck!!

2012-10-05 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4430386

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Get up front and as far out to the side as you can.  Pick the side opposite that you normaly breathe (i.e. if you breathe to your as far left as possible).   You may swim an extra 30 yards, but when you breathe you will be able to see other swimmers which will reduce the chance that you stray off course by guiding off other swimmers and not having to look up to sight all the time.


Good luck.

2012-10-05 1:08 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

The swim start is set to be a time trial start. The water was low last year and it was an in water start. So this year you will cross the timing mat on the dock and jump in and go.

There is a Free open water seminar at noon on saturday for all racers. That would be a greeat thing for you to go there. If its raining and cold they may nix it though.

2012-10-05 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4430560

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Plano, National Capital Region
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please
qtzie - 2012-09-27 1:24 PM

Oh my goodness this is all wonderful!  Thank you everyone!  So did I understand correctly that it is okay with rules to grab a kayak if I need to?  And yes- I am doing the US Open- best wishes to you too!  It will be very intimidating with all of the professionals around!

Good luck - I'll be there but doing the Oly.  The pros will likely be done with the bike before the sprint waves even get out of the water so no need to get intimidated.

If you have to rest, it's ok to hold on to a kayak if it's close by but it's much easier to just turn on your back and relax as the kayak may not be close. If you are holding on - just tell them you are resting and as long as they don't help you move forward, it's ok.

I can't remember if they allow warm-ups at the US Open so your best best is probably to get in the water as soon as your wave is allowed to, and then swim around a bit until they signal the wave start. However, I think 2 years ago, it was time trial so there wasn't time to practice - since you jump off the dock and off you go!

Edited by m2tx 2012-10-05 2:08 PM
2012-10-05 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Newtown Square, PA
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

I was in your shoes earlier this spring as I approached my first OWS in my first sprint.  To say I was nervous would be a total understatement!  I read many articles and BT discussions on preparing for an OWS.  Getting your face wet before the race, focusing on normal breathing, floating on back, starting outside and in back, etc. is all great advice.  But the best advice I often see in BT discussions regarding getting over any hurdle is to smile! 

A couple hundred years into my first OWS I thought “I can’t believe I am actually doing this” and I smiled.  I put my head down and powered through the rest of the swim.  My second tri later this summer included an OWS in the ocean and the surf was pretty rough that day.  At one point I get hit by a wave when trying to take a breath.  I actually began to laugh under water, smiled again, and just kept on going. 

You know you had a great race when at the end your cheek muscles are also sore…from smiling so much.  Have fun!!

Mike Smile

2012-10-05 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa.
Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

Tons of good advice already given.  Here are some tips that I have gathered after reading tons of OWS threads on BT:

1.  It's okay to pee in your wetsuit.  It's rather refreshing and will warm you up.  (Ignore the grossness of it).

2.  People will bump into you.  You will bump into people.  We all know it.  Don't think you have to apologize to everyone you bump into, or punch, or kick in the face.  It happens to all of us.  Either giving or receiving.

3.  Find a rythmn of stroking, breathing and sighting.  I like to think in my head "Stroke, Stroke, Breathe, Stroke Stroke Breathe, Stroke Stroke Breathe, SIGHT".  Works for me and helps me relax.

4.  Even after a warm up, on a time trial swim you will still get that rush of cold water.  Just relax and breathe. 

5.  Start on the outside.  My first couple of OWS races I put myself on the outside, opposite of the first turn.  For example, if the first turn is a turn to the left, I started on the right side of the pack.

6.  Goggles will fog up.  If you need to, tread water, take them off, spit in them, rinse them, and off you go.  I noticed foggy goggles in the pool so much more than in OWS that it only bothered me one time during a race. 

7.  Relax.  Have fun.  and Run your A$$ off to transition!!

Good luck!!!!!



2012-10-05 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4430386

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Subject: RE: Need a pep talk on first open water swim please

all good advice above but just a something else

Be sure to swim your own race and dont be concerned about the others around you whether they are going faster this means you may have to consciously pay attention not to go out too fast (i am assuming you are not trying to podium) and just get into your groove


good will do it and report back to us soon!

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