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2006-06-20 11:43 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
Ok so my husband just got a bike and has been very excited about it until his parents mentioned that there is a link between cycling and impotency in men. So he did a little research (very little) and found something on the internet that backed this up. Needless to say he is paranoid about riding his bike now. I'm thinking if this is true, than how come the sport is so popular with guys? Has anyone ever heard this or know anything about it? If there is a link, is there something to do to reduce the chances of this happening? I would appreciate any info anyone has on this so I can tell my husband to stop worrying or give him some tips on how to prevent it from happening. I warned you that it was a strange question!

2006-06-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #460355

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

How many kids does Lance have?  3?   'nuff said.


2006-06-20 11:50 AM
in reply to: #460355

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Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
OK I asked a good source on this -- a friend of mine who's a doctor -- and he said no. I believe him as he's pretty smart and has a degree that's not from the Caribbean Islands.

He, however, did say: "What would cause impotence is if you hit a massive bump and had your b***s chopped off."
2006-06-20 11:55 AM
in reply to: #460364

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
coredump - 2006-06-20 12:47 PM

How many kids does Lance have?  3?   'nuff said.


True he does have 3 kids, but they were all concieved from artificial insemination so it would'nt matter if he was impotent.
2006-06-20 11:57 AM
in reply to: #460367

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Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

He, however, did say: "What would cause impotence is if you hit a massive bump and had your b***s chopped off."

Well, that would certainly do it LOL

Google is your friend: one of many hits searching cycling and impotence

2006-06-20 12:02 PM
in reply to: #460382

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
ChrisM - 2006-06-20 12:57 PM

He, however, did say: "What would cause impotence is if you hit a massive bump and had your b***s chopped off."

Well, that would certainly do it LOL

Google is your friend: one of many hits searching cycling and impotence

Yeah, I think this link must be where my husband got confirmation of what his parents told him. That article would scare me out of cycling if I was a guy.

2006-06-20 12:05 PM
in reply to: #460355

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
There may be some correlation, but look on the bright side.

Less potency means more practice (conceiving)

2006-06-20 12:08 PM
in reply to: #460355

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

Much Riding On A Sore Subject

Bike Seat Link to Impotence Rests on Disputed Evidence

Author: Roy Furchgott; Special to The Washington Post
Washington PostAugust 28, 2001, Page: F1

For a fitness story with legs -- and real public impact -- it's hard to top the one that ran in a 1997 issue of Bicycling magazine.

The article cited an unpublished study by nationally prominent urologist Irwin Goldstein suggesting that bike seats crush the main artery to the penis, causing permanent impotence.

Soon the story was picked up by "20/20" and an impotence warning was appearing in just about every article about biking and injury. Goldstein, whose comments in the initial article were somewhat guarded -- "I cannot say that sitting on a bicycle seat causes impotence," he told the magazine, and "I can't claim that long-term compression causes impotency, but I kind of think it does in a very small percentage of cases" -- was soon dispensing irresistible quotes, such as, "There are two kinds of cyclists: those who are impotent and those who will be." Even a single ride on the wrong seat can do major and permanent damage, he says, and the only safe way to cycle is on a recumbent bike.

Anxious to quell fears raised by these remarks, manufacturers rushed to produce anatomically contoured bike seats for both sexes. (Goldstein says women cyclists also face reproductive health concerns.) These presumably safer seats are now sold widely, but consumers still worry.

"[The issue] comes up every day," reports "Faruq" Robinson, a salesperson at City Bikes in Washington, who says bike shoppers regularly ask him if a cycle they are eyeing will cause numbness and harm their sexual ability.

He tells them the truth: He doesn't know. In fact, aside from the self-assured Goldstein, no one seems to know what to believe.

Four years after Goldstein's bombshell, many experts retain grave doubts about the evidence on which it rests. Goldstein's findings have never been reviewed and assessed by his peers, published in an academic journal or tested and replicated by other researchers.

And while other studies suggesting a link between cycling and genital numbness or impotence have been published in scholarly journals, experts say these reports are flawed. Biking on a narrow, rock-hard seat -- or any ill-fitting or uncomfortable saddle -- may numb your privates, but there's no clear proof that temporary discomfort or lack of feeling is linked to impotence.

Those at odds with Goldstein include four well-regarded urologists. Contacted for this article, each said that while it is possible for male cyclists to damage the sexual apparatus in an accident -- especially by smashing the crotch against the top tube, the horizontal bar between the seat and the handlebars -- the chances of doing lingering damage by just sitting tight and pedaling are very low.

"It's safe to bicycle," says William D. Steers, chairman of the urology department at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville. "That's an easy one. This whole [impotence-cycling] thing is really out of proportion. In China 90 percent of the male population cycles, and they don't seem to have a problem maintaining the population."

The cycling-impotence question, Steers says, has diverted attention from behavioral factors -- like smoking, overeating and inactivity -- that are far riskier to male reproductive health. "I find it disconcerting that attention to unhealthy behaviors hasn't been raised, when a healthful activity is getting this huge scrutiny."

Goldstein says he became convinced of cycling's ill effects after noticing in the mid-1980s that many of his male patients with complaints of sexual dysfunction were cyclists. He wondered if some of these problems stemmed from sitting on a narrow saddle for prolonged periods. His theory was that the saddle pushed into the perineum -- the soft tissue between the sit bones of the pelvis. Routed between those bones are the major blood vessels that feed the penis. Compressing soft tissue between a hard saddle and a hard bone, he suggested, was courting disaster.

After months of requests for copies of his initial study and a second one (also unpublished), Goldstein failed to provide much of that research for this article, saying the information was not readily available. But he agreed to describe his findings by phone.

According to the magazine article, Goldstein assembled a test group of 100 bike-riding men who had come to him for treatment of impotence. He measured blood flow to the penis while they lay flat on their backs and he applied pressure to the perineum with one of two cycling saddles or a chair. Goldstein says he found a 66 percent average reduction in blood flow from a narrow saddle, a 25 percent reduction from a wide saddle and no reduction from a chair. From this, he concluded that repeated compression of the penile artery would cause it to flatten or become blocked, which would eventually result in impotence.

Goldstein says he presented these findings at an American Urological Association conference. (He said he couldn't recall exactly when and where this meeting occurred, and the organization was unable to verify when Goldstein made this presentation.)

Goldstein says he followed his compression research with a second study, showing that cyclists had more than three times the impotence rate of runners, which he presented at another medical convention. Arthur Burnett, associate professor of urology at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, calls this study, based on questionnaires to members of a running club and a cycling club, "terribly flawed."

"I think the premise was inflated; to presume that [cycling] is a major cause of erectile dysfunction in America is not correct," says Burnett. Goldstein's hypothesis, he says, "needs to be corroborated by other studies that show how real it is."

Goldstein says he's been too busy to submit his studies for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and that it's hard to find sponsors to pay for corroborating research. His critics, he says, "are welcome to their own opinion. I see patients with this problem all of the time."

Over the last two decades, more than a dozen studies examining the relationship between cycling and impotence have been published in medical journals. Steers says all of them have problems, such as an inadequate control population of non-cyclists of the same age and physical condition, and small sample size. "To power a study you need thousands of men," says Steers, while the largest of the published reports included only 160 men.

From where he sits -- with a professorship at the Boston University School of Medicine, honors from his professional colleagues and a practice where he treats as many as six patients a week for impotence that he believes is related to cycling -- Goldstein says he needs no further convincing. "If you sat in my chair, it would be clear. The impotent come in here, and I am the advocate for them."

While advocacy may not foster dispassionate research, it sells in the free market. Former emergency physician and inventor Roger Minkow used Goldstein's data to design a saddle with a channel cut to relieve pressure on the perineum. The Specialized Body Geometry saddle has sold 1.3 million units and sparked a design revolution. Minkow says his seat -- if it is properly fitted to the rider -- is as easy on the perineum as a chair. He also says he has research -- unpublished -- to back up this claim.

While the hazardous-saddle question remains unresolved, some riders clearly like having a choice of seat configurations. Says Robinson at City Bikes, "I had one of my customers kind of barge in on a crowded day and holler, 'Hey guys, my new saddle is great! My penis doesn't fall asleep anymore.' That's the level of enthusiasm."

Copyright 2001 The Washington Post

2006-06-20 12:09 PM
in reply to: #460355

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
If may contribute, but I don't think your husband is going to be putting in that kind of mileage to make any difference.
2006-06-20 12:09 PM
in reply to: #460355

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Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
A conversation with my doctor friend:

me: What about THIS!!!???

him: good grief
him: you're not on a bike long enough to cause impotence/sterility problems

me: How long do you have to be on the bike?

him: and even if that were the case, you'd have to have some serious nerve issues to keep from being able to point and shoot

me: aha ... so how long are we talking? Like days?

him: i can't give you a time frame, but physiologically and anatomically, the benefits of bike riding outweigh the vaguest of potential for impotency
2006-06-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: #460396

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Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

We're gonna have to have a little talk on the difference between being impotent and being sterile.

McFuzz - 2006-06-20 12:05 PM There may be some correlation, but look on the bright side. Less potency means more practice (conceiving)

2006-06-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: #460396

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
McFuzz - 2006-06-20 1:05 PM

There may be some correlation, but look on the bright side.

Less potency means more practice (conceiving)

I think he is more concerned about losing his ability to practice, not concieving (we already have 3 kids)
2006-06-20 12:14 PM
in reply to: #460355

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South of SLC
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
I ride quite a bit and I don't have performance issues at all. Of course, my maternal grandpa is where the sex drive in our family comes from -- he was legendary. When he died and my brothers and I were cleaning up his house for the wake, etc. we found a receipt in his nightstand for condoms from two weeks before he died. He was 86 years old and very, very single.

2006-06-20 12:14 PM
in reply to: #460401

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

Not much to add to that article. Basically your husband would have to log thousands of miles on an improperly fit bike witha bad saddle and maybe it wud cause a problem.

 btw he doesn't still listen to his parents does he? Smile

2006-06-20 12:16 PM
in reply to: #460355

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Extreme Veteran
Greer, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
I don't know about impotence, but when I first got my bike, the seat was adjusted wrong and the pressure caused all the male parts to go numb. I was more than a little concerned the first time it happened, but a slight seat angle adjustment solved the problem. Besides it feels really good when the feeling comes back. Wait, did I say that out loud?
2006-06-20 12:18 PM
in reply to: #460389

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Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
katiefrog15 - 2006-06-20 10:02 AM
ChrisM - 2006-06-20 12:57 PM

He, however, did say: "What would cause impotence is if you hit a massive bump and had your b***s chopped off."

Well, that would certainly do it LOL

Google is your friend: one of many hits searching cycling and impotence

Yeah, I think this link must be where my husband got confirmation of what his parents told him. That article would scare me out of cycling if I was a guy.

hmmmmm, doesn't scare me, and I don't mean that from a bragging point of view, rather it gives me options on how to fix it and signs to watch for.  Think of the number of cyclists in the world, are all the guys really in danger?  This is equivalent, to me of people worrying about sharks while OW swimming.  Get the facts. Do what you can do to avoid/prevent/minimize any adverse affects, and do it.  Or allow it to frighten you into doing nothing.

Further google research indicates there's a Dr. Irwin Goldstein who is the main proponent of cycling--caused impotency, and has spawned a "mini industry", he seems to do well on speaking tours etc............  Some think he's a kook.  Others suggest (wisely) that cuation is needed.  Get a cut out saddle.  change positions, get fitted, etc.

Just my .02

2006-06-20 12:19 PM
in reply to: #460416

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
rollinbones - 2006-06-20 1:14 PM

Not much to add to that article. Basically your husband would have to log thousands of miles on an improperly fit bike witha bad saddle and maybe it wud cause a problem.

 btw he doesn't still listen to his parents does he? Smile

I'm afraid he does listen to his parents, but he will listen to people that cycle regularly also, hence my need to post this thread.
2006-06-20 12:23 PM
in reply to: #460427

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
As someone who has racked up thousands upon thousands of miles over the last 14 years (easily well over 20,000 miles), let me tell you ......... I have had ZERO problems in that area!! And my wife's 5 pregnancies attest to that (2 miscarriages, 3 beautiful little boys).

Tell him to suck it up, make sure the bike is fitted to him correctly and quit coming up with excuses not to ride!!
2006-06-20 12:24 PM
in reply to: #460355

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
I heard of this once before...somthing about decreased amount of blood flow in the....well you know.  But anyway...I don't think there is too much to worry about, as plenty of my fellow riders have no issues with teh kids. 
2006-06-20 12:35 PM
in reply to: #460355

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

This is the U.S. If cycling lead to impotence, the major bike and saddle companies would all be out of business due to lawsuits for causing impotence in tens if not hundreds of thousands of men, or we'd have to sign a waiver any time we bought one.

As long as he's not going numb while riding he's fine.


2006-06-20 12:45 PM
in reply to: #460355

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

I was hoping this was true.  Someday (like when she's 30) my daughter will begin dating.  Every boy who comes to the house for a first date (and they WILL have to come to the house for a first date) will be given a bike with this saddle on it.  For every 100 miles they ride they get another date with my daughter.



stonesaddle.jpg (23KB - 18 downloads)

2006-06-20 1:39 PM
in reply to: #460477

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
Whew, at first I thought you were going to say for every 100 miles they rode on that that they could ride your daughter ......... {/sarcasm}

Sorry, had to, the door was wide open there .... ;-P
2006-06-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #460582

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems

Daremo - 2006-06-20 1:39 PM {sarcasm} Whew, at first I thought you were going to say for every 100 miles they rode on that that they could ride your daughter ......... {/sarcasm} Sorry, had to, the door was wide open there .... ;-P

Okay, I just learned that I don't deal with sarcasm about my daughter very well.  Excuse me while I put my desk back together and try to get a refund on that plane ticke to MD.


2006-06-20 1:51 PM
in reply to: #460582

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
Daremo - 2006-06-20 1:39 PM {sarcasm} Whew, at first I thought you were going to say for every 100 miles they rode on that that they could ride your daughter ......... {/sarcasm} Sorry, had to, the door was wide open there .... ;-P

Sorry hangloose I know I shouldn't be laughing at this but jeeezzz! I just spit the water I was drinking all over my monitor… thanks Rick now I have to make up a story about why I find an income statement is so funny…

2006-06-20 1:54 PM
in reply to: #460584

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Strange question about cycling and umm...male problems
hangloose - 2006-06-20 1:40 PM

Daremo - 2006-06-20 1:39 PM {sarcasm} Whew, at first I thought you were going to say for every 100 miles they rode on that that they could ride your daughter ......... {/sarcasm} Sorry, had to, the door was wide open there .... ;-P

Okay, I just learned that I don't deal with sarcasm about my daughter very well.  Excuse me while I put my desk back together and try to get a refund on that plane ticke to MD.


{not canceling ticket to MD, just changing it over to MA.}


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