BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-01-15 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4578910

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New user
South Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Ybeal - 2013-01-15 8:16 AM What's on tap for this week? My goal is to actually get three runs in, tues, thurs and long on Saturday, keeping my fingers crossed. Working on my form a bit, trying to take some hints from chi running. Does anyone practice chi running?Going to spin tomorrow, I've been away from that too Long. I'd also like to get at least one road ride in this week. Next week I'm going to get back in the pool too!Tues - runWeds - spinThurs - runFriday - bikeSaturday - runI'm fortunate I can still be outside fairly comfortably in NC in winter, anyone else?Yvonne


I love Chi Running. I think it has really helped me stay injury free in my marathon training (fingers crossed that sticks).

My week:

Sunday - 23 miles cycling w/ hubby - We wanted to do more but ran out of time and had to get back to pick up kids.
Monday - mile swim, 4 mile run
Tuesday - 60 minutes of cycling this morning & will run 30 minutes tonight
Wednesday - Morning 1 miles swim, evening run w/ my run group - likely 7 miles
Thursday - OFF DAY 
Friday - Morning swim workout, evening trainer ride
Saturday - Workout with marathon run group .... I think this is our 20 mile week (ouch)


2013-01-15 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4551230

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Not sure if I should join mentor group: I am somewhat disabled due to a spinal cord injury 14 years ago. Pre-injury was fairly active athletically. Did my first 5K since injury on Saturday (42 min but no walking or stopping, 3 min better than my training runs); would like to take the next step, and I think sprint triathlon is next natural training, since I am able to bike between 10-20 miles without difficulty. I used to be a strong swimmer, and think I can regain that ability.

What  are your thoughts.



2013-01-15 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4578424

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
rydergal - 2013-01-14 7:17 PM
juniperjen - 2013-01-07 9:29 AM

Hey guys - wondering if i can join in.  Is there still room?  I am not a newbie to triathlon but i am finding myself at a new crossroads as i am 18 weeks pregnant and looking to keep fit but keep perspective as i head out on the journey to parentdom. 

I have a busy day today but could probably check in more formally tomorrow ...  

Hey ! Glad to find another in the same boat! I'm not a newbie either but 14 weeks prego and trying to balance not training like an Ironman this past summer but more realistically to just stay in shape and not have a race goal but a goal of a healthy baby and healthy quick labor!

It is awesome!  I just had my 18-20 week ultrasound and did not find out the sex.  Officially 20 weeks later this week. But i am so glad to have a couple of ladies who are in the same boat. I am not being super active - nothing like Ironman training - but I have several cousins who are also pregnant and nowhere near as active in general so it's not like they really understand - it's a bit of a strange transition from Ironman to pregnant.

But because my due date is smack in June I am not planning any races - as it is unlikely i would be able to commit to any summer races and being Canadian will mean tri season is over by the time i will be able to really think about it. It's weird not to have a goal race but this is whole new thing!

Edited by juniperjen 2013-01-15 10:54 AM
2013-01-15 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4579204

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
helirn - 2013-01-15 10:53 AM

Not sure if I should join mentor group: I am somewhat disabled due to a spinal cord injury 14 years ago. Pre-injury was fairly active athletically. Did my first 5K since injury on Saturday (42 min but no walking or stopping, 3 min better than my training runs); would like to take the next step, and I think sprint triathlon is next natural training, since I am able to bike between 10-20 miles without difficulty. I used to be a strong swimmer, and think I can regain that ability.

What  are your thoughts.



Wow, congrats on the 5k! 

As for triathlon you have quite a few options to ease yourself in - try a tris (also known as mini sprints are common) which are nice short distance races with a beginner friendly vibe.   Plus, there are relays where if you have a friend willing to do one or two of the legs for you - ie you bike - someone else swims and runs ... there are also some places where indoor tris are available so the swim is in a pool if that's more comfortable for you. 

2013-01-15 10:56 AM
in reply to: #4579068

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
vtate75 - 2013-01-15 9:48 AM

Ybeal - 2013-01-15 8:16 AM What's on tap for this week? My goal is to actually get three runs in, tues, thurs and long on Saturday, keeping my fingers crossed. Working on my form a bit, trying to take some hints from chi running. Does anyone practice chi running?Going to spin tomorrow, I've been away from that too Long. I'd also like to get at least one road ride in this week. Next week I'm going to get back in the pool too!Tues - runWeds - spinThurs - runFriday - bikeSaturday - runI'm fortunate I can still be outside fairly comfortably in NC in winter, anyone else?Yvonne


I love Chi Running. I think it has really helped me stay injury free in my marathon training (fingers crossed that sticks).

My week:

Sunday - 23 miles cycling w/ hubby - We wanted to do more but ran out of time and had to get back to pick up kids.
Monday - mile swim, 4 mile run
Tuesday - 60 minutes of cycling this morning & will run 30 minutes tonight
Wednesday - Morning 1 miles swim, evening run w/ my run group - likely 7 miles
Thursday - OFF DAY 
Friday - Morning swim workout, evening trainer ride
Saturday - Workout with marathon run group .... I think this is our 20 mile week (ouch)


I swam last night with the group - i showed up embarrasingly late but had a wonderful swim. It  felt so good to be in the water - i kind of felt like i just did a yoga class - a good workout but nice and relaxed.

Tonight, I am going to use my new treadmill for the first time!!! YAY! I'll have to post a picture of it. It looks HUGE in my basement. 

2013-01-15 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4579334

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
juniperjen - 2013-01-15 11:50 AM

It is awesome!  I just had my 18-20 week ultrasound and did not find out the sex.  Officially 20 weeks later this week. But i am so glad to have a couple of ladies who are in the same boat. I am not being super active - nothing like Ironman training - but I have several cousins who are also pregnant and nowhere near as active in general so it's not like they really understand - it's a bit of a strange transition from Ironman to pregnant.

But because my due date is smack in June I am not planning any races - as it is unlikely i would be able to commit to any summer races and being Canadian will mean tri season is over by the time i will be able to really think about it. It's weird not to have a goal race but this is whole new thing!

Ha ha.  I'm 8 weeks behind you (due on July 31st) and I think I am going to do Lakeside as long as I don't have to have a C-section.  I'll do either the sprint or the try-a-tri just to do at least one race this year.  Also toying with the idea of Woodstock, but I'm not sure if that will work with a preggo belly.  I have a long body (5'9" and all body, shorty legs) so there it a lot of room for the baby to expand upwards instead of outwards.  at least that is what I am hoping

Had my 12 week appointment yesterday and we got to hear the heart rate with the doppler.  it was very cool. 

Swam for the first time in over a month last night.  cough is still giving me some issues, but it went a lot better than expected.  Only really did 4x50 m hard, the rest my goal was just to finish the sets (4x200 m - 100 m IM, 4x25 m kick - IM order, i.e., 4x25 dolphin, then on the next one 4x25 flutter on back, etc).  2000 m total.  Also ran on Sunday (not pretty), but I'm going to go again tonight on the treadmill after work.  I'm really starting to feel motivated again, so I guess I'll take it while it lasts!

2013-01-15 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4578910

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Ybeal - 2013-01-15 1:16 PM What's on tap for this week? My goal is to actually get three runs in, tues, thurs and long on Saturday, keeping my fingers crossed. Working on my form a bit, trying to take some hints from chi running. Does anyone practice chi running?Going to spin tomorrow, I've been away from that too Long. I'd also like to get at least one road ride in this week. Next week I'm going to get back in the pool too!Tues - runWeds - spinThurs - runFriday - bikeSaturday - runI'm fortunate I can still be outside fairly comfortably in NC in winter, anyone else?Yvonne

At the moment my week is on hold due to a being stuck in bed with a rotten cold Frown. taking it easy and hoping to get over it quickly and restart the training soon.  The funny thing is in the past a setback like this would be a good excuse to get out of exercising and would usually end up with me not doing anything for sometime.  But for the first time in my life I don't feel like that and am excited about get back in the gym!

2013-01-15 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Virginia...

Do you have room for one more?  If so, I could really use the support!

Name/Age/Location:  Kelli Wressell from Michigan. Im 47 years old, married and mother of two adult children and a 4 year old grandson AND I have a beautiful/fun Flatcoated Retriever.  I work work fulltime and try to workout 3-4 times a week. 

Story: 3 years ago, I lost 25 needed pounds during my divorce by working with weights, running 5k's and doing some hiking/biking and walking 2 half marathons. Last year, I married my soulmate/bestfriend.  We spent a lot of time celebrating our new life together and instead of exercising, spent the time wining/dining.  I, unfortunately, gained 15 lbs back and feel terrible.  We both have made the typical New Years Resolution to get back to where we need to be.  My husband is a mountain biker, runner and triathlete. He is my inspiration for trying to TRI.  We do everything together...and I would love to share this experience with him. 

Training Plan:  I have a 22 week training plan that starts mid February. M/W/F have dual trainings (swim/bike or swim/run) Tues is just biking, Sat. long walk/run and Sun. long ride.

2013 Plans:  I am doing a 50 mile road bike ride in May and the M22 Challenge in June (run in the sand dunes, bike ride and kayak).  I am registered for a "mini" tri end of June, a He/She Sprint Tri with my husband in July, and my first "solo" open water tri in September.  MY GOAL IS TO SIMPLY COMPLETE THESE...AND NOT BE LAST!

Concerns: Im really trying to get motivated now and get my butt back in the gym...I must lose the 15 lbs quickly so I can squeeze into that little Speedo to swim and not be embarrassed!  I am not a very good runner...longest distance has been 5K and that was very slow. 

Im looking forward to haviing a support system (though my husband is does a great job)...I know I need all the help I can get.  It would also be nice to be able to share success and setbacks with others in similar situation.

2013-01-15 4:05 PM
in reply to: #4579759

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
kwressell - 2013-01-15 3:14 PM

Hi Virginia...

Do you have room for one more?  If so, I could really use the support!

Name/Age/Location:  Kelli Wressell from Michigan. Im 47 years old, married and mother of two adult children and a 4 year old grandson AND I have a beautiful/fun Flatcoated Retriever.  I work work fulltime and try to workout 3-4 times a week. 

Story: 3 years ago, I lost 25 needed pounds during my divorce by working with weights, running 5k's and doing some hiking/biking and walking 2 half marathons. Last year, I married my soulmate/bestfriend.  We spent a lot of time celebrating our new life together and instead of exercising, spent the time wining/dining.  I, unfortunately, gained 15 lbs back and feel terrible.  We both have made the typical New Years Resolution to get back to where we need to be.  My husband is a mountain biker, runner and triathlete. He is my inspiration for trying to TRI.  We do everything together...and I would love to share this experience with him. 

Training Plan:  I have a 22 week training plan that starts mid February. M/W/F have dual trainings (swim/bike or swim/run) Tues is just biking, Sat. long walk/run and Sun. long ride.

2013 Plans:  I am doing a 50 mile road bike ride in May and the M22 Challenge in June (run in the sand dunes, bike ride and kayak).  I am registered for a "mini" tri end of June, a He/She Sprint Tri with my husband in July, and my first "solo" open water tri in September.  MY GOAL IS TO SIMPLY COMPLETE THESE...AND NOT BE LAST!

Concerns: Im really trying to get motivated now and get my butt back in the gym...I must lose the 15 lbs quickly so I can squeeze into that little Speedo to swim and not be embarrassed!  I am not a very good runner...longest distance has been 5K and that was very slow. 

Im looking forward to haviing a support system (though my husband is does a great job)...I know I need all the help I can get.  It would also be nice to be able to share success and setbacks with others in similar situation.

Welcome Kelli! I'm sure you'll find lots of motivation/inspiration here. I'm 40 and just completed my first year of Tri. So much fun! You're going to love it!


2013-01-15 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Anyone have some good tips to jump start weight loss? Looking to kick off this year right!



2013-01-15 9:43 PM
in reply to: #4551230

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Would I fit in? I am a 62 year old retired HS teacher. Years ago I regularly ran 5k, but ailing parents, work and life stalled me out. In the past 3 years I have ventured back into running. (Did the Polar Dash in Minneapolis New Years Day--it was 6 below at the starting line. I was s-l-o-w, but I never stopped to walk.)Last summer, my husband gave me a nice new bike that I really enjoy. Then I thought, "Hey, if I get back into swimming (after 25 years, ha!) I could train for one of those short Tris." Well, my first swim was a disappointment so I went online and signed up for a Total Immersion class. So glad I did! I went from gasping after a 50m length to swimming 1/2 mile in 30min. I have signed up for the TriGoddess tri in MI this June and am feeling some trepidation. My goal is to finish under 2 hours, but I don't really know how to train. We have an amazing wellness center here at the u of Iowa that I joined. Today, I rode the bike for 15 minutes and then tried to run 15 on the track. It felt awful! I am hoping I can blame it on a late breakfast. I honestly cannot imagine what it would be like to swim bike and run in one series. My health is good, though I need to lose 15#. It would be great to have a mentor If the group is full by the time you get this, may I ask for a recommendation? I am considering signing up for the silver or gold membership to be able to use the trainng plans. Which membership makes the most sense for someone like me? I am also thinking about signing up for the monthly individualized coaching program. Thanks in advance for any help you can share!

2013-01-16 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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Nairobi, Kenya
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi!  I've really been thinking about trying to order a bike to be sent out here to the DPO in Kenya, even if I won't get too many actual road miles on it.  It'll probably be mostly trainer miles (once I get one of those!)  So my options are limited to online shopping.  I'm short: 5' 1" and have about a 27"- 28" inseam.  I'm hoping for a little advice: 

  1. What exactly is "stand over"?  I can assume what it is, but you know what can happen there!
  2. I've heard mixed things about Bikes Direct...any thoughts?  Advice on bikes there?
  3. Any other good places to look at for value newbie bikes?

My bottom isn't too bad after my last ride compared to the first, but I know the upright gym bike isn't going to cut it, and I have to join a gym for spin classes.  I'm outta here in about 5 months, and want to race in August'ish timeframe.  I don't think waiting until so close to the race is a good idea, training wise.

Thanks, all!

2013-01-16 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4580401

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New user
South Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

GrannyGump - 2013-01-15 10:43 PM Would I fit in? I am a 62 year old retired HS teacher. Years ago I regularly ran 5k, but ailing parents, work and life stalled me out. In the past 3 years I have ventured back into running. (Did the Polar Dash in Minneapolis New Years Day--it was 6 below at the starting line. I was s-l-o-w, but I never stopped to walk.)Last summer, my husband gave me a nice new bike that I really enjoy. Then I thought, "Hey, if I get back into swimming (after 25 years, ha!) I could train for one of those short Tris." Well, my first swim was a disappointment so I went online and signed up for a Total Immersion class. So glad I did! I went from gasping after a 50m length to swimming 1/2 mile in 30min. I have signed up for the TriGoddess tri in MI this June and am feeling some trepidation. My goal is to finish under 2 hours, but I don't really know how to train. We have an amazing wellness center here at the u of Iowa that I joined. Today, I rode the bike for 15 minutes and then tried to run 15 on the track. It felt awful! I am hoping I can blame it on a late breakfast. I honestly cannot imagine what it would be like to swim bike and run in one series. My health is good, though I need to lose 15#. It would be great to have a mentor If the group is full by the time you get this, may I ask for a recommendation? I am considering signing up for the silver or gold membership to be able to use the trainng plans. Which membership makes the most sense for someone like me? I am also thinking about signing up for the monthly individualized coaching program. Thanks in advance for any help you can share!

Welcome! As a fellow high school teacher, I welcome my own kind!

What you are feeling right now is totally normal. I think most of us start with the fear that there is no way we can do it. I have a silver membership, and there are many good plans. To begin with, you really need to get out there and just do all three disciplines. Once you have a good base in each, you will feel much more confident. You can do it!

2013-01-16 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4580636

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New user
South Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
TryNatTri - 2013-01-16 8:23 AM

Hi!  I've really been thinking about trying to order a bike to be sent out here to the DPO in Kenya, even if I won't get too many actual road miles on it.  It'll probably be mostly trainer miles (once I get one of those!)  So my options are limited to online shopping.  I'm short: 5' 1" and have about a 27"- 28" inseam.  I'm hoping for a little advice: 

  1. What exactly is "stand over"?  I can assume what it is, but you know what can happen there!
  2. I've heard mixed things about Bikes Direct...any thoughts?  Advice on bikes there?
  3. Any other good places to look at for value newbie bikes?

My bottom isn't too bad after my last ride compared to the first, but I know the upright gym bike isn't going to cut it, and I have to join a gym for spin classes.  I'm outta here in about 5 months, and want to race in August'ish timeframe.  I don't think waiting until so close to the race is a good idea, training wise.

Thanks, all!

Sounds like you are making good choices and progressing nicely! Standover height is the height of the top tube from the ground. When you are straddling the frame, your crotch should be about 1 - 3 inches above the tube. So if your inseam is 28 inches, you would be looking for a bike where the top tube was about 26 inches? Make sense? You need enough room to clear it, but you want it to be close. My husband is a fan of bikes direct. If you look at the components of the bikes, many have great components that are as good or better than name brand bikes. When you pick a bike, don't get caught up in the bling and "bike envy." It's hard not to spend a ton, but you really don't need to. You need a good road bike, but you don't need the "mac daddy." There are plenty of people riding $3000 bikes who are slower than the guy on a $700 bike. You work at it makes the most difference. Other than bikes direct, I think craigslist is a great bet. I'm not sure how that will work for you in Kenya, though. Good luck!

2013-01-16 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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New user
South Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN



I am the new voice of SWIM BIKE KID! If you follow Swim Bike Mom's blog or have read her book, you know that she is super inspirational & has been through it all. Recently she announced that she was hiring two bloggers, one for Swim Bike Dad and one for Swim Bike Kid (she's expanding her brand). I applied to be the voice of Swim Bike Kid and I got it. I will be blogging on,which you can get to from http://www.swimbikemomalso, and I will be posting to that facebook as well. SO....check it out and like it on Facebook. I'm so excited!

2013-01-16 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4580672

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
vtate75 - 2013-01-16 6:47 AM



I am the new voice of SWIM BIKE KID! If you follow Swim Bike Mom's blog or have read her book, you know that she is super inspirational & has been through it all. Recently she announced that she was hiring two bloggers, one for Swim Bike Dad and one for Swim Bike Kid (she's expanding her brand). I applied to be the voice of Swim Bike Kid and I got it. I will be blogging on,which you can get to from http://www.swimbikemomalso, and I will be posting to that facebook as well. SO....check it out and like it on Facebook. I'm so excited!


Congrats! that's great news! I'll have to check out her book!

2013-01-16 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4579334

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
juniperjen - 2013-01-15 9:50 AM
rydergal - 2013-01-14 7:17 PM
juniperjen - 2013-01-07 9:29 AM

Hey guys - wondering if i can join in.  Is there still room?  I am not a newbie to triathlon but i am finding myself at a new crossroads as i am 18 weeks pregnant and looking to keep fit but keep perspective as i head out on the journey to parentdom. 

I have a busy day today but could probably check in more formally tomorrow ...  

Hey ! Glad to find another in the same boat! I'm not a newbie either but 14 weeks prego and trying to balance not training like an Ironman this past summer but more realistically to just stay in shape and not have a race goal but a goal of a healthy baby and healthy quick labor!

It is awesome!  I just had my 18-20 week ultrasound and did not find out the sex.  Officially 20 weeks later this week. But i am so glad to have a couple of ladies who are in the same boat. I am not being super active - nothing like Ironman training - but I have several cousins who are also pregnant and nowhere near as active in general so it's not like they really understand - it's a bit of a strange transition from Ironman to pregnant.

But because my due date is smack in June I am not planning any races - as it is unlikely i would be able to commit to any summer races and being Canadian will mean tri season is over by the time i will be able to really think about it. It's weird not to have a goal race but this is whole new thing!

Good plan! you never know where you will be at with your first. I hope i can follow with what I did for my second but I'll just take it month by month. I agree it's strange- Allthough the body is happy that its not training for IM anymore it's been shoved into a new "race" not sure which is harder though!! hahah

2013-01-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4551230

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi!  Is there still space to join this group?  I hope so! 

NAME: Becca

STORY: I've never done a Triathlon but I'm turning 35 next month and I wanted a real goal to work toward.  I have played ice hockey most of my life, love biking and kayaking.  I work full time and I'm trying to carve out some time for training and getting healthy again.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, mother of a 2.5 yr old girl and a 5 mo old puppy

CURRENT TRAINING: I promised myself that I would commit to training in two month chunks.  I'm building endurance, core strength and working on form currently.  I've never been much for running so I've started the C25k program and have been able to get two runs per week for the last few weeks.  I'm trying to swim 2-3 times a week as well and am building strength training into the gaps.  I also still play hockey once a week, so I guess that's my 'off' day.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: A coworker and I are planning to register for our first triathlon in June or August 2013, it will be either a 1/4 mi or 1/2 mi swim, a 12.5 mi bike ride, and a 5k.  We keep telling ourselves this is doable if we have 7-8 months to train but we're both a little sheepish.

I'm looking forward to hearing from others in this group and really benefiting from the expertise here.  I'm also a little scared about training for a triathlon so I hope being part of the group will keep me from chickening out!



Edited by BeccaS 2013-01-16 3:23 PM
2013-01-16 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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New user

New York
Subject: I ran 5K

I ran 5K on the treadmill today!! Maybe not well... maybe not fast... but it can be done! Whoot!! I know it's not a marathon... but it's a step!


2013-01-16 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4581433

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Subject: RE: I ran 5K
TresLoca - 2013-01-16 3:15 PM

I ran 5K on the treadmill today!! Maybe not well... maybe not fast... but it can be done! Whoot!! I know it's not a marathon... but it's a step!



Way to go Ruth! Did you find it easier or harder than outside? I always find that it takes me longer on a treadmill for some reason lol!

Great job!


2013-01-16 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4581475

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New user

New York
Subject: RE: I ran 5K
Ybeal - 2013-01-16 3:42 PM
TresLoca - 2013-01-16 3:15 PM

I ran 5K on the treadmill today!! Maybe not well... maybe not fast... but it can be done! Whoot!! I know it's not a marathon... but it's a step!



Way to go Ruth! Did you find it easier or harder than outside? I always find that it takes me longer on a treadmill for some reason lol!

Great job!


Thanks Yvonne! I don't know if it's easier or harder, I'll have to answer that after I run outside. LOL This is the first step for me so I don't have anything to compare it to.


2013-01-16 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4581405

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
BeccaS - 2013-01-16 2:59 PM

Hi!  Is there still space to join this group?  I hope so! 

NAME: Becca

STORY: I've never done a Triathlon but I'm turning 35 next month and I wanted a real goal to work toward.  I have played ice hockey most of my life, love biking and kayaking.  I work full time and I'm trying to carve out some time for training and getting healthy again.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, mother of a 2.5 yr old girl and a 5 mo old puppy

CURRENT TRAINING: I promised myself that I would commit to training in two month chunks.  I'm building endurance, core strength and working on form currently.  I've never been much for running so I've started the C25k program and have been able to get two runs per week for the last few weeks.  I'm trying to swim 2-3 times a week as well and am building strength training into the gaps.  I also still play hockey once a week, so I guess that's my 'off' day.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: A coworker and I are planning to register for our first triathlon in June or August 2013, it will be either a 1/4 mi or 1/2 mi swim, a 12.5 mi bike ride, and a 5k.  We keep telling ourselves this is doable if we have 7-8 months to train but we're both a little sheepish.

I'm looking forward to hearing from others in this group and really benefiting from the expertise here.  I'm also a little scared about training for a triathlon so I hope being part of the group will keep me from chickening out!




Hi Becca! You have lots of time to train, no worries! I was really nervous for my first, um petrified actually, but at sprint distance there are TONS of first timers so don't stress and enjoy it!



2013-01-16 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4551230


Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Hello. I would like to join your forum. My first tri was an enticer in 2011. I nearly drowned so swore off triathlons for life! But here I am again. This year I have two Olympic distances planned plus a few smaller ones in between. Plus a half marathon. Plus no dout a few fun runs in between! My husband and I love our racing. I'm slow but steady. I've joined a Masters swimming group and I have downloaded a training programme off this website. The one I've chosen has two dedicated rest days - if I do a yoga class on one of these days, is that considered "training" or "rest". Not sure how yoga works with tri training! I have one child who is school aged and my husband is training for the same events so any tips of juggling both training schedules would be helpful too!


2013-01-16 10:46 PM
in reply to: #4581759

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Becca! You have lots of time to train, no worries! I was really nervous for my first, um petrified actually, but at sprint distance there are TONS of first timers so don't stress and enjoy it!


Thank you, Yvonne!  I'm very excited but also just a little terrified and slightly overwhelmed.  I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's tips and advice though!


2013-01-17 4:33 AM
in reply to: #4580672

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Nairobi, Kenya
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
vtate75 - 2013-01-16 4:47 PM



I am the new voice of SWIM BIKE KID! If you follow Swim Bike Mom's blog or have read her book, you know that she is super inspirational & has been through it all. Recently she announced that she was hiring two bloggers, one for Swim Bike Dad and one for Swim Bike Kid (she's expanding her brand). I applied to be the voice of Swim Bike Kid and I got it. I will be blogging on,which you can get to from http://www.swimbikemomalso, and I will be posting to that facebook as well. SO....check it out and like it on Facebook. I'm so excited!

Omg'ness! That's awesome! Do you do something with your day to sneak a few more hours in?? I want in on that secret! I'm so glad I joined this group. You really are inspirational! Thanks for the good advice, too!
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