BT Development Mentor Program Archives » FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING! Rss Feed  
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2013-01-15 5:32 AM
in reply to: #4578796

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
RunningReenie - 2013-01-15 1:18 AM

AKR18 - 2013-01-14 5:47 PM TELL ME- what are you doing now to fit in your bike workouts? Are you using gym equipment (spin class, spin bike, recumbent bike, stationary bike)? Do you have your road bike on a trainer for the winter? Do you live someplace warm and you are out on the roads? Let me know so i can adjust the plan- thanks!

I will be indoors on a trainer for a while. We have so much white stuff. Yay Canada! Potentially I may be inside until early to mid-April until I do the Try a Tri. Which is okay as I can commute to work and back in 20 minutes and it is more than the distance in my Try a Tri. I won't stress until the Olympic which is 40km. I can do 38km on a whim - just my arse hurt (even with the padded shorts) or I would have kept going. :-)

I will say this about the arse/ladybits area hurting- newbies, it does get better. It just takes longer distances for it to hurt. I can handle up to 20 miles in the saddle right now with padding and no ouchies. Over that? oy.

2013-01-15 5:45 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

click on TRAINING LOG button

for the day you want to add training, click on that particular day (tuesday, january blah blah)

Now you have the option to enter a swim, bike, or run workout. Yes run/walk counts. Enter your time, and mileage; or just your time; or just your mileage. For swimming note you can enter that in minutes per METERs or Yards (use the drop down bar to choose). If you enter mileage plus time, then press CALC button to figure out your pace.

And click SAVE.

Anything other than swim, bike run? scroll down to SPORTS, use drop down bar to select a sport, click ADD SPORT. Now a box opens to enter your time, do so, click save.

You can enter things too like weight, nutrition, injured/sick, how much you slept- that is your choice. I do not personally do that.

Why enter your workouts? See that pie chart on the side? That is my motivator. I like seeing what I have done that week. Also, at the end of the year you see how much you have done in each sport.
2013-01-15 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

Ohh, a bike challenge.  My roadie would be on the trainer, but I would love a swift kick in the fancy pants to get my mtb out.  We had a couple of inches of ice along with a foot of snow Christmas night, so the trails are just getting back to usable.  

My advice as far as the lady bits vs. bicycle seat:  a really good pair of riding shorts and getting VERY friendly with a stick of Body Glide.  Also, as I found out the hard way, as your body composition changes, your saddle may need to change as well.  Yowzerz!  

Hope everyone has a great day.  

Hoping to get 5k in this evening during kiddo's basketball practice.

2013-01-15 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4578852

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
AKR18 - 2013-01-15 3:30 AM
EV3110 - 2013-01-14 7:57 PM

AKR18 - 2013-01-14 4:47 PM  Looking ahead to February I am planning a bike-centered challenge. TELL ME- what are you doing now to fit in your bike workouts? Are you using gym equipment (spin class, spin bike, recumbent bike, stationary bike)? Do you have your road bike on a trainer for the winter? Do you live someplace warm and you are out on the roads? Let me know so i can adjust the plan- thanks!

Yay! a bike challenge! Im out on the road with my bike.  We've had a cold spell here so its been in the 20's in the morning & 50's in day.  But hey.  I AM NOT complaining!   My goal this month is to ride 25 miles a wk. 

Anne, do I have to be a BT member to be able to download BT's (free)20 wk to HIM taining plan?  Ive tried it twice and it seems to go through but when I go back to my log to check it out there's nothing there.


Elena- Check the forum for frequently asked questions.....or email them that question. I think you have to have a paying membership of some level to be able to import a training plan to your log. My first season I just printed it out, wrote it on my hanging calender, and there you go.

Looks like i have to be at least a Bronze member.  I do what you do, which is print it out but i just really like the way the graph shows planned training up against current training. 

Headed out for a ride.  Solo. Cold.  But I'ma do it!!  Then off for a little shopping for Brother-In-Law and return a pair of shoes that Santa bought for my little guy.  I need more running shoes myself, so will be shopping for me too!

2013-01-15 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Well, schools were just closed for inclement basketball will be my run is cancelled.  Now to get 30 miles home and to the top of my mountain in the sleet and snow
2013-01-17 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

HiYa!  Hoping since no one has been around these parts that means you all are out training

Hoping for my 5k tonight that was supposed to happen Tue. night

Hope everyone has a great day!

2013-01-18 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

Managed my 5k last night.  Slow, but completed.

How is everyone???

2013-01-18 4:31 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

I'm back. I flew to Floriday Wednesday Morning and left my computer at home- one purpose. And I am now back home, in Ohio, taking care of sickly kids- 2 out of 3. Not good.

I am crossing my fingers that tonight I can figure out a way to fit in 20 minutes of yoga before bedtime, and hoping my sitter comes through so I can fit in my long run tomorrow.

FLORIDA was gorgeous and we foudn our rental home, and I was able to attend a reception that was held to welcome my husband to his new office. I did sneak in a quick trip the beach for an hour between appointments yesterday.

I will get to checking on all of your logs this weekend. I was able to run yesterday morning, 3 miles in the dark, watching for gators. It was warm and very humid but WARM. Tomorrow? I'll be back to running in 30 something cold weather. Ick.
2013-01-19 7:42 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Talk about life getting in the way- how many of you gals have kiddos? No workout for me yesterday when I got home because of 2 sick kids. Today I'm praying I can fit in a long run- I have a sitter scheduled and am crossing my fingers. But wanted to point it out as an example- yesterday is a day I won't get to turn peach, but life does get in the way once in awhile. The important thing is to not let hiccups totally derail you- because I can find a thousand reasons NOT to run today, but I'm going to make it happen because I'd rather stick with this habit then go back to the habit of not working out. Long run, here I come!

Speaking of long runs- what is your go to nutrition? mine varies based on the distance. When I did my marathon training, I would drink heed and water, refilling often on the water when needed; I ate a gel 6 miles, a stinger waffle at 13 miles, another gel around 18-19 miles, and either sport beans or powerbar gummies in between.

Today I'm hoping for 7 miles and will take my water bottle belt with some heed and then some powerade gummies for fun. I'm heading down to my favorite metropark, around the loop, and home.

Hope everyone is training well!
2013-01-19 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4585793

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

AKR18 - 2013-01-19 5:42 AM Talk about life getting in the way- how many of you gals have kiddos? No workout for me yesterday when I got home because of 2 sick kids. Today I'm praying I can fit in a long run- I have a sitter scheduled and am crossing my fingers. But wanted to point it out as an example- yesterday is a day I won't get to turn peach, but life does get in the way once in awhile. The important thing is to not let hiccups totally derail you- because I can find a thousand reasons NOT to run today, but I'm going to make it happen because I'd rather stick with this habit then go back to the habit of not working out. Long run, here I come! Speaking of long runs- what is your go to nutrition? mine varies based on the distance. When I did my marathon training, I would drink heed and water, refilling often on the water when needed; I ate a gel 6 miles, a stinger waffle at 13 miles, another gel around 18-19 miles, and either sport beans or powerbar gummies in between. Today I'm hoping for 7 miles and will take my water bottle belt with some heed and then some powerade gummies for fun. I'm heading down to my favorite metropark, around the loop, and home. Hope everyone is training well!

I have 2 kids- 8 & 6 years old.  We have yet to be sick with this flu-bug. (knock on wood!).  Actually I just took them this week for their flu shots. Since the kids are in school all day and I am a subsitute teacher so I can pick & choose days/hrs to work.  And actually work has been limited at the moment- no ill teachers?  I worked one day last week. Have nothing scheduled for next week and one day the first wk of Feb.  Now this can change first thing in the morning when the "subsitute finder" calls me @ 5am to ask if I want a job. So for me If I am dedicated enough my workout will happen.  I seriously dont know how anyone works a full time job AND trains for a HIM or IM.  That is crazy dedicated!!  

I usually take fuel on runs more than 1.5 hours -usually GU.  Same with bike.  But I always keep GU in my pack regardless of distance.  I can say I am inexperienced in taking fuel when on the bike.  I may have questions for you on this later in the season.    

2013-01-19 3:19 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Completed a peach challenge week thanks to dancing. I got my long run in today -  8.06 km/just a titch over 5 miles. I cannot seem to break a 10:30 minute/mile pace. Speedwork tomorrow and for the next 7 weeks before my 10 KM road race. I am hoping to break my pace. We'll see. Have a good day, Fancy Pants Ladies!

2013-01-20 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4586187

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Intervals/Speedwork will help you break that 10:30 pace. I was stuck there forever too.....intervals were a big help!!!!

And congratulations on completing a peach week!!!!!!
2013-01-20 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

Here's something radical....

in our forum, write out your ONE GOAL for this week. THEN YOU DO IT. Because we all want to cheer you on to it. So make it something you can do this week, not resolving global warming or anything.

For me: Yoga, 3 times. I need it. I do it in twenty minute sets and it is so easy to get out of the habit, but my muscles need it.
2013-01-20 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4560540


Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

Hi All, 

Been a little quiet since I joined, but was on vacation.  Now I'm back and up and training! :-)  Hope it is still okay to be in the group!  I have signed up for my first sprint tri on April 20th.  Right now I have just been running, biking, and some yoga.  I won't have access to a pool till next week.

goal for the week: officially moving to a new town mid week and want to stay on track, get to the gym and into the POOL! :-)


p.s. Just editing my post here as I finally have got to read everyone's posts.  Had some good chuckles about the bike seats!  But believe me, I'm taking notes!

p.p.s.  ALSO - I'm still trying to navigate the website.  Is there a way to make viewing our thread easier?  I have been going to the forums, then mentoring program, and then scrolling till I find our thread! 

Edited by cotyhogue 2013-01-20 9:12 PM
2013-01-20 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Ok. I am.really challenging myself for this goal. 1) I will ride minimum of 40 miles. 2) i will run a mimimum of 25 miles. BRING IT!!! I turn 42 years old on Thursday. So I have a lot to prove to myself! My workout today was kinda fun. My neighbor/good friend ran 3 miles with me. We had run a half marathon together in mid-November & while we were running (huffing) today she told me she had only ran once since that half marathon!! But she did it! When we got to her house her husband informed us that he was out of beer...he was watching the 49ers play their playoff game. So we decided to ride to the market and buy his beer!! I will call (log) that a mini-brick workout!! Haha We will do anything for a workout!! Lol!
2013-01-21 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

Hi Girls,

Really sorry I've not been on here much - had a bit of a crap start to the year. My boyfriend of 4 and half years decided that his new years resolution was to be single!! He suffers from depression and its been a tough past couple of years.  I'm obviously gutted and have spent the last 10 days licking my wounds and crying (lots!) but life must go on. I haven't done any training at all since but this morning I dusted myself off and have done a boot camp and am planning to get on the turbo later. Lets face it, if I'm gonna be single I gotta be fit, slim, healthy and single!!

Anyway, I've added you all as friends, added a profile pic and made sure my training log is up to date so all I need now is a big kick up the arse!

I wanted to ask the best way to log a turbo session ... if i just put it down as a bike session it can only log it as time and obviously no miles. Is this right or shoud i log it differently as a class or something?

Anyway I hope you've all had a good start to the week


2013-01-22 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4587819

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
ugh- sorry about the break up for sure!

Log your turbo session under SPORTS- in yoru training log, in sports section, drag down on menu and find something similar to turbo; select it push add sport button; time box pops up, enter time; then save your log.

Save your swim/bike/run for purely swim bike run (or jog/walk).

No worries to anyone who disappears for a bit- us veterans are here and plugging along and we have ALL BEEN THERE. LIfe gets in the way- just don't let it derail you, and so happy that for you guys it isn't!

My 3 year old broke her wrist Sunday night at 8pm. This pretty much makes me housebound with her for the week. I can not risk her falling until she gets her cast on Thursday afternoon. So- I will be doing mainly yoga and bike training. I list my hhouse for sale on Friday; Saturday early we leave for disney where I will just be running and swimming and walking all over.

2013-01-22 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4587206

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

AKR18 - 2013-01-20 6:14 PM CHALLENGE FOR THIS WEEK: Here's something radical.... in our forum, write out your ONE GOAL for this week. THEN YOU DO IT. Because we all want to cheer you on to it. So make it something you can do this week, not resolving global warming or anything.

My Goal: Run 4 times from Saturday to Saturday. 1 down, 3 to go.

My Goal #2: To use my Trigger Point roller on my dreadful IT bands and lower legs after I run.

Let's do this! :-D 

2013-01-22 2:18 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Challenge: RIDE: 19.6 of 40 RUN: 0 of 25. Hoping to run later
2013-01-22 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Run #2 done! Fartleks and a tempo run. Woot. Now.. to muster the courage to use the roller. Maybe a glass of wine first, that will ease my pain.... :-D
2013-01-24 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Hmmm I think I may have shin splints. I've never had them. Having discomfort on my runs especially the last couple of weeks. Which is why I haven't done a long run this week. I just bought 2 new pairs if shoes yesterday. But when I did a little reading a about it last night, it said that one gets shin splints by doing too much too fast.... I don't think that pertains to me tho...I've run lots more within any given time. So I'm backing off a little with my runs to see if it helps. Going to try to ride later when the roads dry off a bit.

2013-01-24 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
If you add more than 10% per week- and you do not regulary do anything to loosen up your legs- you can get shin splints.

Here's the deal- your calves get tight. those muscles then cause the tension in the front of your calf that leads to shin splints

I am a shin splint survivor. and once they are here- man is bad to get rid of them.

So first things first!

1- ice your shins. big economy size bags of frozen peas work best. 20 mins on.
2- loosen up your calves. do you have a roller? or The Stick?
3- See a massage therapist that specializes in sports MT. mine is the MT for our hockey team. she rocks and it really helps

I also am a big believer in compression gear. I like the exxtra support, I wear compression socks by SLS3 - butterfly socks, they have butterflies on them.

And I wear compression calf sleeves after hard workouts.

EVERYONE- you should be doing yoga along with the swim'bike'run. Really. It helps keep everything loose.
2013-01-24 11:09 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
1. I'm such a wimp w ice packs. But I will try. 2. I have a roller. How doI use it for my calves? I agree my legs are tight. Since I began bootcamp (which ends next week- yay!) I've noticed very tight legs...could be related. 3. Is a minimalist shoe better? Worse? I wear Saucony Kinvara 2s (a minimalist w 4 mm drop.) But they've discontinued them and I don't like the feel of the new version -Kinvara 3s. Thanks!
2013-01-24 11:11 PM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!
Also, how long should I take off? Couple days? I wannnnnna ruuuun!
2013-01-25 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4560540

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants' Tri Gals- FULL and CLOSED and TRAINING!

1, call your pcp. mine told me no running until the shins stopped hurting. I also was unable to walk without paint.

2, look up online how to roll your calves. I use The Stick to loosen up leg muscles as I dislike rollers

3, swim instead. no impact. and winter is a good time to build up your swim

Everyone else- how did your weekly challenge go? You still have a few days! My goal this week was to fit in 3 yoga sessions. I did get one in Sunday; and one earlier this week. Last night I did a quick series before bed. I'm heading off now to do a good 25 minute session. We leave tomorrow for a week at Disneyworld, where I will be running and swimming for exercise. So this week I did more biking and less running (plus it was hard with the kid with the broken wrist).

I will try and hop on here next week but I have no idea what access I will have to a computer.

I have a bike challenge for you for February: I want you to choose to do a Half Century or a Full Century for the month of February. That means for 28 days, I want you to keep track of your bike miles in your training log. If you spin, yes you can count it, but you have to figure out your mileage based on your avg speed in spin class. Your goal is to log either 50 miles or log 100 miles. For my advanced veterans, if you want to go for 150 do it, but do not hurt yourself as this is still early in the season.

Please let us know on here what your bike goal is. Me, I'm going for the century. Newbies- if you are way intimidated by 50 miles I want you try and get as close to it as possible. That is only a little over ten miles per week.

I have a bike trainer so that is what I will be on. You can do this with spinning class, or on a bike at the gym- just keep track of your miles, or at least your speed to figure out your miles based on your time and speed.

Before I leave- FOR MY SOMETIMERS- you are welcome to come and go anytime. But PLEASE try and stop by here once a week, and please log your training so I can check out what you are doing, and leave inspires. This forum is a great place for you to ask all questions. No matter what, believe me, I've been there- as have my veterans. Bike shorts questions. what to do for chafing, when will your lady bits stop hurting on the bike.....ask away, we're here to help!
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