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Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Run in extreme cold86 Votes - [52.76%]
Run in extreme heat77 Votes - [47.24%]

2013-01-22 3:18 PM

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Subject: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
It's a bitterly cold day here today.  Personally, I'd rather run in the cold than the very hot.  It's uncomfortable but you can always put on more layers.  When it's hot, you can only take off so much before they start calling the police.  What's your druthers?

2013-01-22 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
I would go with the cold, as I'm sure most of us would, but to be honest I don't don't like either!
2013-01-22 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?


Extreme heat makes my heart rate skyrocket and I get dizzy so have to take many more breaks.

Extreme cold my hands go numb/white/blue and my water freezes. And if there's any ice on the ground I go down.

2013-01-22 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

hot, I personally would rather suffer than be uncomfortable, which is how i feel with layers on in the cold

2013-01-22 3:25 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Vancouver (not Canada) Washington (not D.C.)
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
I agree with others about cold because adding layers is good. I also have a really hard time breathing in the heat. I'm fortunate to live in the Pacific Northwest where we really don't get too hot or cold, just wet. Today when I ran it was 36 degrees and no wind. I ran in shorts because I get too hot in tights.
2013-01-22 3:29 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

Hot for me. Some of my favorite workouts are swimming outside at the lake or at the local pool with the sun shining down on me. I can hop out of the pool, throw on some shorts and take off for a run on the trail.

I hate this cold and wind. It is making me a little depressed. I don't think I can take another 2 months of this. I wear a face mask just to take the dog out and I'm still cold. I can't even get my coat on fast enough before the dog piddles on the patio. Now I have frozen puddles all over my back patio.

Thanks for bringing this up because I've been wanting somewhere to fuss about the cold all day long .

2013-01-22 3:31 PM
in reply to: #4589860

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
It really depends on your definition of extreme. I know for a fact I am happier running outside at 0F than I am at 100F.    Or are you taking more extreme?  I do tend to draw the line at 0 or 100, although it depends on other weather factors (wind, sun, etc).  I am sure faster when it's colder.
2013-01-22 3:31 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
hot.  I can slow down and I get use to running in the heat pretty quickly.  I am not a fan of the cold and bundling up unless I am going snowboarding.  Even then I prefer it just below freezing...
2013-01-22 3:33 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Hot. I go down to just my shoes and my 3 inch running shorts and go shirtless and I am good. Can't stand the cold!!

Edited by yarislab 2013-01-22 3:34 PM
2013-01-22 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
i will run up to 100 degrees and as low as 10 comfortably and i live in wisconsin so the humidity is always high but past those numbers i just don't want to do it....i would prefer to run in the heat though
2013-01-22 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

define "extreme".

running in 0F is pretty easy.  100F isn't all that tough, provided it's dry and not under the mid-day sun.

but really- that's what treadmills are for.

2013-01-22 3:47 PM
in reply to: #4589881

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Aalborg, Denmark
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
There is nothing I hate more than being cold, and since I'm so skinny I'm not very resistant to the cold. I'd much, much rather work out in heat.
2013-01-22 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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New user
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Until recently, I would have answered "extreme cold."  But after running a 5K in Minnesota this Christmas Day in exactly zero degree weather with strong winds I have changed my mind.  That was the most miserable, hardest race I have ever run (tougher than marathons, half ironmans, etc.)  Halfway through, I was wheezing and could barely get any air, my chest hurt like hell and carrying an extra ten or so layers of clothing didn't help.  I once did a 15 mile race in Florida at noon on a 95 degree day and that was much more pleasant.
2013-01-22 3:55 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Anything above 20C and I am a hydration nightmare. I pick a long run in the cold over one in the heat any day.
2013-01-22 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Extreme heat.  I love it!
2013-01-22 4:26 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

To those that posted that they choose to not run in extreme cold because: "I hate being cold".....I'd respond with "who doesn't?"....To those who don't like all the layering required in order to NOT be cold, I'm with you there, it's a PITA and adds time to the pre and post run...

In a different thread today I posted that I ran in -3 degrees and -15 windchill and it was one of the best runs of the season...I should have said year because it truly was almost perfect..

I'm not trying to sway anyone who said they'd rather run in extreme heat, I'm just saying to those who don't like running in the extreme cold BECAUSE they're cold, that's the problem....Your gear...

2013-01-22 4:35 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

-14 with -35 windchill this morning. As long as I could keep out of the wind wasn't too bad. Don't think I could run in 100 degree weather.


2013-01-22 4:48 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
I'm used to running in high heat. I've tried running in 30F weather and it was not pleasant.
2013-01-22 4:50 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Definately a cold weather runner here.
2013-01-22 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
Easy choice for me, extrem heat.  I like the challenge (hydration plan, pacing etc) but I just love running in warm weather over cold.  I just mentally prepare myself for what's to come.  I love the pre-race discussions during transition setup and in the swim start area and how many people already start "dreading" the heat to come.....Advantage -> ME! (well, at least a mental advantage anyhow)
2013-01-22 5:45 PM
in reply to: #4589843

Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
COLD . . . grew up in Alaska. You can always put more clothes on but there are limits to how much you can take off.


2013-01-22 5:50 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?
extreme heat here.  I hate being cold.  I know people have said that means you aren't dressing properly, but I beg to differ.  Where I live it is always windy.  When I head out for a run, it makes a big difference if I am going into the wind or the wind is at my back, if I dress warm enough for going into the wind, I sweat when the wind is at my back and then get cold when I change directions.    I don't mind doing short (like half an hour) runs in the cold (say windchill down to -5F or so?), but anything longer in the winter (say 10F windchill) I come inside.  to compound the winter running issues, a lot of people around here don't clear their sidewalks so winter running can get quite trecherous.  I have had a few falls where if I had weak bones, I am certain that they would have been broken. 
2013-01-22 5:59 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

heat. i'll take 100 degrees with humidity in the sun over anything below 55 any day.

i really don't like cold weather.

2013-01-22 6:09 PM
in reply to: #4590089

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?

I laugh because this is the argument I used to have with my little brother all time time (would you rather be too cold or too hot).  I couldn't get him to understand the error in his logic!

He said if it's cold, just add layers and it's all good.  But if it's hot, taking layers off DOESN'T fix it.  Not fair!  Can't say that it's ONLY cold enough that a few layers fix it bit so hot that taking ALL your layers off doesn't fix it!

I mean, if it's was -15 degrees and you needed to run in a polar parka and still not be warm?  How fun is that?

As for me, I run in 115 and can survive.  That's about as hot as it get's within reason.  How cold is a reasonable cold?  Zero degrees?  I have ran in the teens/20's, and been FAR more uncomfortable than the 115.  Thing with heat, you can slow down and cope - even if you had to walk.  With cold, slowing down just makes you freeze more!

2013-01-22 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4589843

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Would you rather run in extreme hot or extreme cold?


I would rather train in the cold, just add layers. But I would rather race in the heat. I train during during the middle of the day so I would like to think that gives me something of an advantage. I need all the help I can get.

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