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2006-12-20 11:42 PM

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
NAME: JCJSC00, Scott
STORY: I have been involved in sports almost my entire life. A Jack of All, Master of None. I remember watching "The Ironman" on ABC's Wide World of Sports when I was in high school in the early 80's and said I want to do that by the time I am 40. That dream was always in the back of my mind but not pursued even when I had some friends who did and were very competitive. I never found a race with a bike section long enough to justify the amount of running I would have to do. In my mid 30's, the dream was rekindled and encouraged by my wife. I began an 4 year plan to an Ironman.
FAMILY STATUS: I am married with 3 kids under the age of 6.
CURRENT TRAINING: I have laid out a training guideline for 2007 based upon some of the training plans here on BT and what is included in the book "Going Long"
LAST YEAR'S RACES: Last year I did 4 races, (a 5k, a sprint, an oly and a HIM - which were my first open water swims)
2007 RACES: May AAA race in 2007 is Ironman FL - 3 weeks before my 40th B-day. The rest of the race schedule is still in the conceptual stage but looking at a 5k, 10k, Century, a sprint and oly or two oly's, and a HIM.
WEIGHTLOSS: Since I started this odyssey in Aug of 2003, I have dropped 45 pounds, with a goal of another 16 for race day.

Edited by jcjsc00 2006-12-25 1:41 PM

2006-12-23 8:33 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
Scott, I would like to join your group. My name is Pam. Last year I did 6 tris. 4 sprints and 2 olys. I am married with two kids, a son who's 8 and a daughter who's 5. My husband also competes in tris but is primarily a cyclist. I came to triathlon from a swimming background and I follow Joe Friel's tri training bible. My A race this year is a HIM and I would like to complete IMCdA in 2010 (the year I turn 40). I train great guns early in the season and then kinda lose it towards the end. Looking forward to getting ideas for longer distance training from someone else who has family life to balance.

2006-12-23 12:06 PM
in reply to: #632256

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
Great to have you aboard Pam!!   2007 is going to be a fantastic year.
2006-12-23 6:16 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
Hi Scott,

My name is Helmuth. I live in Colombia, South America. During highschool I did some running and swimming. During college I did almost nothing. I have been running for about 1 year now (I am 46), and I started adding some swimming and, recently, some biking. I have not yet been part of any triathlon, but plan to do one or two sprints and hopefully one olympic distance during 2007.

Hope I can join your group (it woud become a worldwide group immediately!


2006-12-23 7:08 PM
in reply to: #632427

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN

Welcome aboard Helmuth,

I always wanted to branch out internationally in something, didn't know it would be this, and didn't know it would happen so fast!

2006-12-24 10:57 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
Scott, I would love to join your group. I am 38 years old and a mother of 3 girls all under the age of 5. A friend mentioned this site when I talked about completing a tri. I have been working out with a personal trainer for strength training for almost a year but am really bored when it comes to the cardio. The idea of training for a tri is my answer to cardio boredom. This will give me something to work towards.

I love to bike and swim, but the running somewhat scares me. I was extremely active in my younger years, but sustained several knee and ankle injuries while having fun. Have no fear, I will try just about anything. One year ago I could barely complete one situp without assitance.

The ultimate benefit to training will be a healthier lifestyle and a fit body. Last time I looked at the scale I was 177 pounds and needed to lose about 40 pounds to be considered not overweight. I know the scale isn't the way to approach this so my goal is for my clothes fit better and for me to be healthy. The weight is all relative since muscle weighs more.

My plans are to run 2-3 sprints this year. There are 3 local sprints I can aim for between April and July.

Anyway, enough rambling. I look forward to getting started.


2006-12-24 3:08 PM
in reply to: #632585

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN

Good to have you Cheri! 

I find when I am training, I end up making better lifestyle choices overall - food included, although there are some exceptions, but as a rule and trend, the choices are better!

3 girls under 5???  Bet there is a lot of pink and purple in the laundry. 

2006-12-24 3:33 PM
in reply to: #632666

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
Yes...lot's of pink and purple. I have 4 1/2 yr old twins and a 2 1/2 yr old. Thanks for welcoming me into the group. Have a wonderful Christmas.
2006-12-25 7:59 AM
in reply to: #629940

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St. Louis metro east , clinton co Il
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
My name is Brian I am 32yrs old
I live in the st. louis metro area. I am a paramedic that works for two municipal services. One full and one part time.
I have three wonderful children ages 8,5,2. And a very supporting wife.
I was involved in sports up until about age 22. I played soccer year round and wrestled along with a good passion for cycling. Fast forward about 12 yrs. I am getting that fire to compete back in me and am looking to compete in my first sprint/sprints this coming year. I sorta have an eratic schedule because of work but try to fit in anything when I can.
As far as my tri abilities I can run and getting back to cycling( without a baby seat attached) but the swimming is the hardest as I am not really a good swimmer but am trying.
My typing skills really suck . It is very choppy so bear with me.
I look forward to being able to learn and train with your group if you'll have me. Thanks
2006-12-25 12:55 PM
in reply to: #632815

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN

Welcome Brian!!!


and Merry Christmas to everyone.  May this day be a day of peace and family/friends. 

2006-12-25 1:01 PM
in reply to: #629940


Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - OPEN
I just discovered this site and the mentoring program and would love to join your group. I am begining training tomorrow for my first tri in June, 2007. I ran regularly throughout my 20's and early 30's and then all these kids appeared and I lost my focus. I'm working hard to get it and my body back!


2006-12-25 1:40 PM
in reply to: #632866

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Welcome Laura, With a June sprint on the horizon, there is something to focus on. It can be a fun journey there.



Edited by jcjsc00 2006-12-25 1:42 PM
2006-12-26 10:30 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

I pray all had a good Christmas!  I know Santa was very good to someone and hope he was good to all reading this. 

If you want something bad enough, there is a way to make it happen.  Triathlon fits into that.  From what I have read here, each of us can obtain our goals.  The first step is to write them down and put a date on them - i.e. I will run this fast by the end of this year, I will register/compete in X race on Y Date.  Just having that race date on the calender provide more focus.  And if focus still wanes, register for that race.  There is something about having an investment in the race that makes it more real.  

One book that helped me get started and figure out how to train was "Triathlon 101" it was a Christmas present 3 years ago.  It provides a brief history of Triathlon, how to train for 3 events at once (and still have a life) and gives an intro into a building a training plan for your first sprint or stretching it to an Oly.   I would recomend  it to people just getting started.  I still refer to the  raceday checklist  when packing up. 


2006-12-27 8:50 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Thanks for the wisdom of setting goals, Scott. I agree about signing up for races as great motivation. Anyone racing anytime soon? Feel free to share any specific goals that you will be working on in the new year. I'm getting ready to run a half-marathon on January 6. Running is my weakness so this is supposed to be a confidence builder for me. No matter how slow I go, it will be a personal best .
2006-12-28 12:00 PM
in reply to: #629940

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St. Louis metro east , clinton co Il
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
well I wish you luck in your race..I have none insight until about mid feb.. so hopefully I can gain alittle ground on myself.
2006-12-28 5:16 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Okay...the date is set. My first Sprint will be on May 5th. Now the butterflies are really getting active. It must be a good goal since it makes me a little nervous. My workouts have begun and I am feeling great. I also bought my first pair of actual running shoes. Wish me luck!

2006-12-28 5:42 PM
in reply to: #635848

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

cllewis - 2006-12-28 4:16 PM Okay...the date is set. My first Sprint will be on May 5th. Now the butterflies are really getting active. It must be a good goal since it makes me a little nervous. My workouts have begun and I am feeling great. I also bought my first pair of actual running shoes. Wish me luck!


Good for you!!! We are all in your corner.  There is nothing to be nervous about, you have given yourself 18 weeks to get ready.  That is plenty of time.  Save the nervousness for race morning.  Congrats on the running shoes! 

If you haven't run in a while, start easy run lightly 2-3 minutes walk an minute and repeat.  Everyone starts that way (or so the books say)  I kept repeating that to myself as I got started.  It made me feel less subconscious than remembering what I use to be able to do. 

As for you knees, don't know what you did, but the funny thing with me is mine have never bothered me running - sports with lateral movement were very tough on them but the straight line of running has been fine.  Just take your time as you build endurance.  Remember the 10% rule (If anyone doesn't know about it, just ask)

Have a great and snowy Thursday 

2007-01-01 9:07 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Hey everyone, it is a new day and a new year. A time of new beginnings, renewed commitment to your goals and dreams.  Vow to live each day and make the most of it.   In 2007, great things are going to happen.  Be part of it!!
2007-01-02 7:57 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
I do not have the calendar of local events yet. I am shooting for 2 sprints and 1 olympic distance by the end of the year. I will share the dates with the group when I get them. Thanks for the recommendation of the book. I got a copy of "Triathlon Training", by Hermann Aschwer. It has several training plans for various distances and some recommendations on equipment, eating, racing checklists, etc.

My first question: I have been training my swimming for several months. My endurance gets better: I am able to swim for longer distances and get lees tired. But my speed does not improve a bit. Any suggestions to improve my speed?


2007-01-02 9:54 AM
in reply to: #638878

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

trihtrefftz - 2007-01-02 6:57 AM 

My first question: I have been training my swimming for several months. My endurance gets better: I am able to swim for longer distances and get lees tired. But my speed does not improve a bit. Any suggestions to improve my speed? Thanks! Helmuth

Helmuth, I would like to defer this questions to Pam! Most of what I could tell you would be theories I have read and am still working to apply, while her bad days are faster then I envision I could get to this year.

2007-01-02 10:54 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Thanks, Scott! I'm kinda speechless. But Helmuth, I looked back at your log for December and you only list total distance on your swims. When you swim, do you swim it all continuously or do you break it up into sets? "Straight" swims are wonderful for increasing endurance as you've noted, but speed is increased by doing shorter sets at a faster pace. You don't want to let your stroke get sloppy when you swim at a faster pace, either. I can PM you some speed workouts if you're interested.


2007-01-02 10:44 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Pam and Scott:

I usually do 300 meters as warm-up, then some "main work" and at the end 200 to slow down. As main work I have tried, for instance:
10 x 50 every 80 seconds, two sets
or a pyramid such as:
25 fast, 25 slow, 50 fast, 50 slow, 75 fast, 75 slow and so on until 125 and then go back to 25 fast 25 slow.

I see other people use pull-buoys, or pads for their hands,... I wonder if I should get some gadgets like those...

Yes, I would love to receive some plans!


2007-01-03 7:17 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Sounds like you have a good mix of short and long. I'll PM you some other ideas and talk a wee bit about form, so check your inbox.

2007-01-03 9:47 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Wonderful! Thanks Pam!

2007-01-05 7:48 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Hope everyone's first week of 2007 is going great. I'm looking for any thoughts, tips, words of wisdom on half-marathon pacing and racing. I can't believe the race is tomorrow! I'm thinking about going slow for the first 10 then seeing what's left in the tank for the final 3.1. Not sure if this is smart or not. This is my first race at this distance so all advice would be greatly appreciated.

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