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2007-06-04 7:18 PM
in reply to: #802279

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

Thanks Noony and Twylite.

Today I've found out more information about things going down to Georgia, which is exciting. I'm actually not only housesitting, but training their boxer puppy - who's full of energy. Their house is close to a nice park with trails, so I foresee the pup and I doing a good bit of running! Also, the park's great for biking too. I'm also going sooner than expected - I'll be down there starting June 26th. Which means I can get back to more serious training then as well, possibly with access to the local Y, if my friend I'm housesitting for can get me a guest pass. Exciting times!

As for recovery, I'm sorer than I expected to be today. The knee was slightly stiff, but the main soreness has been in my triceps and my shoulders, probably from swimming weird and not being warmed up for the swim. I got in a 10 minute recovery ride, and it felt good. Continual forward motion. That's what it has to be about now. Knee felt even better after the ride loosened it up.

Edited by shepherd 2007-06-04 7:19 PM

2007-06-04 11:58 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
Way to go Kate! Getting back on the bike after a fall like that is the hardest part but you have already cleared that hurdle. I agree that it sounds like you made the right decision on the race. It's better to know when to bail then cause yourself a season ending injury. I'll have to go look for your race report for all the details!

Great news too on the place in Georgia! WOO HOO!!!

Twylite - Nice job on the swim. It's always tough to feel like you're making progress in swimming but keep working on it and I know you'll start to see the difference

Just back from CA so I'll post more tomorrow.

Do we have any races planned for this coming weekend?
2007-06-06 7:32 AM
in reply to: #824844

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
When you get to your tri, the training that you have been doing will all kick in. The training that you have been doing for running will benefit you too. I know how you feel about the hybrid bike. I also will be doing my tri on a Target $200 Hybrid bike. Make you goal the best that you can do, not what everyone else around you is doing or what equipment they might have. Enjoy the adventure!
2007-06-11 7:59 PM
in reply to: #802279

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

Not dead yet. Counting down the days til I'm in Georgia and can really work on training again.

I ran this evening. Albeit on a full stomach, which wasn't smart. I got side stitches about 10 minutes in. But I still ran and it felt good.

How's everyone else doing?

Edit: 10 minutes in. NOT 120.

Edited by shepherd 2007-06-11 7:59 PM
2007-06-12 8:16 AM
in reply to: #802279

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

I'm doing well and gearing up for my first tri of the season on Sunday.....Little Pepper in Culpeper, Va.....I'm excited, it should be a good test run for some of the races coming up. How is everyone else doing?



2007-06-12 12:02 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
You ladies are doing awesome! I must admit I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday Here's a recap:

Stomach felt kind of blah, huge work presentation got dropped on me at the last minute, friend getting married this weekend asked me to be her "wedding coordinator" and then the emotional magnitude of IM being next week just kind of hit hard. Left work early, did a few errands, got a Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream bar and then got in my PJs and watched GI Jane kick some a$$. Also talked a lot to DH and we watched Shakespeare in Love together and snuggled then went to bed on time.

Today is a better day!

2007-06-18 12:33 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
I need a reminder to get here! Ahhh! Between blogging and message boards, as well as training, where does the time go?

I finished Ryka Iron Girl Atlanta! I'm proud to say that I'm an Iron Girl! I'm going to post a race recap, but I've got one on my blog too.

It really made me realize how important the proper training is. So next on tap is Maui Marathon 9/16/07 and as I train for Maui, I'm going to incorporate more cycling and swimming so that I can really start training in the fall for tri season next year.

2007-06-18 10:02 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

So I finished my Sprint on Sunday...rough challenging race but I made it through.....race report is now up and can be found here .

I think I really found out that mental preparedness can be as important as physical fitness. I really had to keep my mind focused on finishing this race, keep going and not quit.

2007-06-19 3:27 PM
in reply to: #802279

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

Great races Noony and Atlrunnergirl!

Let's all wish Bonnie lots of good luck with her Ironman this weekend!!! Bonnie - I know you'll kick CdA in the rear and come home a winner.


As for my progress: Not many exciting triathlon things are happening in my life at the moment. Mostly it's just running around and getting little things I have to get done before I move. For example, today, my husband and I took a half-day at work so we could come home and work on some painting both inside and outside the house.

But in extremely good news - I head to Atlanta for good come Monday. I stop over in St. Louis on Monday night with the in-laws, then make the drive down on Tuesday. And as soon as I get paid for the housesitting gig - I'm ordering my road bike!!!  It makes me all sorts of excited. I'll be close to a park where I can run as well. I'm planning on checking out the North Atlanta Multisport Club that a lot of local BTers recommend as well.

 Atlrunnergirl - maybe we could get together and ride on the Silver Comet trail once I get my bike?

2007-06-24 5:53 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

Go Bonnie go.......Bonnie is in the midst of Ironman Couer d'Alene.  You can check out her progress on 

I'm really impressed with her effort so far.   

2007-06-25 3:35 PM
in reply to: #802279

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL


 Bonnie Crawford - YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!

Congrats on reaching your goal girl!

2007-06-26 7:13 PM
in reply to: #859436

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
2007-06-29 8:38 AM
in reply to: #802279

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

Hi all -

Made it down to Georgia in one piece. And today, I'm starting everything over. I went to Kennesaw Mountain for a "run" which ended up being a hike, really. My body's going "What the?" after about a month of no tri-related training. Pretty crazy, but I should be back into the groove again soon. I also picked up a Polar heart rate monitor and wore it today. I really need to determine my actual zones though. It was beeping at me like crazy every time I started running.

On the food front, I'm really tightening up my nutrition starting today. Eating out once a week at most, and aiming for 5 400 calorie meals each day. I have to admit that the post-workout bowl of Raisin Bran tasted really good this morning.

I also ordered my bike yesterday! The money order goes out today and I should have a bike next week. I ended up ordering a Motobecane Mirage Pro from Ebay (about $10 cheaper overall). Can't wait for it to get here so I can start playing on it. I even brought my trainer for those days I can't make it over to the Silver Comet Trail.

 How's everyone else doing? And where's Bonnie? - we want to hear all the details from CdA!

2007-06-29 2:11 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
WOO HOO Kate! Glad to hear you made it to GA in 1 piece and way cool on the bike and HRM New toys are always fun!

I'm recovering, working on my massive, epic race report, sorting through pictures and trying to think of what to do next

I have lots of race related stuff on my blog: and I'm starting on the run in my race report so I should have that posted in the next day or so.

Becki - Isn't your 1st race this weekend? How you feeling? Any last minute questions? We are all virtually cheering for you from here!!!!!!!

Nathalie, Sarah, Alley and Twylite - How are you all doing? What's coming up next for you?

If you have questions please ask them ladies!!!!
2007-07-02 10:37 PM
in reply to: #802279

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

Bonnie...I loved your race report.  It was just what I needed to give myself a kick in the pants.  I've let stress kind of take over and need to keep focused on moving forward with my tri and weight loss goals! Your experience makes me want to do an Ironman...not for a long long time....but maybe one day!

I have a 5K planned for the 4th....I did the race last year and enjoyed it.  My knees have been hurting lately so I'll have to wait until race day to see if its a good day or bad one.....then I do a sprint on July is a repeat of the first tri I ever did and I'd like to beat my time from last year. . .

I am really focusing, however on IronGirl Columbia in August.  I want to beat my time by 10 minutes if I can.....I'm working on overcoming my fear of the course. I tend to really let the hills on the bike panic me but I've decided to try to ride the course as much as I can before race day and get rid of my fears......I can get up the hills...I just have to change gears and keep pedaling! 

How is everyone else doing?  

2007-07-23 6:25 AM
in reply to: #802279

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL

It's been kinda quiet around here lately....I hope everyone is doing well. I had another sprint tri yesterday and felt pretty good. I'm looking forward to IronGirl Columbia in August......

Bonnie....I had a question about Aerobars.  When did you start using them and how did you make the transition?  While I'm not quite ready .....I do want to start thinking about adding them into the mix in the next season or two......any tips would be great. My biggest limiter right now is my weight and core strength.....if i can improve both of those areas I think using aerobars may be easier.......



2007-07-23 12:35 PM
in reply to: #896425

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
noony - 2007-07-23 4:25 AM

It's been kinda quiet around here lately....I hope everyone is doing well. I had another sprint tri yesterday and felt pretty good. I'm looking forward to IronGirl Columbia in August......

Bonnie....I had a question about Aerobars. When did you start using them and how did you make the transition? While I'm not quite ready .....I do want to start thinking about adding them into the mix in the next season or two......any tips would be great. My biggest limiter right now is my weight and core strength.....if i can improve both of those areas I think using aerobars may be easier.......

Nathalie - I started using aerobars in February of last year (2006) when I got my Tri-bike which is the entry level Trek Equinox 7.

I was very concerned about getting used to them so I did the following:

Put the bike on the trainer and rode for a few weeks focusing on getting in and out of the bars with 1 arm then both etc.

Once I felt very comfortable I went to a huge parking lot and rode up and back in a straight line. From there I moved onto like a paved path and then to regular roads, races etc.

Core strength is very important for being comfortable in the aero bars but even more important is bike fit. If you don't have or know someone who does bike fitting find them first. Then I'd take your current bike in and have them tell you if it's safe to put aero bars on. For my road bike it wasn't because my center of gravity wouldn't be in the right place.

I ended up getting a tri-bike with the integrated shifters and aero all built in. Then my bike fitter did the fitting for me to my bars so I'd be super comfortable. It made a ton of difference as I can ride aero for hours on end while a lot of people have neck and back pain after an hour or so.

Practice, go slowly, don't be afraid to ease into it and you'll do AWESOME!!!!!
2007-07-24 8:17 AM
in reply to: #802279

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
I'm back. I'd been trying to divide my time between a few different boards and it's just not happening. So now I'm here for good. And after the two sprints that I completed - I'm addicted. I'm trying to decide when my first half iron should be - I'm considering Steelhead next August (my birthday weekend!). I need all the help I can get!!!

Trying to come up with a training plan that I can include my marathon training or at least maintain a good base once Maui is over (we're running Maui Marathon on 9/16/07). The hills in Atlanta are killing me, but I'm joining a tri club and am very excited about that as well!

Edited by atlrunnergirl 2007-07-24 9:13 AM
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