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2007-08-03 9:46 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
My summer has been pretty decent. I just completed the BT TDF challenge. I was on Team T-Mobile and as a team we tied for first in the challenge. I committed to ride 9 stages during the tour which I completed all of them and rode over 8 hrs and close to 175 miles.

1. I have felt very good about my training so far. Even my swimming. I started working with a swim coach in June and he has been wonderful. Last week I think I had the breakthrough that I was looking for.

2. My next scheduled race (first tri) is 9/8 but I am considering doing one on 8/26. The race in August has a shorter swim distance and I thought it would be a good idea to get me feet wet before Sept. I have committed to swim no less than 3x/week.

3. My next race after 9/8 will be in Las Vegas for the Las Vegas Triathlon at Lake Mead. I am doing this with a friend and colleague of mine (Gina76). In October I am going to do another duathlon, 5k/20k/5k. After that the weather turns in MI and we all look for things to do.

Overall I am getting a little nervous about the swim portion but I feel with 6 weeks to go I should be OK.


2007-08-03 6:48 PM
in reply to: #910623

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

You have been wonderful about the swimming, and it will show in your race, you should be really proud, cause that is where so many triathletes struggle the most (or should I say, that's the excuse that many give for not tri-ing) the open water swim in August - you know you can do it already, and it will just be another chance at great training

Wow, that's great...three in 6 weeks...make sure to train hills - last year, I didn't do any hills, this year, I did nothing but hills in my races, they are tough - specially when running afterward...I think I like flat a bit better

I also hope cadreamer is ok, she's been on BT for a long time, weird not to update in so long...

sealiongirl - 2007-08-02 4:51 AM

1. My training is going well. My swim is great. I can and have competed in more than double my race distance, so I'm good there. My bike is good, although I'm transitioning to a road bike from a mountain bike now. It's akward, but should help a lot in the meantime. Run still has a long way to go, but is improving.

2. There's seven weeks until my tri, but also a one mile OW race I'm considering in August. I did two OW races in July and loved them.

3. I've been training for this tri for almost a year, so I'll be excited to do it already...but nervous too!

4. My goal is to be middle of the pack or better on the swim. Survive the bike ride without a crash. Get through the run without shin splints or coming in dead last. Second to last...okay...but last...not okay.

5. After that I'll have two more sprints, each three weeks apart. One in Hermosa Beach and a scary one (lots of bike hills) in Catalina.

Hope everyone else is well. Does anyone know what happened to cadreamer? She hasn't posted anything in her log in weeks. Hope she's okay!
2007-08-04 2:18 AM
in reply to: #912179

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
newbiedana - 2007-08-03 7:14 AM

Regarding your prep for your impending race, are you following a training plan or winging it on your own?  You may have read where I've written this before, but I can't more highly recommend following a plan.  Doing so, for me, added about 70% better results than when I trained according to my own schedule.  Food for thought...

1. Feeling CRAPPY about my training right now.  Had been doing SO well since January, preparing for my first race ever, then SHIN SPLINTS, which my phys therapist says is a result of compensating for poorly healed sprained ankle I suffered last summer.  I have onl 4% dorsal flexion (regular is 16-20%)--so my shins are working OT correcting for that.  He doesn't want me running AT ALL, and thus my training basically came to a halt 2 weeks ago...just as I was making significant progress with my running.  It's bled over into the rest of my training, because it just sucked the air outta my balloon and my motivation has spontaneously combusted.

2. My race is Oct 14 or 15--I forget--it's a super-sprint (really short!), and again, it's my first race.  I have no other races scheduled since it's late in the season.  I figure I'll spend the winter just working on my base fitness for the spring.

3.  I'm feeling ok about the race, except not sure yet what I'm going to do about the run given that I can't train for it.  I HAVE been consistently swimming and feel myself rapidly improving, I think I'll be slow but will survive the swim.  I have no concerns whatsoever about the bike race, since that's my sport.  Still don't have my new road bike yet, still making payment$ on it!  I've estimated my times for all 3 plus the transitions, and don't think I'll come in last (given previous years' results).  Oh, and I still haven't done an OW swim yet...need to get a wetsuit, but I wanna pay off the bike first...

4. Goal for my race is to finish, hopefully not last, but I do have that fear.

5. After the race, like I said, no plans but winter training.

Happy training everyone!

Dana, anytime you want to do an easier OW swim, let me know. Alamitos Bay in Long Beach is great because it's open water, but a protected marina, so no waves or currents. The LA Tri Club is now doing swims there at 5:30 on Fridays. I also go there at least one other day per week. If it works out with your child care, come join us! Also, I haven't done it with a wetsuit yet, and have been fine. It's chilly when I get in, but great once I'm moving.

2007-08-04 2:51 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

That stinks

When does your PT think that you will be able to bike again?
Also, are you able to walk?
2007-08-04 10:29 AM
in reply to: #913277

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

I can ride; the PT is not a fan of the upstroke with clipless while having shin splints, but too bad.  I gotta ride.

I can walk.  In fact, I'll do some walking today.  Yesterday I cried a river to him, and he sorta conceded that if I walk, walk, walk, and do all my stretching, etc, and start to get some flexion, we'll talk about trotting on the track.

Speaking of which, I think I'll stretch now!

2007-08-07 1:29 AM
in reply to: #913385

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

KONA on Tivo:

Ok, I'm sitting here BAWLING my eyes out.  I can't remember when I've cried so much...snot and tears, it's not pretty.  Just watched the Ironman on Tivo...  Jeez, everyone's got a story.  It's just too touching for words.  Pro's.  12th hour finishers.  Everyone.  Each story as motivating as the next.

I'm not deleting this program from my Tivo.  This will be my motivation.  My God.  I just don't know what to say.  So powerful.  The last time I cried this hard was when I watched "The Notebook", shortly after my mom had died of Alzheimer's at the age of 67...cried like a baby in the quiet privacy of my living room, watching that damned movie.  Now tonite, watching Kona, same thing.  Why?  Something I'll have to think about.  I'm sure there's a deep answer in there as to why watching this thing made me so deeply emotional....something to learn about myself for sure.

I don't know what else to say.  Except to question why a race held in October is just being shown now.  ???

2007-08-07 8:35 AM
in reply to: #912063

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

You might not want to talk that many days completely off...for Wednesday and Thursday...
Maybe a ride of 4-5 miles, a run of one mile, something like that...where you are doing less - but not nothing...

runningshorts - 2007-08-03 8:29 AM

Question, since I've never done a tri before, only 5K's I'm not sure how my training should go the week of the triathlon. Right now my plan is the following:

  1. Mon 8/13 - run race distance 3.3 mi
  2. Tue 8/14 - bike between 15 - 18 mi
  3. Wed 8/15 - rest
  4. Thur 8/16 - rest
  5. Fri 8/17 - swim race distance 1100 yds
  6. Sat 8/18 - rest
  7. Sun 8/19 - TRIATHLON

Does anything see something bad with this schedule, should I be doing something else, your thoughts would be most helpful.

2007-08-07 10:06 AM
in reply to: #916046

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
OK, so back to Kona...The swim looked TERRIFYING, they showed footage from under water, and you could see people literally swimming over the top of eachother...mad thrashing, kicking, splashing everywhere. A far cry from the pool! And I'm not even sure if doing an OW swim clinic will replicate the challenges of a race.Scares me!
2007-08-07 6:11 PM
in reply to: #916236

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Though I haven't swum Kona, I have swum St. Anthony's - which is pretty big too...
I've gotten knocked around a lot, but after a few races it gets better...

Swim is intimidating because there are so many people...what stinks is when the fast people that are behind you swim over you - but remember, your first tri will in no way be as big as Kona! And, you know how strong your swim is - if you aren't sure of yourself, go to the back at race start, and let the others thrash around for a while before you get in there - waiting 10-20 seconds is not going to be a big deal...

The other key thing - and this has gotten two people who I've gotten into tris to actually finish the swim part - if you EVER feel scared, just roll over onto your back and do backstroke until you get calm again...

Would have loved to have seen the race...I remember back in the 80s, they always had the Ironman races on tv, and my mom and I would watch them in absolute amazement at what these people were accomplishing...Matt and I might jockstrap IMFL this year to get ready for doing it for real next year...I've never seen a IM up close before, it must be so exciting!

newbiedana - 2007-08-07 11:06 AM

OK, so back to Kona...The swim looked TERRIFYING, they showed footage from under water, and you could see people literally swimming over the top of eachother...mad thrashing, kicking, splashing everywhere. A far cry from the pool! And I'm not even sure if doing an OW swim clinic will replicate the challenges of a race.Scares me!
2007-08-07 9:39 PM
in reply to: #917251

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

The most exciting part was the finish line between 11pm and midnite.  That's when all the "regular folks" cross the line just before the time cut-off.  Each one of them is a champion just for making it.  I'd love to go and be at the finish line for the last racers.

There was a 76 year old nun who has done Kona 20 times!

There was a guy who got his leg blown off in Iraq.  He's a big guy who used to play rugby; he joked how funny it was to be with guys who shave their legs and wear spandex!

There was an older guy who dragged his adult child with cerebral palsey thru the whole race; in the swim, he pulled him on a raft; in the ride, he had him clamped onto a contraption on the front of his bike; and for the run, he pushed him in a wheelchair type thing.  For 102 miles!  Geez!

There were so many wonderful stories.  And the sweeping music...just really moving!

2007-08-08 12:23 AM
in reply to: #916046

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Edited by runningshorts 2007-08-08 12:26 AM

2007-08-08 12:25 AM
in reply to: #916046

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
tbctbc - 2007-08-07 9:35 AM RS- You might not want to talk that many days completely off...for Wednesday and Thursday... Maybe a ride of 4-5 miles, a run of one mile, something like that...where you are doing less - but not nothing...
runningshorts - 2007-08-03 8:29 AM

Question, since I've never done a tri before, only 5K's I'm not sure how my training should go the week of the triathlon. Right now my plan is the following:

  1. Mon 8/13 - run race distance 3.3 mi
  2. Tue 8/14 - bike between 15 - 18 mi
  3. Wed 8/15 - rest
  4. Thur 8/16 - rest
  5. Fri 8/17 - swim race distance 1100 yds
  6. Sat 8/18 - rest
  7. Sun 8/19 - TRIATHLON

Does anything see something bad with this schedule, should I be doing something else, your thoughts would be most helpful.

Thanks, I'll do small running and biking.

2007-08-08 2:18 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I've seen the guy with the kid in the wheelchair - they have done a ton of races - it is amazing, the bond that they share, the look on the kid's face when they are doing it!! I had a kid with cerebal palsy last year - super sweeet kid - and showed him that video, he absolutely loved it
2007-08-13 11:22 PM
in reply to: #917547

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

OK, I'm officially really worried about CADreamer.  Maybe it's the mom in me, always thinking the worst...

I googled her and tried to find if there were any news with her name; nothing.

I really hope she's ok...

2007-08-15 10:36 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Me too...she had consistent logged on here for a very long time...and suddently nothing...have you pm'ed her at all?
2007-08-16 5:34 PM
in reply to: #927752

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Yeah, and sent a few "how ya doin's" via inspires...

2007-08-20 10:32 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Glad to see you guys have kept up the good work without me.  Sorry I went AWOL, but this summer has been super crazy.

A short synopsis of where I've been:

More Vacation
Fell and totally scraped up my leg
More Sick
More Kids
Kids back to their Dad's and just feeling bad about them leaving (you'd think I'd be used to it by now...)

So - some working out in there but not enough and not structured at all which meant the 1/2 Iron didn't happen.  So, I'm going to start from here and see how it goes.  I'm hoping to get in another couple of races this year.

I missed you guys - hope you missed me too.  What've you guys been up to? 

2007-08-20 10:34 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Runningshorts - I see I just missed giving you cheers for your tri - how did it go?
2007-08-20 2:58 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Cadreamer - Welcome back!! It looks as if the summer was quite busy. Things have started to fall into place for me. I decided to jump into this tri thing a couple of weeks early. I was getting a little anxious so I registered for a race this weekend.
2007-08-20 4:42 PM
in reply to: #932090

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

SO glad to hear you're ok!  I'm a mom.  Mom=worrier!

Welcome back.

Me, I had a successful 5 weeks of bootcamp, lost some weight and inches, increased strength, decreased mile run time.  Got shin splints and have been outta commission for about 5 weeks now (no running allowed).  Am thus very scared about my race which is in 6 weeks.  Put money down on a bike, not sure if I'll be able to pay for it by my race day, in which case I'll be on a mt bike for my race, which I won't do, so then won't race.  Been swimming alot and getting better.  Read Total Immersion, which helped a ton.  Will start doing the TI drills this weekend.  Overall, I'm not in a very good place due to the lack of running and the not getting the bike.  It's taken the wind outta my sails...but I'm keeping going to the best I'm able.  I'll be ok... 

Doing an OW swim with Sealiongirl courtesy of latriclub on Weds at the crack of dawn.  Someone in the club also is loaning me a wetsuit, which is nice.  Now I don't have to fret about that before my race too.  Hope it fits!

Glad to have you back-ish!

2007-08-21 8:25 AM
in reply to: #932094

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

cadreamer - 2007-08-20 11:34 AM Runningshorts - I see I just missed giving you cheers for your tri - how did it go?


It was AWESOME! My race report is up if you want to read it. I broke my goal time of 3 1/2 - 4 hr, I finished in 2:55:10. My swim and run were my strongest, bike killed me. Those hills, still having nightmares about them.

2007-08-21 3:24 PM
in reply to: #933852

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Runningshorts:  fantastic effort on your race.  This must give you alot of confidence!  Way to go!

2007-08-22 8:07 PM
in reply to: #932833

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

robbkoz - 2007-08-20 12:58 PM Cadreamer - Welcome back!! It looks as if the summer was quite busy. Things have started to fall into place for me. I decided to jump into this tri thing a couple of weeks early. I was getting a little anxious so I registered for a race this weekend.

Cool.  So in another couple of days we'll be able to welcome you into the fold...

2007-08-22 8:09 PM
in reply to: #933103

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
newbiedana - 2007-08-20 2:42 PM

SO glad to hear you're ok!  I'm a mom.  Mom=worrier!


Glad to have you back-ish!

I understand the worrying thing cause I'm like that too.

Back-ish - yeah, that's about right.

2007-08-27 8:27 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I can now call myself a Triathlete. Things went well yesterday and I can't wait until 9/8. Race report has been posted.

Edited by robbkoz 2007-08-27 8:29 PM
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