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2007-12-30 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Sooo... I've seen quite a few peeps who regularly use a trainer in the winter months to log their bike miles... What's everyone's advice for purchasing a trainer??? I don't have one, but think it would definitely be worth it.

2007-12-30 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Pretty much everyone uses a cyclops liquid trainer as far as I can tell. You can read some reviews on this cite about them. I have one and like it. It is the cyclops fluid II or some such.
2007-12-30 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
I just got a Cycleops 2 and will be using it at least until April, winters include alot of rain and I feel it is too dangerous to risk an accident or get hit by one of the numerous bad drivers out here in Northern California. The average cost for a Cycleops or Kurt Kenetic is 250-300. Fairly easy to set up, biggest challenge for me was getting the space for it 5-1/2 ft by 3-1/2 ft. I havent spent alot of time on it yet but it  has a huge convenience factor that I like.

Edited by nevergivin 2007-12-30 7:37 PM
2007-12-31 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

ahhh.. counting down the minutes until I'm done with work today.  A little less than an hour to go.  We're closing a 3:30 today instead of 5!!

What is everyone doing for New Years Eve?  We're heading to a friends house to eat, drink, and make a lot of noise at midnight   I bought some squawkers for the occasion. 

Tomorrow I was planning on doing an 8K prediction run, but it's probably not going to happen.  I don't feel 100% today so I think I'll sleep in tomorrow then head to the gym to swim / bike whenever the heck I feel like it!

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!! 


2007-12-31 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
There is a linc on the gear review for a store that sells the cyclopse II liquid trainer for like $150-170 with free shipping. That is where i got mine. I am not sure how deep it is burried, but folks ask about trainer there regularly. When you get home from work and it is dark, way below freezing and black ice on the road that you wont be able to see.... I um hit the trainer. On the weekends when I can bike around noon it warms up above freezing and I can do the real thing. The trainer is a workout, it is much easier to ride 25 miles outdoors on the road than on the trainer (no coasting). For those who have real winter where they live, I would consider it a must to stay fit.
2008-01-01 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1125548

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out! I'm watching 2 of them on Ebay right now to see if I can get one that way.

For New Years we went to a friends place where champagne punch, martini's and beer flowed all to well into the wee hours of the morning  Low and behold this morning we awoke to 8" of snow (there is no better time for a trainer than now!)


2008-01-02 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Back from New Years break, FUBAR, half of my office is out sick! Dont forget to take your vitamins!
2008-01-02 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hi everyone!

I've had a decent start to 2008 so far - in that I was cleared to get back in the pool! So I swam 800 yds this morning. Slow and a far cry from the 2000-2500 yds I usually swam before surgery, but I'll take it! Better than nothing. Now I just have to find a way to safely & carefully ramp up my swimming...

Hopefully I'll start PT today or tomorrow, also, so I can get the knee back in shape for some biking (on the trainer - we have a Cycle Ops Magneto we got gently used real cheap from a friend - not bad, but kinda loud) and maybe even some running by the end of this month.

Happy New Year!
2008-01-03 12:28 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hey Laura, glad to see you are getting back into the swing of things. Hope it all comes together for you quickly.

I started off the New Year with a 35 mile bike and and two 10 to 11 miles runs this week. It is going to be sad when I have to leave this lovely 68 degree weather and go back to below freezing temps and high altitude. My runs are going to be painful for the 2-3 weeks it will take to readjust to the thin air. This air at sea level is so nice and thick, allows for slow steady breathing on the runs fairly efforlessly compared to home.
2008-01-03 6:46 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Does anyone use Nike +, I got the Ipod kit for Christmas and have used it twice now. I think it is awesome! On my one treadmill run it was right on but my track run was a little off. What I like about it is the distance countdown feature and how you can set up your workout for distance or time. I like this part because it allows me to not worry about keeping track of distance or time but to focus on my form, Kenya running is what my training plan calls it. Cool little gadget for my tunes.

Anyone have any suggestions for any good running songs I can get from Itunes with my giftcard, looking for songs with high cadence to work on my turnover.

2008-01-03 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1130158

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

My husband uses the Nike + and really likes it too! Since I'm a treadmill running lady until temps are above 60 I can plug my usb into it and the info is kept Those of you who can run in low temps are hardcore in my mind, my lungs can't take it! 

There are some great running mixes on Itunes if you search "running" or "cardio" mixes. It will bring up a lot of song mixes that people have put down the bpm for so you know before you click what cadence it will be geared towards! Happy Running!!


2008-01-06 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
What happened, did everyone bail ?
2008-01-06 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
I'm still here. Drove home through a blizzard, had to stay overnight at a hotel before getting home due to the road conditions. I was enjoying the nice weather in SB 68, sunny and the thick air of sea level. Now I am back to shovelings now and trying to readjust to the thin air of home. My first run back home today totally sucked, took 11 min longer than my last 10k at sea level. It will probably take a week or three to readjust to the thin air and workouts gona suck till that happens.

Back to work tomorrow, lots of deadlines that will be coming up fast. Life gona be fast and buisy until well for a long time.

Anyway ya I hope things liven up here.
2008-01-07 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

still here!  

How did everyone's weekend go?  Mine was pretty good.  I had a volleyball tournament all day on Saturday.  We wound up losing in the finals.  I didn't realize how out of volleyball shape my body is since I've been spending the last few months tri training.  I am SUPER sore even today.  My poor quads and abs have seen better days.  I think I am going to have to make more of an effort to cross train in tri sports AND volleyball to prevent feeling like this (and hobbling down the stairs.. ) after the next tournament.

On Sunday, I made it on the bike for an hour and played a little vball to try and workout the soreness.  Hopefully tonight I'll make it for a swim and a run that I have on the training schedule today.  The run is going to be slow and painful.. argh!

Does anyone else play any other sports regularly?  How do you keep your fitness levels up for the other activities?  I guess the only way to keep fit for the other sports is to just participate in them more? (adding even more time at the gym or maybe I have to work on finding a better balance)  I seriously feel like a truck hit me and I've been playing competitive volleyball for years.. owwwiee

Edited by vball03umd 2008-01-07 10:38 AM
2008-01-07 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

I play soccer with my husband every once and again... the amount of running I do to train for Tri's usually keeps me from getting winded, but the side to side kills my IT band if I've gone a few week between plays.

Really the only thing you can do for preventing post game soreness is participate more often I think. Not having been a huge vball player (though I should have at 5'10" I'm not sure if there is any specific weight lifting you can do to help.

So, I got my trainer!!! YEAH... but now what should I get to track my miles??? Any brand suggestions?  

2008-01-07 11:44 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Any speedometer will track your miles... you just have to have the little metal thing on the back tire and the sensor on the crossbar back there to read it. If you really want you could add a cadence measure. The main thing is that the display needs to be readable if you want to be able to tell anything while you are riding 8).

If you have infanite funds you can get a wireless speedometer and just attatch it and not worry about running wires down to the back of the bike. ($150).

2008-01-08 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
I just gave my computer away, I had a Catseye Wired Cadence. Catseye is the standard and is not real expensive, check with your Local Bike shop and see what they have, I use cadence, speed, distance the most. Make sure they can mount cadence on the rear tire if you go with that, its best for them to put it on.
2008-01-08 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Thanks for the info! Wireless sounds great.... we'll see if my husband is up for it Otherwise, I know the local bike shop guy can get me hooked up.

So, what type of nutrition advice is out there for when you are training? I know with weight lifting it's all about the 30min post workout window and getting the protein in. But, if the majority of training is cardio, are there specific guidelines/advice for post workout?


2008-01-08 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
I try to get a good shake in 20-40 minutes in after cardio or weights. Whey protien and carbs. Carbs come from fruit, juice, sorbet. It usually works out to a little more protien than carbs but I shoot for a 50/50 mix. I shoot for 20-30 grams of protien. I stay away from any supplements, all hype in my opinion,creatine,glutamine,etc. Make sure you are staying well hydrated during the day, this is one of my weaknesses,I dont drink enough water!
2008-01-09 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1141240

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
nevergivin - 2008-01-08 9:05 AM

I try to get a good shake in 20-40 minutes in after cardio or weights. Whey protien and carbs. Carbs come from fruit, juice, sorbet. It usually works out to a little more protien than carbs but I shoot for a 50/50 mix. I shoot for 20-30 grams of protien. I stay away from any supplements, all hype in my opinion,creatine,glutamine,etc. Make sure you are staying well hydrated during the day, this is one of my weaknesses,I dont drink enough water!

Good plan! Your biggest refueling bang for your buck (or...calorie) occurs within an hour post-exercise, whether it's cardio or strength. The more nutrients you can get from actual real food (as opposed to supplements), the better.

For water, I keep a big Nalgene bottle on my desk and refill it at least once a day. I've gotten so used to drinking from it throughout the day that I don't even think about it, and at the end of the day I know I've taken in more than enough water.
2008-01-09 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

forgive me if this is a really dumb question, but I don't know anything about bike trainers.  do you need to purchase a special wheel to use with it?  my fiance saw an ad posted at work and someone is selling a fluid trainer.. I'm just wondering.. if I wind up getting it.. are there a lot of "extras" that I have to get too? 

 Since I am still a complete newbie and haven't even raced yet, I want to keep my spending on the sport at a minimum until I know whether I'll like it or not  

2008-01-09 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Traci, I got my trainer a few weeks ago, I purchased a black cycleops mat ($15.00) to protect the floor from lots of sweat, you could probably get away without one but its so easy to wipe down and I have my trainer on carpet. Next thing I got was a thin sheet of particle board laid out under my trainer and bike, 1/4 inch that I cut to stabilize my bike and trainer on carpet (5 1/2'x3 1/2'), you would not need this if you had it on concrete or a wood floor. I think a sweat bra is worthless, just use a towel. You will want a stand for the front tire, my bike shop threw it in for free($5.00). And then there is a riser for different levels for your front tire simulating hills, this is optional also. A trainer tire is optional also, not necessary as I find it more conveniant to remove and ride my bike as I please, just use an old tire or replace with a cheapo($12.00) until you ride outdoors. I have my setup in my office, that is why it is on the carpet, I have full access to the computer for spinerval dvd's and a decent cieling fan.

2008-01-09 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
I have a cyclopse II fluid trainer $150 delivered + $5 for the front tire holder and had a rear tire speedometer put on for it. I didn't get anything else. If you have a mountain bike you need to get a tire with no tread on it so that you can use it on the trainer. If you have a road or tri bike tire that is smoothe you are gtg as is. They are great for at night or when the road is icy. But they are not easy. I don't think I would bother with a hill simulator, doing 40 miles ona a trainer is ... work!
2008-01-11 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

thanks for the input guys   I think I am going to go ahead and get a trainer. It's good to know I don't need a lot of extra stuff to go along with it. I can spring for the $5 block and a piece of plywood to put it on since I'll be using it in the carpeted basement.

2008-01-11 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Good luck to all, my spot in this group is open!
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