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2011-01-10 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3289650

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Hey Tracy -

Thanks for letting us know how you feel.  Congrats on quitting the smoking - that's such a hard habit to kick! 

I am always amazed at how when I reach one goal and think I made it a new one pops up to take its place.  I'm so glad you're going to make this journey with us.  I'll be here for you if you need any encouragement!

I still haven't found a training plan yet.  I think I've got a good assessment on my running and swimming and now I need to get a handle on where I am with the cycling.  I will have this figured out by the end of this week.  For now, I'm just trying to work on endurance with my running and swimming and keeping up on the strength and flexibility work I've been doing.

I could use some ideas on how to eat right to keep up the energy levels, too.  I find I really have to eat and hour or two before I work out and prefer a good post-workout snack.

2011-01-10 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3286399

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED

Sorry if this turns out to be a double post - I don't think my original response made it.  Aside from completing 3 sprint triathlons this year, I'm hoping this evolves into being able to do some olympic distance races next year. 

Beyond the physical aspect and competing for my own best times, I am looking to make new, active friends.  My husband was ill for a while last year; I realized how small my circle has become and that I need to involve myself in some things that I do for just me.  I work from a home office so this seemed like a good way to add a little more structure to my schedule, continue to improve my fitness and get out and meet some new people.

2011-01-10 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Tracy, don't get disheartened!! I am lost too. And while I'm not a stranger to running, I am, thanks to my lack of planning for the past 20 years, still a beginner. I'm a total beginner swimmer (at age 40 no less) so this is all brand new to me. Congrats on quitting smoking. I was a 1-2 pack a day smoker for about 8-10  years, that was 15 years ago. It took me so long to kick it for good. If you can do that you can do anything. And my mom died from smoking- Peripheral artery disease, it took 2 years for her to die and she was in agony the whole time - so you are doing the best thing!!

I still don't have a training plan either. HOnestly, I don't even know where to begin to start one. My works schedule is so intense. And I know I need to look at my meals if I'm goign to fuel my training. Anyway, just wanted to give you some good thoughts!Smile
2011-01-10 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3289650

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED


When you say you feel lost, do you mean you don’t know where or how to start? I find this sport to be a bit maddening because you are juggling 3 different sports, but therein lies the challenge and the fun. There is so much information to wade through, so many plans, so many people offering advice, so many articles on how to improve, and so much GEAR! But, before you can run, you must learn how to walk. I have to remind myself of this often.

I find the beginner training programs on BT to be really helpful because they deal with time rather than distance. It’s a great way to start and to see if you can do the time in all three sports. If you can stick to a regular schedule in about 8 wks, you re-evaluate where you are and how you feel and when you realistically can expect to be ready to race. I’ll tell you this, I was constantly changing my training around trying to find something that worked for me, in fact I still am.

Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all training or nutrition program. Use the plans as a guideline but be prepared to deviate based on your body’s needs and the unexpected stuff that makes up life in general. Just pick a plan that fits your schedule and start.

You have your motivator, you have your goal and now you have this group for support. You will be able to do this. Please try not to compare yourself to anyone else but yourself and your own last best effort. We are all different and so, capable of different things.

2011-01-10 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Tracy, just like Dawn said, do not get disheartened! How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! You've gone a year without those cigs! Though never a smoker, I can imagine that's harder than a tri.

Girl, if you only knew how scared I was starting out in this sport! I backstroked the entire swim my first go 'round! But I wanted to finish a tri...bad. I wrote this article a few days after my first tri.

Is there a particular reason that you're looking at the Olympic plan? I would recommend checking out one of the Sprint plans with a run focus, as you'd mentioned that was your weaker event.

Nutrition. It's a complicated subject and easily varies from one person to the next. A couple bottom lines are to eat 45% protein, 30% carbs and 25% fats on a daily basis. I gotta tell ya, I'm not there yet. For weight loss, in my opinion, it boils down to burning more than you put in.

You can do this! Hang in there! You're not alone!
2011-01-10 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3281399

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
OUCH!!  First week of training sent my head into massive headache mode from the back rebelling.  I went to the chiro twice and to a massage and am feeling much better, but I see I am chickening out today from even my minor workout.  Recommitting to tomorrow!

2011-01-10 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3280946

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
Hi, sorry for the delayed response.  My back completely freaked out from my beginning to work out so I was either on my back or fighting it last week.

I am in Minneapolis, by the lakes.  I belong to lifetime fitness, if you do we could meet and do a workout ;-)  Or wait til it is a bit warmer.
2011-01-11 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3291187

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
Jina, sorry to hear about your back. I've got lower back problems that come back every now and then and they suck! I'm not a doc or a coach, but I would recommend not rushing back in to anything. Better to take an extra two days or two weeks off than pushing yourself and have it end up being two months.

How cool that so many of you live close by to each other!
2011-01-11 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3283505

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED

Hi everyone,
I have a question about logs and thought I’d post it incase others are wondering the same thing. I’m a bit hesitant to go public with my log because that means anyone has access. I try to be cautious with my personal info online. Would adding everyone in the group as a friend allow all the same access to my logs as going public? I can’t seem to find any info on the site about this.


2011-01-11 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3257199

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
So I have been bad and not logging in any workouts, but I officially start tri training this week.  My first swim in almost two years was scheduled for Monday when the freak snow storm blew through Texas which meant no school which also meant no swimming.  Still managed to go out and run though.  Looking forward to scheduling my workouts and logging them in though.

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!

2011-01-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3292548

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Woolwich, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
hey Marie... I tried to respond to your inspire me but I'm not getting it done right... I'll figure it out soon I hope!    But, thank  you!  Don't you just love Yoga, its my favorite thing (inside) to go and do!
Hope you enjoyed the snow, I can't wait for us to get some here in Maine... we plan on snowshoeing up a mountain and using a sled to get down with some new snow.. so maybe this weekend.

2011-01-12 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Long Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Hi all!

Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I really just didn't know how to get started, which is why I joined this group.  I'm considering the Olympic training plan because I know how I am.  Even though I'm looking at completing a sprint I always like to push myself harder than I have to.  If I were to do a sprint plan it would seem like I'm just meeting the bare minimum.  Better to be overprepared than under.

Also, I set goals for myself before I quit smoking to replace my usual routine.  Piano lessons, gym, triathlon, etc.  Doing the Olympic would force me to spend MORE time training and less time to be idle to get into trouble.

On another note, I have to put off any swimming for a week.  I got a tattoo to celebrate one year smoke free and it's still healing   It's an oak leaf with acorns, which represents strength, long life and renewal.

I'll be choosing my training plan this week and will let you all know.  I hope I can be of help to all of you in some way as we go forward!
2011-01-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3291764

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Hello, everyone! I just finished up my very first ride on the trainer. What an experience. Is anyone else using one to get in some bike miles during the winter?

Xandra - I completely understand about privacy. You should be able to check a box that just lets your friends see the posts. That would make everyone else - including users on here and anyone not registered on the site - unable to view your log. But, yes, you should add everyone here as friends first.

Marie - Great job in still getting in some training, despite how the snow put a change of plans in your day!

Tracy - If shooting for Olympic training to get the Sprint done works for you, then you go for it! There really is no one size fits all for training and that's a good example. Congrats on that tatoo, but most importantly, on your year of being smoke free.

Heading to my local bike shop (well, it's over an hour away) tomorrow night to take a beginner bike mechanics class. I could change a tire in a pinch, but I want to be better armed on it and other issues and become more confident around my bike. If you guys get a chance to take one of these (this basic one is free at this shop), I highly recommend it. YouTube is also a great start in the meantime.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!
2011-01-12 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Long Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Hey Lora,

I did read your post about your first triathlon and it was really inspiring.  Thanks for sharing that.  I can't wait to get across my first finish line too!

As far as training, I live about a block from the beach in New York and use the boardwalk a lot.  It's 2.5 miles long and I run from my apartment, to the end and back, even in the cold weather.  Right now it's covered in ice and snow so the treadmill has to suffice.  Unfortunately, it's a flat run but I can utilize the ramps as well to change the incline periodically.

Also, it's a small beach community so I plan on riding my bike all over town instead of taking my car or the bus.  I figure working out outside in this weather will make it easier when the nice weather comes back.  I'm a bit extreme, I suppose!  There is a nice bike path that's a bit hilly not too far away and I will be using that very soon too.

I have a fairly small apartment so having equipment inside isn't an option.  I work with what I have and the best I can do is work out and swim at the rec center (for now...I'll swim in the bay/ocean when the weather improves) and use the boardwalk for running and biking.

I'd like to know what kind of running/biking shoes you recommend?  Mine are really just your run of the mill sneakers and I'd like to get something inexpensive and more appropriate.

2011-01-13 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3296231

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
tlynn721 - 2011-01-12 10:02 PM Hey Lora,

I'd like to know what kind of running/biking shoes you recommend?  Mine are really just your run of the mill sneakers and I'd like to get something inexpensive and more appropriate.


I'd recommend investing in good shoes. Your feet will thank you later! Depending on how many miles you're running. I swear by my Vibram Bikilas...though I suppose one day I might buy a second pair to run in the snow. Don't skim on your feet!
2011-01-13 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Long Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I don't plan on skimping at all but I am on a budget.  I'm looking for the best product for the price.  There is a tri store not too far from me and I plan on stopping in but am dreading the standard upselling that goes with those sort of places :/

2011-01-13 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I definitely hear you about being on a budget. I'm doing night school tuition, paying for a new car and still have student loans and a credit card. I suggest you do as much research as you can online in regards to what kind of shoe will best suit your needs so you can go informed to the store and have the vocabulary that will tell the salesperson you're not just coming in off the street totally unaware. And don't be afraid to walk out! I heard somewhere a tip that you try things on in the store, make a note of what you like, then go online to see if you can find that model for cheaper. Might be worth a shot!
2011-01-13 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3297918

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Long Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I put myself through college too and the student loans are an albatross.  I actually do that quite a bit...go to a store, try on everything and then buy it online if it's cheaper.  I tell salespeople up front that I won't buy anything more than I absolutely need and am only there for a price comparison.  We'll see how it goes.  Thanks for the advice

Good luck with everything!
2011-01-13 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I'm having a problem... I can't motivate myself to get to the pool for the first time.  I think someone is going to have to push me in.  My days that I have scheduled for swimming are Monday, Thursday, Saturday.  Monday was a snow day - no school.  Today... I was super sore from the class I took yesterday (it hurtm me to get out of bed).  I convinced myself I would drown if I attempted to swim in the shape I was in.

Does anyone have a first time swim workout?  I looked up the learn how to swim program here on the site and I thought I would just use that. I'm open to options though.

Happy Thursday,
2011-01-13 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Woolwich, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Marie - If you can find a program for learning how to swim or a stroke improvement I think that would help.  I dreaded going to the pool for a while but once I took the class I felt much for comfortable going to the Y and now I love getting up early and going for a swim.  Plus you'll get one on one coaching for how to swim right!
2011-01-13 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Marie, I totally relate! and second the comment about getting some 1-2-1. I lost my pool mojo this week b/c I had a sinus infection AND there was a snow day. MY pool workous are Mon, Weds, Friday, 5am before work, with swim lesson every one or two weeks depending on my schedule. My lessons have been sporadic thanks to my crazy worklife but I will have so say it was worth it. I am accomplishing more with the basics (kicks, breathing, arm rotation) than I ever have or would have if I kept plugging at it on my own. But I'm not that far ahead of you --- I still need a lot of motivation to get there so early and keep at it. You can do it!! At least you're in TX right? It should warm up soon. Here in NYC we're going to be chilly for a while (it's in the teens now)

2011-01-13 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Thanks for the responses. I did take lessons two years ago and I agree that I need someone to help me. Problem is the pool I go to is a rec center geared for children. I don't even know how to try and find someone local.
2011-01-14 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3298075

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Think balance drills. I have the same problem about getting into the pool. I'm too tired, sore, don't have the time -whatever. I've started telling myself I only have to go for 20 mins and do balance drills. It helps get me in the pool without my brain thinking I have a hard endurance  swim coming. Then, depending on how I feel, I throw in some laps at a slow pace. Next thing I know, my time is up and I am pleased that I made it to the pool. I also then look forward to the next time.

Last season I focused on distance, it really was difficult to keep it up. This year I have a lot more time before my first tri so I can take it slow while I ease back into the habit of swimming regularly. Sometimes you have to trick your brain.

There's some great info on this site like the "Learning  how to swim" articles by Sara Mclarty. You can also see if the Total Immersion method (books & dvds) is good for you. A book called "Fitness Swimming" by Emmet Hines also has a bunch of progressive swim plans with some intro stuff on learning how to swim. Check you local library before you plunk down the $ you need for other stuff. Libraries are a great way to review before you purchase.
2011-01-14 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3298521

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED

Additionally, I'm re-teaching myself using Total Immersion and other methods from other sites. I don't know if I'm doing it properly but I am starting to feel a difference. I cannot afford a coach right now, not that I have found a local one.

Check out the U.S. Masters Swimming website. I think they have a 'find a coach' link and you plug in your zip. Then there is the American Red Cross, they may have something as well. Check for local triathon clubs too, see what they are doing. You may find they are sponsoring a beginners clinic.

2011-01-14 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3257199

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Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Thatnks - I do have the total immersion dvd's somewhere.  I need to find them and view them again.

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