BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-01-06 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Long Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I'm not sure where to go from here.  Would really like a training partner.  Any advice?

2011-01-06 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3277666

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
mquevedo - 2011-01-04 5:01 PM

mquevedo/ Marie

I'll be 38 in March.  I have complete one sprint triathlon almost two years ago with the help of a mentoring group under a different username.  I couldn't remember what it was so I had to create a new one.  The year I completed the triathlon I also trained for a marathon.  My husband and I got all the way to a half marathon and life got in the way.  I have run on and off, but not consistantly.  I'm a professional photographer.  When the studio gets busy, I stop training because it consumes me.  I have this crazy gene in me that once I can run three miles or swim 100 meters that makes me want to Ironman.  It's on my bucket list of things that must happen before I turn 40. tick tick tick.

Family Status

Married with one ten year old daughter

Current Training
ha ha ha ha.  I've been running sporadically and the most I have run without stopping is two miles.  Most of my workouts have consisted of a run/walk approach.  I just wanted to stay outside.

2011 Races

Haven't registered for one yet.  But looking at one in April.

Weight Loss
I could stand to lose 10-15 pounds. 

Thanks for giving back and being a mentor.  I can't wait to get to know everyone on this group.

Marie, welcome to the group! I completely understand about life all of a sudden getting in the way. Kind of like someone coming up from behind you and pushing you in a different direction as you point back to the path you wanted to be on, and all you can mutter while your feet are shuffling along is, "But. But..."

Two miles is a great start. Just one mile shy of a Sprint tri. Doing an Ironman is a great goal and BT is definitely the place to help get you there. Again, welcome aboard!
2011-01-06 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3277970

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
happyturtle - 2011-01-04 7:35 PM Hello Lora, I didn't know if you were still accepting mentoree's for the program. But I would like to join. NAME: Maria STORY:I have ran 5k's and i think the furthest I have ran is 5 miles. I have biked to work which is about 13 miles. And I swim in the summer but really never have put the three together. It actually kinds of scares me- I am not sure why but I am very intrigued by it as well. I suppose i would start with a small triathlon. I do like running and my goal is to get into better shape this year. I think swimming is my worst area but I don't have a pool right now that I can train in for the winter. FAMILY STATUS: Married to a wonderful husband and i have two puppies (they do my walking training with me) CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am starting back up to do 5k's. it has been a few years since i was active like that. I would like to train for a half marathon and/or full marathon- 2011 RACES: None yet- i haven't done the research yet to see what is in my area.

Sure! Come on board! The 5K background and the 13-mile commutes are going to be invaluable to you. Putting all three events together isn't as hard as you might fear. You can do a little training from one event to another called bricks. Say you ride 13 miles. As soon as you can throw on your running shoes, immediately go and run a couple miles. You can practice that with the swim, too, but most often bricks refer to bike and run. If you can get a wetsuit, that will give you more time to train for swimming as it'll allow you to get in the water sooner.

Lots to discuss! Again, welcome to the group, Maria!
2011-01-06 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3278120

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
lizzilvr - 2011-01-04 8:41 PM Hi Lora.

My name is Gina.  I am 49 and have never done any kind of triathlon or marathon.  I have been very physically active...I walk 5 miles in an hour 3-4 times a week with my dog, swim laps 1-2x a week for an hour and strength train 3x a week.  I will be turning 50 at the end of 2011 and am looking to shake things up!  I'm kinda scared to dive into this (no pun intended!) but I am willing to give it my all.  One small problem...I hate running!  UGH!  But, I know there are all kinds of programs out there to help me work up to it.  I ride my bike a few times a month with my teenage son, spring through fall (we live in Michigan) and we go 7-10 miles easily at a time.  But, I don't have a fancy bike, just a regular woman's bike with a basket on it  Tongue out!!  (My husband tells me I look like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz).  I'd be willing to buy one as I get better, though.  I am happy with my weight...thanks to the strength training I can eat quite a bit without gaining.  I am a health nut who is constantly harassing my family about eating healthy!

I am a breast cancer survivor (2008).  I am a registered nurse and am currently studying to get my personal trainer certification.  I have been married to an awesome guy for 22 years and have two sons- one who has autism, a yellow lab named Lizzie (hence, the sign-on name) and a cat.

There is a mini triathlon near my home in August that I would really like to do.  Given what I've told you, do you think this is "do-able"?  I am willing to work hard.  I am not very techno-savvy, so I still need to play around on this website to figure out all it offers, as far as posting my training schedules, etc.  But, I would love to join this group and benefit from all the experience and knowledge you and  the other members have to offer.

This may sound strange, but I'm kinda scared of running.  I've heard about people who ruin their knees, have chronic back pain from pounding the pavement, etc.  But, I also see people who literally become addicted to it, so there must be something about it that makes people keep doing it!

Welcome, Gina! You don't need a fancy bike to get this done. My bike was a borrowed dept. store bike the first season. I've got a road bike now and people with bikes like yours can still smoke me. Between the swimming and the walking, you ought to feel pretty good. I don't think your fear of running is weird. There are plans on here to get you up and running and I like Hal Higdon's plans, too. You could also just walk the run portion of your tri. Many do.

Looking forward to having you as part of the group!
2011-01-06 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3278920

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
njsole - 2011-01-05 9:06 AM

Hi Lora,

I loved your blog post about New Year’s. I could care less about it as well. I awoke around 12:20 a.m. said happy New Year to myself and promptly went back to sleep. I also loved the post about the pale green monster; that was just great and thanks for sharing. I’m technically not a first timer but I am still a newbie. If the group and you will have me, I’m in.


I have been physically active in one form or another since my 20’s (now closing in on mid-40’s). I was into running for a bit when I was a teen, did a few races then forgot all about it. The real reason I got into Triathlon is that I was celebrating 5 yrs of being a colon cancer survivor and figured what better way then to go big and TRI. I didn’t start out thinking about tri’s; I just wanted to run some 5k’s, maybe a 10k. Then I saw the word Triathlon pop up here and there and it got me to thinking. When I found out about sprint distances I said to myself, why not! In July I completed the NJ state (sprint dist) triathlon. I trained on my own loosely using one of the BT training programs. My running was already decent so I concentrated on just being able to do the distances in the swim and bike. I was also dealing with a knee injury at the time.

I really would like to do some more sprint distance races this year, maybe 3. I wish I could say I was ready for an oly but my schedule does not allow for that kind of training time and I really need to build a good base. So this year’s goal is to build, build, build and remain injury free. I have loosely committed to running a half marathon relay in May and shook on the Disney half marathon for 2012. What I hope to get from this group is accountability, support and inspiration (and maybe a little help with my own green monsters). I do well when I have a goal and am accountable for my training.

Family  - Married (not by fed./state law), one pre-schooler, one dog, two cats and two fish.

Current Training
I’m trying to get back into something consistent. I’m using the 2x balanced sprint training program from this site, though have not been successful yet at getting all the training in.

2010 Races
6/10 - Run for Dad 5k
7/10 – NJ State Sprint Tri
9/10 – Century for the Cure (40 mile leg)
10/10 – Asbury Park Marathon Relay (one leg, aprox 3.2 mi)
10/10 – Monster Dash 5k (in costume, giant pumpkin over my head)

Weight Loss
I’m a good, healthy weight but would prefer for my ‘round the middle’ tire to go back to road bike size rather then the hybrid size it is now. I believe this will happen when I get serious with training.

So if it’s ok to join, I look forward to learning about all of you. I have to look into opening up my logs; will do that a little later.


Woo hoo! I think that's a great way to celebrate being a survivor. Big, big congratulations to you, Xandra! That was smart focusing on your weaker events. It's a lesson we think we all know, yet somehow forget.

I think you'll be surprised by how much spending a good season focusing on Sprints can really help you with the Oly a season later.

Glad you enjoyed the posts. They say to write what you know...

Love the tire analogy! Completely ROTF. Welcome aboard! Looking forward to having you a part of the group.
2011-01-06 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3279000

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
rima12 - 2011-01-05 9:28 AM Name: Candi


I have wanted to do a triathlon for years and this year I've found a couple people at work who have all agreed to do our first one together.  We will be doing the Buffalo, MN Triathlon on June 5th.  I, however, am the least fit of the bunch and want a group like this to help stay encouraged and celebrate each others successes.  In 2007 I completed the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classis (204 miles over 2 days) with Team in Training and I loved that feeling when I crossed the finish line.  Can't wait to experience it again.

Family Status: Single with 1 persian and 1 bald cat (they balance each other out)

Current Training
I have been doing spin classes and elliptical at the YMCA and started CrossFit once a week last November.

Weight Loss
Honestly I have a ton of weight to lose....ok not technically a TON but you get the idea.  My actual goal is to lose 100lbs.  I've lost 15lbs so far.

I am so excited to have found you!


Well, we're excited you're here! Crossfit, huh? Man, how I would love to get into that, but the closest Crossfit gym is an hour away and when it comes to spare time, I usually have to give it to SBR. How do you like it?

That'll be so great heading into this with some friends. You're very lucky. 204 miles? Wow! That's amazing. There are a lot of success stories right here on BT about tri training leading to significant weight loss. Between this and Crossfit, I see a bright future.

Welcome aboard, Candi!

2011-01-06 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3280141

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
heatherb555 - 2011-01-05 3:11 PM Hi Lora,

Room for one more? I won't need much one-on-one. It's just nice to be part of a group - and to be more accountable. Smile

I did a sprint last year and am planning a du and another sprint this year.


Suuuuurrrrre. Come on board. Welcome!
2011-01-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I forgot to say what my race scheduled are: is this too much? How do I train for such things?
I really want to get some Sprints in here...

2011-08-13Warrior Dash (draft)
2011-06-12Dirty Duathlon (draft)
2011-05-01Long Island Marathon (draft)
2011-04-0213.1 New York (draft)- i need to raise $900 through team for kids. any donors?
2011-02-26NYRR Al Gordon Classic (draft)
2010-10-31Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff (draft) (completed)
2011-01-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3280204

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
mindylea - 2011-01-05 3:32 PM Thanks for having me and looking forward to being a part of the group!

One of the dogs is a runner, but the other is a bag of lazy bones.

Yep. Know that story.
2011-01-06 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3281415

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
shaptavajra - 2011-01-06 8:02 AM Hi Lora,
so I made it to the pool twice this week; hoping tomorrow will fulfill my plan of 3 practices a week and one coaching (Saturday).

Can you or anyone else advise me on a few things?  Also how are we going to manage all these posts as we get going? It's going to be a lot to sift through (though we should have such problems Foot in mouth

Routines. I have trouble sticking to them. I get overwhelmed. I work 40-60 hours a week (I'm a teacher and department chairperson and finishing coursework to take exams to get the certification for School Administration). I am a gluten free vegan and try to eat healthy but I don't get a lunch break and have to chisel away any time at work. So Nutrition is also an issue. I know if I am goign to get stronger and faster I will have to eat more consciously. Also, my husband and I are hoping to conceive one of these months so I do need to take care of myself!!

OK, so here's my 2011 resolution:

Up at 4:30 (that's not happening yet) make shakes, get lunch ready for work (REALITY up at 5 and already late)

Get too pool, swim 5:30 - 6
Get to work 6:30; work till 3 or 4

TUES-THURSDAY: kettlebell morning training at home.

Monday: Spinning;  one or two running sessions during the week.

WEEKEND: long run/run-bike; maybe a yoga session.

I have a heart rate monitor and am getting a swim lap watch. Where to go from here? Thanks!

Great question about the posts. Please don't feel overwhelmed by all the posting going on. You're not obligated to read every one. Read what you can, when you can. I don't want anyone to feel discouraged because they're two pages behind on reading posts.

What a crazy work schedule and it certainly is more challenging trying to eat right with all that you said. I think you've got a good schedule in mind. Do you have any specific goals or races?

- Lora
2011-01-06 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3282505

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - OPEN
rachlong - 2011-01-06 1:55 PM Thanks, Lora - I will remember that when I'm out on the bike paths.  It's funny that you mentioned an Iron Woman champ.  Listening to the Radiolab episode "Limits", which started with an interview with Julie Moss, is one of the things that got me to thinking about triathlons last year.  That interview keeps me inspired.  I lover her description of the voice in her head that told her to keep going.

I got back in the water yesterday.  It's been about 9 years since my last lap swim.  It was like coming home!  Looking forward to the weather warming up and getting some open water time.

Sweet! Glad the water felt great for you. Yep, Julie Moss is very cool.

2011-01-06 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3283462

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
shaptavajra - 2011-01-06 9:19 PM I forgot to say what my race scheduled are: is this too much? How do I train for such things?
I really want to get some Sprints in here...

2011-08-13Warrior Dash (draft)
2011-06-12Dirty Duathlon (draft)   
2011-05-01Long Island Marathon (draft)   
2011-04-0213.1 New York (draft)- i need to raise $900 through team for kids. any donors?
2011-02-26NYRR Al Gordon Classic (draft)   
2010-10-31Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff (draft) (completed)

Oooo, the Warrior Dash. Very crazy and wild. Can't wait to do one myself. Sounds like a well spaced-out tentative schedule. The best thing to do is consider your goals. Do you want to just finish or set a personal record? What kind of training plan are you looking at?
2011-01-06 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
OK, looks like we've got a great group lined-up. I'm very excited about the new season. Now, a few housekeeping items.

Training Logs
Go ahead and make yours public so we can check out your training. It'll help you be more accountable. Feel free to leave Inspires for others here. Sometimes they can make the difference between staying at home, or pushing yourself off the couch and heading to the gym.

Please do not feel overwhelmed by all the posting going on. You are not required to read everything posted. Please don't feel discouraged because there are two new pages from the last time you logged in.

Contacting Me
Please feel free to send me a PM.

List of Everyone
I'm going to create a master list of everyone in the group so we can put that list at the top of our Training Log for easy access.

Be sure and add each other to your Friends' list, so you can click on each other's avatars and check out the training. If you have any questions about how to do that, let me know.

Next Steps
Immediately, I'd like to consider some kind of challenge that we could do for a couple weeks to get things going. I will work on that over the weekend.

Really, really looking forward to the 2011 season and to getting to know this fabulous group of women!
2011-01-07 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Good morning ladies! Well, I overslept for my morning swim practice Yell probably because during the workweek i get 5-6 hrs of sleep per night and last night i had 2 glasses of wine. I think I need to kick that habit completely! However I did an evening run, 3.5 miles outdoors in my vibram five fingers dancing over the ice and snow. it was fun.

So today I looked through and added a whole pile more races to my plan (not posted here yet-) leading up to the Long Island Marathon in may. Now, I'm not sure I'm up for that yet. I am doing the NYC Half Marathon in March. I run about 15-30 miles per week right now. (Run/walk). My goals are more to finish rather than make time. Create good form, feel great and get more fit and faster each time.

Also, the NYC Road Runner schedule is up and I got this idea of doing basically one Half Marathon per month (the way it works out: Half in March, April; LI Marathon in May; July Queens Half, August Bronx Half, Sept. Manhattan and Oct Staten Island.  Is this too crazy? I mean, as I said, I can run/walk it. But what do you all think?
2011-01-07 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3283482

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
In regards to training, I've been very undisciplined in the past. I run and bike because I like to. i want to learn to swim because i don't want to drown if i can help it if i were ever in that situation.  I am by nature very competitive and want to win and be the best so of course, adding miles, I need to have a plan. I guess when I browsed through the training plans I didn't connect with any of them because i couldn't see how I'd make them work on my schedule. at second glance though, maybe it's not so tough. I did swim AND run yesterday, bookending my day with exercise, that was nice. I overslept to swim this morning, but I'll probably do kettlebells tonight, the snow is coming down again so it's precarious. Thanks and have a great weekend!
2011-01-07 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
So great to see everyone on here.  Love that this is a women's group.  What training plan is everyone using.  I can't decide.

2011-01-08 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3257199

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Oh, yes. Training plans. It's sometimes a fine line between what you can disregard and what you shouldn't; between trusting your judgment and backing off or sticking it out to comply with a plan designed to help you succeed. If biking is your strongest event, and you have to scrap one workout that week, maybe it's the bike.

Luckily, there are a lot of really great ones on here for Sprints from which you can choose. If running is your weakest event, find a plan that has a run focus.

Sarah, that does sound like a lot of running, but if you can do it without injury and you think you're up for it, give it a try. A half marathon is a 13 mile run. You could consider the race your long training run for the week. Personally, I'd want to do the full at the end of the season, but that's just me.

I've got a complete list of everyone in our group in a table on my Training Log. If you'd like, you can just cut and paste it into your Training Log, too. I've left it below so it should be easy for you to grab.

Random question: What is the single-most important thing you'd like to see come from your 2011 racing season? Finishing a tri? Being able to work out consistently, etc.? For me, it's finishing a half ironman.

Your turn...

Edited by Lora109 2011-01-08 10:15 AM
2011-01-08 10:56 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Lora, thank you first of all for being our mentor! And to the rest of the girls, thank you for being here. I am really glad to be part of an online forum of ladies such as yourselves, and hope i can model myself after you!

Lora- regarding the running, it seems like a lot yes-- but running/run-walking is very enjoyable for me so I don't know if I'll see it  as work. I probably will pick and choose as the year progresses, and my work/personal schedule develops, so it won't be as many as it seems. Tomorrow I'm running the first NY Road Runners race of the 2011 season, so we'll see how the 5 miles feel under my feet.

Now- What would I like to see for the 2011 season? GREAT QUESTION!

 I want to meet or exceed my goals of completing a half marathon (at least) and a Sprint Triathlon. Ideally, I'd like to complete the LI Marathon in May. For all of these, I want to finish and ideally not finish last. Time is not as important as enjoying the event and keeping good form. In regards to the swimming, I want to overcome my phobia of the water and feel relaxed and capable in the water. I want to finish the season fit, healthy, strong, and in better shape than ever.

Anyone with me?
2011-01-09 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3286399

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New user

Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
My goal for this season is to lose as much weight as possible and to complete at least one sprint distance triathlon.  My plan is to complete the Buffalo, MN Triathlon on June 5th and then re-evaluate additional races. 

I'm just beginning to work with a trainer who has recommended that my training and nutrition focus be on weightloss until about the beginning of March at which point they will help me transition more specifically for endurance training.

Oh and I might also mention that I am planning to have breast reduction surgery around the 3rd week of February.  The doctor has assured me that barring any complications I should have no problem being ready to train for my event. 

To our success!!!
2011-01-09 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3257199

New user
Woolwich, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
My goal this season is to do the following:
Polarbear Duathlon May 7th
Pirate Triathlon June 12th or 13th?
Dempsey Challenge (I'll have to raise money for this one for the local hospital ) its a big local event put on my Patrick Dempsey, he is from Maine and his mom was treated there for ovarian cancer.
I would do the 2 day cycling and meet up with my Dad on day 2.  He was treated for bladder cancer in 2003 and he's been wanting to do a race ever since he saw me run some.   
Then if I feel like I can and it is still open I think I would like to do the Lobster Tri, its bigger then a sprint tri by not as big as an olympic one. 

Basically I want to stay motivated and be inspired by positive people... I think they make the world go round 
2011-01-09 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3283462

New user
Woolwich, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
The warrior dash sounds like so much fun!  I would love to help the cause and donate for your New York 1/2 marathon... just post how. 

2011-01-09 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Well, I did race one of nine for the NYC Marathon 2012~ I'd put this off while we were trying to get pregnant but neither one of those things are happening so I'm going for the miles.

Here's the link to my Team For Kids Fundraising page, if anyone is interested in donating for NYC Kids to receive free fitness and nutrition, saving them from diabetes and obesity!

I have to raise about $900 so if anyone is feeling like giving, I would certainly be grateful!!
2011-01-09 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3257199

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
Lots of great ideas with some interesting challenges. Keep 'em coming...
2011-01-10 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3257199

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Long Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED
I'm going to start by admitting I'm totally lost.  I smoked for 23 years and the thought of doing any kind of race is very daunting to me.  It seems like everyone here has done at least one race or has some athletic history.  I was getting pretty disheartened reading everyone else's posts.  That being said, here is  my answer:

The most important thing for me is to simply complete a race.  I don't care if I finish last as long as I get across the finish line within the allotted time.  Today being my 1 year anniversary since I've had a cigarette reminded me that I can do anything I want and I really want to complete a race.

Can someone recommend a training plan for me?  I'm considering the 16 week 2X Olympic.  What is everyone else doing?  Any diet recommendations?  Pre-workout snacks?
2011-01-10 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3289650

New user
Woolwich, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Girls Group of Beginners - CLOSED

Don't get disheartened!!  Like you said you can do anything you put your mind to!  I'm by no means the fastest person out there but I'm doing it for me and not anyone else.  The fact that you are training and working towards this is wonderful!  You should be so proud of yourself that you quit smoking.  My Dad smoked for 30+ years, had bladder cancer and a hip replacement and he'll be doing his first bike race this year... he won't be the first to finish, might even be the last but he's just happy that he can do it. 
I think when you do your first race you'll find that they are judgement free, people cheer eachother on, the support is great and the crowds get you through it.  I love doing them because being around so much positive energy/people is intoxicating. 
I'm doing the 3x sprint training, it fits my schedule the best and I'm moving things around as I need to.  I try to do it all in the morning so I eat before I exercise.  When I do long runs I have a breakfast bar before I go... anything that doesn't make me gassy/crampy works for me   

Hope this helps!
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