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2015-02-24 4:46 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
John - Asics Gel Kayano 21 are excellent shoes - I am using the same ones, and after many different shoes in my life, these are by far the best I've ever used. Slightly expensive, but worth the effort. Use to run with Nikes in the past, but late years Asics, and since tried Kayano sticked to them. Only change to Zoots for races (never tried Mizuno or New Balance or many others.....)

Nicole - sorry to hear about your car, but great excuse to discover life w/o a car, in a city most times is not needed. I fully agree with you: if I tell my family and friends about my goals -I have a big mouth- I would be too embarrased not to reach them. If I pay the registration for the race, even more.

Question for the group: i am using a race bike that I really enjoy, will put some clip on aerobars (very jealous of Jenn's picture....) but every single day I think about getting a tri-bike as a present. I do not now many people that have a tri-bike, but they complain about going uphills, and comment is not very comfortable, just for pure flat roads. What is your experience??

2015-02-24 6:02 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Checking in with everyone...sorry I've been a bit hit & miss. Unfortunately training is just very slowly ramping's been frustrating to not just jump back into it, but I've had to go slow. I was finally feeling better this past weekend, and was able to run a mile and a half pretty easily. So my plan had been to really set up a training plan this week....MWFS running, and TTH biking. Ran two miles yesterday and felt great afterwards, but I've been wiped out since last night. Soooo...I guess I'm continuing to keep it slowly going forward. My hope is to run a 5K in the next couple of weeks.

Am enjoying reading everyone's posts...still have catching up to do, but my good eye/reading time is limited. Hopefully will be able to participate more in the coming weeks.

I prefer version 6 but love them all and will get one regardless. :-)
2015-02-24 7:12 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Juan: Question for the group: i am using a race bike that I really enjoy, will put some clip on aerobars (very jealous of Jenn's picture....) but every single day I think about getting a tri-bike as a present. I do not now many people that have a tri-bike, but they complain about going uphills, and comment is not very comfortable, just for pure flat roads. What is your experience??

Hi Juan! I have a road bike (the fancy one was not mine, sadly) and the LBS guy recommended that particular setup for me as those clip-ons are specifically made for road bikes and also so you don't have to deal with swapping out your seat stem and moving your seat forward. I've only had a few rides on the trainer with them and have been adjusting them, the pads for my arms, and the angle out front. My friends who have tri bikes have commented they can't handle hills the way road bikes can but I haven't asked about comfort. The couple races I've done I constantly swap places with the folks on the tri bikes - they pass me on the flats and I cruise by them on the hills. I guess it really may depend on where you'll be riding and racing. Hilly or not. I recently read on a tri website that many professionals do most of their training on road bikes and race on the tri bikes.
I don't know if this helps.
2015-02-24 7:14 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Checking in with everyone...sorry I've been a bit hit & miss. Unfortunately training is just very slowly ramping's been frustrating to not just jump back into it, but I've had to go slow. I was finally feeling better this past weekend, and was able to run a mile and a half pretty easily. So my plan had been to really set up a training plan this week....MWFS running, and TTH biking. Ran two miles yesterday and felt great afterwards, but I've been wiped out since last night. Soooo...I guess I'm continuing to keep it slowly going forward. My hope is to run a 5K in the next couple of weeks.

Am enjoying reading everyone's posts...still have catching up to do, but my good eye/reading time is limited. Hopefully will be able to participate more in the coming weeks.

I prefer version 6 but love them all and will get one regardless. :-)

Way to plug away at it, Sandi! Take care of yourself - there is a lot of sickness roaming around this year; hopefully that's not what it is. If it makes you feel any better, I still can't run 2 miles on my knee! We'll have to gimp along together!
Seriously, you have a lot on your plate and you're doing great!
2015-02-24 8:13 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Bike Shirt update: And the winner is (Drum Roll Please)...


jersey-layout5.jpg (134KB - 3 downloads)
2015-02-24 8:32 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Next Steps in regards to the bike shirts:

Now that we have a design - we need to fit the design to the shirts. David (Snewo) - would you be willing to upload the design to Once that's done and the design is fitted to the birk shirts - then I think we can make some suggestions about any final changes.

Originally posted by Moonrocket

Juan, great suggestion! I have Pactimo stuff I like too! Doesn't look like their customs are too expensive and they have a low minimum. And everyone can just order themselves and they ship direct so it's really easy.

Edited by Qua17 2015-02-24 8:36 PM

2015-02-24 8:47 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi All:

Forced myself out of bed and got in 600 and some aqua jogging. Am still really struggling with motivation and am looking forward to reading up on what people have written on setting goals. Hopefully - that will help get my over the hump. Work has me pretty busy right now although after a week off, I really can't complain.

Tomorrow is my birthday but my boys also have scouts so it looks like my wife and I will go out to celebrate my birthday on Thursday. A few tasty beverages will be had for sure.

Hope everyone is well!

2015-02-24 9:28 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Check-In: 2/? I got a quick 5K in today before picking up my daughter.

Sign up for a Race Challenge Wow, I didn't expect that one. So far I'm only signed up for 2 runs. Those don't count since my goal this year is to do a tri. I'll have to see if I can step up. I wonder if this might be my first CLP.

Sandi Welcome back to the fray...glad to see you up and running.

DQ Happy B-Day! I'll take a look at pactimo and see what I can do. If I have any questions I'll ask the experts here. As for your motivation, I've already talked about me having the same depression issues following my past races. You'll come around. You just need to find out what it takes to flip the switch. It took 2 months and 3 tries to get mine flipped this last time. The endorphins help, so keep doing what you can do.
2015-02-25 5:39 AM
in reply to: #5075170

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Happy Birthday, David!!!!!
2015-02-25 5:54 AM
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Sumter, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Check In: So far this week:

Monday: 1.) 800 meter form drill swim 2.)20 minute spin on the trainer
Tuesday: 3.) 3.2 mile threshold run workout 4.) 30 minute spin on the trainer
Wednesday: 5.) 900 meter endurance swim workout 6.) 15 minute recovery run on a treadmill

Going to shut down workouts for the rest of the week in prep for my HM Saturday and really concentrate on getting calories in. Haven't had much of an appetite since the stomach bug last week but I'm going to need the calories to run my goal time of 1:48. Will probably get a couple of stretch and foam roller session in as well just to make sure I'm tip top for Saturday. Taper weeks are always hard for me. I hate flipping the switch off and get real ansie.

As far as goals/challenges go: I think I've finally found another 70.3 that hits my training window at the end of the season so I will probably sign up for Beach 2 Battleship Half in October in Wilmington, NC first of next month.

Happy birthday DQ and I hope everyone has a great week!

Edited by jhaines 2015-02-25 5:55 AM
2015-02-25 8:13 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

I'm sorry about your car Nicole! I lived in a city for 2 years with no car and look back on it fondly. Perhaps give it a try and see how it goes.

Do we not have a challenge for this week? Anyone have a good idea?

I think that is what I am going to do actually. Most things I can do without a car (walking or biking), and if not there is always Uber or Zipcar. What city did you live in? Knowing that someone else had a positive experience with it definitely helps.

2015-02-25 8:50 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

David-Happy 50th!! Have a fruit beer for me!

Sandi-Great to have you back!

Jeremy-Good job on the consistency of workouts! Good luck this weekend!

Nicole-It would be nice to not have car payments all spring and summer...could use that money to buy more tri gear...

Dave O-Find a small local race and sign up. All you have to remember is it is your race and you are doing this for fun!

Jenn-we may have to find you some of those wheels that they put on dogs back legs so you can "run" Better to get healthy now than go down mid season.

Juan-Ask yourself  why you want/need a tri bike? If you are mainly doing sprint/olys, a road bike is usually more than good enough. Of course if you have the extra cash laying around than absolutely buy one.


2015-02-25 9:20 AM
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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!! Thanks for mentoring and pulling us all together.

Juan - Thanks for the validation on the Asics. Been having a struggle this week with my calves and shins and I really haven't run many miles yet, so it's not a mileage thing. Had a look at the soles of my Brooks this morning and there are a couple wear spots, and I know most EVA midsoles can be worn before you see any signs of wear anywhere else, so I'm hoping it's just the shoes and that the new ones will do the trick.

Sandi - SO admiring your courage and demeanor through all this, and glad to see you're back at it. You're doing the right thing listening to the body and taking it as it lets you. I have to keep telling everyone else this advice so I listen to it myself

Shirts - Can't wait to see the finished product! So exciting.

Workouts - This is definitely going to be a recovery week. I swam Monday but otherwise I've been foam rolling/icing/stretching/PTing. Seriously I've spent a month or so working up to 6mi/week, which is not really much at all, and since my treadmill based Personal Training workout on Saturday, my calves/shins/ankle have been in tough shape. More of the same for me tonight! We'll see if I'm up to kickboxing tomorrow. Should be fine, but I need to be careful.

Jeremy - Go get em this weekend on your Half!!!

Edited by firebert 2015-02-25 9:35 AM
2015-02-25 9:26 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Happy birthday, DQ!

I think this week's challenge is great. I am definitely going to aim to sign up for a tri this week!
2015-02-25 9:56 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE (yes, I'm yelling

Originally posted by nicole14e

Originally posted by Moonrocket

I'm sorry about your car Nicole! I lived in a city for 2 years with no car and look back on it fondly. Perhaps give it a try and see how it goes.

Do we not have a challenge for this week? Anyone have a good idea?

I think that is what I am going to do actually. Most things I can do without a car (walking or biking), and if not there is always Uber or Zipcar. What city did you live in? Knowing that someone else had a positive experience with it definitely helps.

I live in Dublin, Ireland for 2 years- and yes - it was awesome! I could walk most places (but then again I really like to walk so walking an hour to water polo practice was enjoyable) and the buses were great. I was in college so it was easier as a lot of my friends didn't have cars either. But with Zip car and Uber I would think it is totally doable. I found that I actually felt like I knew more people than at any other point- because you start to see the same people a lot.
2015-02-25 10:44 AM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
This is such an active group, it's crazy! I can't keep up!!

Happy B-day Dave!!

The challenge this week is to sign up for something? I somehow missed that post.
Funny thing about signing up for Tri's that don't happen for months... The one I am registered for, turns out, is the same day as my wife's cousin's wedding. I told her no biggie, since I'll done and outta there before noon. Hopefully the wedding isn't until later in the day! I'm super excited to have my kids see me do this! I'm sure my son will talk about it, non-stop, for at least a month. LOL!!

Since I sent my registration postcard out for "Odin's Revenge (short course)" yesterday, I've got the challenge covered. :D :D

Edited by fifthcircle 2015-02-25 10:46 AM

2015-02-25 11:44 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by Moonrocket

Originally posted by firebert

Anyone else thinking a challenge could potentially be 'sign up for a race and commit to it!'?

Now that is really putting it out there! Pretty big commitment level. I like it!

I was just thinking I needed to round out my season a little as I've only signed up for one thing.

That's one more than me - haha. I haven't even planned my 5ks yet...

I'd be in for this challenge! havent signed up for anything yet.
2015-02-25 11:50 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Here's to you DQ! hope you have a great day, thank you for being the backbone of this great group!

Didnt get my long swim in on Monday night, our Day Care lady called just as I was about to step out the door, she had a family emergency and we were facing no child care for the week, so after 45 minutes I had arranged child care but had missed the open swim at our local pool. A sidenote on that, does anyone else only have one pool with limited hours in their town? Very Frusterating. Ah well, onward and upward, I have been sloggin away on the eliptical/stepper machine at work.

How is everyone feeling about the Feb Weight loss challenge, I am worried that I have actually gained some..... :S

2015-02-25 12:45 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Work is keeping me busy (nearing product launch!) so I haven't been able to read through everything. The shirt design looks great! While I have way more tech shirts than I can wear in a week this on will get special use

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run with some of my co-workers and boy did I feel the lack of training compared to just a few months ago. I have a HM coming up in April so I may need to "tough it" through the PF pain (which isn't that bad while running) and get back up to 10-15 running miles a week. The HM will not by my fastest by any margin however I would like to finish it without a struggle.

As for the "sign up for a race" challenge, I just signed up for the Oly that kicked my rear last year. Due to many others getting caught in the tide (including me) they changed the swim course so hopefully I'll fare much better.


2015-02-25 12:50 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

A sidenote on that, does anyone else only have one pool with limited hours in their town? Very Frusterating.

How is everyone feeling about the Feb Weight loss challenge, I am worried that I have actually gained some..... :S

I'm sort of in the same boat on the pool thing. I have multiple YMCAs with pools near me. I'm a member of two of them and can use them any time they have lap swim open which is basically NEVER. It's one of the reasons I've maintained my Adult Swim class, even though at this point I know what I need to work on. With the class, it's me and one other person sharing a lane that we're guaranteed since we've paid for the class.....

On the weight loss challenge, I've kind of been quiet. I've been weighing myself every few mornings at the same time and despite eating as healthy as always, decreasing beer consumption, and increasing workout load - I've fluctuated up and down 3 pounds but basically stayed the same weight. My belts seem to be getting larger though
2015-02-25 2:04 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by MOlsen

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run with some of my co-workers and boy did I feel the lack of training compared to just a few months ago. I have a HM coming up in April so I may need to "tough it" through the PF pain (which isn't that bad while running) and get back up to 10-15 running miles a week. The HM will not by my fastest by any margin however I would like to finish it without a struggle.

I know what that feels like. My running paced has slowed considerably, probably due to the 20 pounds of extra gut fat . . . switching to run/walk was hard psychologically, even though I have a tendency to preach it to others.

Luckly, my swimming doesn't seem to care about my weight. I'm still about as fast (or as slow) as before. Did ~2,200 today, with a grueling 1x1000 free easy/hard x25s main set.

Perhaps the worst thing is breaking in my sitbones again. The trainer is playing havoc with me, and there's plenty of 2- and 3-hour sessions coming up.

2015-02-25 2:42 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon
Originally posted by MOlsen

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run with some of my co-workers and boy did I feel the lack of training compared to just a few months ago. I have a HM coming up in April so I may need to "tough it" through the PF pain (which isn't that bad while running) and get back up to 10-15 running miles a week. The HM will not by my fastest by any margin however I would like to finish it without a struggle.

I know what that feels like. My running paced has slowed considerably, probably due to the 20 pounds of extra gut fat . . . switching to run/walk was hard psychologically, even though I have a tendency to preach it to others. Luckly, my swimming doesn't seem to care about my weight. I'm still about as fast (or as slow) as before. Did ~2,200 today, with a grueling 1x1000 free easy/hard x25s main set. Perhaps the worst thing is breaking in my sitbones again. The trainer is playing havoc with me, and there's plenty of 2- and 3-hour sessions coming up.

My extra fat floats me nicely on top of the water....

Switch to doing sprints

2015-02-25 2:45 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by firebert
Originally posted by justinfss A sidenote on that, does anyone else only have one pool with limited hours in their town? Very Frusterating. How is everyone feeling about the Feb Weight loss challenge, I am worried that I have actually gained some..... :S
I'm sort of in the same boat on the pool thing. I have multiple YMCAs with pools near me. I'm a member of two of them and can use them any time they have lap swim open which is basically NEVER. It's one of the reasons I've maintained my Adult Swim class, even though at this point I know what I need to work on. With the class, it's me and one other person sharing a lane that we're guaranteed since we've paid for the class..... On the weight loss challenge, I've kind of been quiet. I've been weighing myself every few mornings at the same time and despite eating as healthy as always, decreasing beer consumption, and increasing workout load - I've fluctuated up and down 3 pounds but basically stayed the same weight. My belts seem to be getting larger though

I am on the less beer=less weight as well. After a couple of excessive weekends of beer consumption and one night of crab(plus me soaking bread in garlic butter), I ended up at no weight loss. Tomorrow morning is my weigh in. Hoping my restraint on the weekend will give me a big loss this week...

As for pools. We only have one. They consistently have at least one lane available for lap swim. I try go in the mornings (5:30am) when the whole pool is dedicated to lap swim.


2015-02-25 3:05 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Are you doing the Wildflower one again? Are they even having it?

Just out of idle curiosity,  what product are you launching?(if you are allowed to say of course)

Originally posted by MOlsen

Work is keeping me busy (nearing product launch!) so I haven't been able to read through everything. The shirt design looks great! While I have way more tech shirts than I can wear in a week this on will get special use

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run with some of my co-workers and boy did I feel the lack of training compared to just a few months ago. I have a HM coming up in April so I may need to "tough it" through the PF pain (which isn't that bad while running) and get back up to 10-15 running miles a week. The HM will not by my fastest by any margin however I would like to finish it without a struggle.

As for the "sign up for a race" challenge, I just signed up for the Oly that kicked my rear last year. Due to many others getting caught in the tide (including me) they changed the swim course so hopefully I'll fare much better.


2015-02-25 3:25 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Did a 5k over the weekend with my 9yr old son. We ran together until he out kicked me at the end, lol. I finished in 26:41 and he was ahead by a few seconds. That was good enough for him to take 5th in his AG and get a trophy. Next one we can up the pace a bit now that I know he can hang on. He has done a few kids triathlons and will be old enough for a sprint in May that I will do with him.

The winner of the race was in at 13:59:55. Some Keynan guy. It's a big 5k and they have a prize purse so it attracts a bunch of out of state talent.
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