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2008-04-06 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
That's awesome Sandy!  That's so great you now have a bike!  While I can't help you with your saddle issue, I can assure you that you'll begin to feel much more comfortable with more time in the saddle.  I'm pretty sure I fell 5 or 6 times within the first month of riding, but I haven't fallen since.  Keep on riding! 

2008-04-07 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

ditto to what clint said....great having a bike, but honestly, it is probably better that you fell now, versus later.  to make you feel better, I will share my "dumb biker" moment:

Here goes:

At the time, I had my clipless pedals about 9 months (well through the winter, and into the next season).  I was coming to the only stop light in my town that I ride through, which normally is green since there is not much cross traffic.  Well, I was going to go but noticed a car coming the other way, so I decided to stop since the light changed to yellow.  Now mind you, in my head I was thinking stop at the light, unclip your shoe, put your foot down, etc... but my body heard this - after this car you should be able to go, and not miss a beat....those two don't go well together, and as I tipped over sideways at the stop light there was about 6-7 cars (I am sure staring and laughing histerically at me), so my embarrassment grew a little.  Short story long, slight scratch on my pedal, much more harm done to my ego!

Welcome to the "I have fallen" club Sandy, glad to hear everything is OK!

2008-04-12 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Hey! Where has everyone been this week??? Nothing exciting going on anywhere??

Well, I raced my first 5K today!! I really enjoyed it...I like this personal challenge stuff. It was about 30degrees (can you believe it?) and snowing. A few ice pellets actually hit me dead on in the eyeball...pleasant.

I finished in 31min. and ? seconds. I didn't wait around for the official posting of times. I am pretty pleased with the time, though I think if I was better aware of how far I was from the finish line, I could have stepped it up a bit earlier. Live and learn...

I learned a good lesson today to prepare me for my sprint tri, which is 2 weeks from tomorrow. I read an article about race day for the first-timer, and how to avoid the crowd. In other words, it is very busy, and people are milling around and talking, blah, blah. When I entered the building to get my t-shirt and race number, I was handed a bag with the envelope containing the number stapled to it. I headed toward the bathroom for one last stop. As I was walking, I pulled the envelope off of the bag and proceeded to misplace it. I came out of the bathroom, noticed I didn't have the envelope and had to backtrack, looking through hundreds of feet for my number. Someone called my name, and they had it. Phew. I then took the number and the paperclips out of the envelope and stuck it in my bag. During this I was milling around looking for some friends I knew were there. I LOST MY RACE NUMBER!!!! I cursed at myself and with only 8 min. till race time, had to go look around again...lucky for me, someone had it in their hand! What a complete scatter brain! I then took everything, ran to my car, put my bag/t-shirt in my trunk, pulled myself together and pinned the number on my coat.

I had no conscious feeling of being overwhelmed, but boy did it show in my behavior! I guess I will take heed and stay out of the pre-race action!! Thanks for listening to my rambling on...

2008-04-14 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED


Those things will always happen at different races, to which I can only say - make sure to give yourself more thime than you will think you are going to need the morning of race day - it will help calm the nerves if you don't have to rush through everything.


Glad to hear that you made it through the race and enjoyed it....hopefully all of our snow will melt soon!!

2008-04-14 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Ben, my race is only 13 days away and I have only been on my bike ONCE, again due to the horrid weather here. Today is going to be cool, but I will go riding somewhere.

Do you think I should focus the majority of my time on the bike and set the swimming/running to the side? What's the least of both I can do to stay on track? I did change my swim time to 13 min. to allow myself more time, considering the learning curve.

2008-04-14 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

how often have you riden the bike at the gym?  If you can do the distance, plus a little more then you will be fine.


Or, you can always put on the clothes that you would go running with and take the bike out for a spin

2008-04-16 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Can anyone give me some averages for how long completing my sprint-tri should take? I really have no idea what to shoot for or what will be satisfactory for me. Is completing it in about 2 hours acceptable? I have figured approximately 15 min. for swim (though I can do it in 11-12), 1 hr. for the bike, and 45 for the run; add 5 min. for each transition. Am I at least in the ballpark??
2008-04-17 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1343725

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED


   I the main goal for your first tri should be finishing, plain and simple.  After that, you will have something to gauge yourself on.  It sounds like you have an idea of how long it will take, but make finishing your main goal, and time your second goal

2008-04-17 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the advice Ben. One more question...what are your thoughts for working out the week of the race regarding frequency/intensity?
2008-04-17 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1344202

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

It really depends on your body and what it is used to.  What normally works well for most is to "taper".  That means that you continue to workout upto the race, but the last week you would decrease either the time/distance.  What ever you have been focusing on, so, if your workouts are "run 5 miles" then run 3 or 4, if they are "run for 30 minutes" then run for 20-25 minutes .  Then the day before the race, rest/relax and get your things ready for the big day

2008-04-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Where has everyone been??? I completed my first tri yesterday. The weather was supposed to be horrible...rain and cold. But, I lucked out. It was in the 50's and sunny. Check out my race report. I had a great time! I think I may officially be "hooked!!"

2008-04-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Sandy!  I read your RR, and made some comments at the end.  Overall, it sounds like you had a great time, and it is great to hear that you have signed up for another race in the near future!
2008-04-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1366096

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Ben, you are right about the brick bike to run. Since I had only been on the bike (the REAL bike) a number of times, I didn't focus on a brick. Now that the weather is good, I will definitely be doing more of that type of training. I still cannot get over how funky my legs felt!!
2008-04-28 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Hopefully it will get nice for the both of us so we can get outside more often!


One thing I found helpful when having to bike indoors is to transition right to the treadmill for a short stint...although it is not outside biking/running, it is pretty close.  I have found that you can pretty much duplicate anything inside that you can do outside....except for the scenery!  

2008-04-29 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1366000

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Concrats on your first Tri. It must feel good to get that first one out of the way and be able to look at it from a different view now.
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