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2006-12-29 8:47 AM
in reply to: #636056

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

Get some new ear buds. The ones that come with the ipod are not very good. Mine are panasonic I think, but they are squishy and they stay in my ear really good. Trust me, it's worth the investment to get ear buds that stay in!

Here are some very similar to what I use.


2006-12-31 5:27 PM
in reply to: #625415

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San Clemente
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
As I'm looking to purchase a bike to start training, I thought I would pose a few questions to the group:

1. What level of a triathlete would you rate yourself? (Beg, Int, Adv, Pro)

2. What bike are your currently riding? What is the good/bad about the bike?

3. What is the size of the bike and how tall are you?

4. What bikes have you owned in the past? What was the good/bad about those bikes?

5. Do you recommend any online dealers/retailers from which to purchase?

Thanks for your responses. And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you from California.

2007-01-01 3:24 AM
in reply to: #625415

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San Clemente
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
I DID IT! Just took the next step in triathlon and signed up for the Encinitas Sprint Race in May. Let the training begin!

2007-01-01 6:05 PM
in reply to: #637986

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

Moyalopi - 2006-12-31 6:27 PM As I'm looking to purchase a bike to start training, I thought I would pose a few questions to the group: 1. What level of a triathlete would you rate yourself? (Beg, Int, Adv, Pro) 2. What bike are your currently riding? What is the good/bad about the bike? 3. What is the size of the bike and how tall are you? 4. What bikes have you owned in the past? What was the good/bad about those bikes? 5. Do you recommend any online dealers/retailers from which to purchase? Thanks for your responses. And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you from California. MJ

1. Beginner, definitely. 

2. Trek 1000C (same as the Pilot now) Good: economical, meets my needs. Bad: wish I had Ultegra components. Wish I had aero bars (may get some this spring)

3. 50cm, I am 5'4" but have short arms and a short torso, that's why the 1000C is good for me- doesn't stretch me out too much. 

4. Nothing other than walmart type bikes. Does my Huffy Thunder Rose dirt bike count when I was about 10?

5. I've ordered from Nashbar. I've heard performance bikes are good. Other than that, I don't know I use a local bike shop.


Happy new year!


PS- Derek is off to Lake Okeechobee, FL for a fishing tournament. You can follow along with his progress online. I'll post the link when they get matched up with their partners (derek fishes the back of the boat- as the coangler


2007-01-03 6:15 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Hey everyone. Just got back in late last night and wanted to say hi! Hope everyone had a great New Years. Got about a million things to do today so I'll get caught up later. Had a great trip w/ my family and it feels even better to be back.
2007-01-03 8:34 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
I've been a bad, lazy, and busy boy on my break. Only managed to get in two runs in 10 days. Back on schedule and back on the wagon now that I am back to work.

Also did not find a bike.... Still hope to get riding soon.

Tentatively planning on my first tri at the end of April - pool swim, obviously, here in Ohio.

Happy New Year all!

2007-01-03 9:56 AM
in reply to: #640338

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

Try Craigslist. Around Cincinatti I would think you would have a good chance of finding one. I have found a brand new trek 1000 for Derek- the only bad part is that it's in Myrtle Beach, and they want full retail. I figure we'll make an offer and throw in money for shipping if he gives me the green light. A girl won the bike at a Christmas party and wants to sell it for $750- that's regular retail or close! I think if we offer I'll come in at like $400 since we'll have to have it shipped and also pay a bike shop for a fitting. Does that seem reasonable? After all, she did win it-


2007-01-04 10:27 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

mndiver- how tall are you? I've found a 58 cm trek 1000 for Derek- want to be sure it will fit him- he's 5'11 and change, pretty much 6'- has an inseam of 32" or so. (some pants are 30" and some are 32"- depends on the brand)

I've offered $350 cash for it (it's brand new) so we'll see if the girl goes for it or not. She won it- I guess it depends on how fast she wants to sell it, etc.



2007-01-04 11:50 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
It should fit him. I'm also 5'11. Have a 32 inch inseam. When I was test riding Trek's it was always a 58 that fit best.
2007-01-05 5:46 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
I've been a horrible, horrible mentor. My apologies for not keeping up with people. Been back for 3 days and haven't really been doing much. I think I'm actually having a little depression issues when it comes to working out. My running was going so good and then I tore my calf muscle. No big deal, rest the legs and concentrate on biking and swimming. The weird thing is that I can bike and swim and even walk pretty much pain free. Heres the problem, in 2 weeks I have not been able to get myself to bike or swim. Kind of convince myself that if I can't run then why swim and bike. NO MORE!!! Tommorow starts my biking and swimming specific training plan.
Is anyone else having post holiday training difficulties? If so please post. It's time we start kicking each other in the butts.
2007-01-05 9:51 PM
in reply to: #625415


Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
yeah. I don't know if it is holiday related or flu related. I have done pretty good on my running, but have nearly completely forgotten (or just not been doing it) my strenght and bike work. I am pretty disappointed with my discipline too.
I am in. Tomorrow starts the with a new level of personal accountablility. The flu can only be an excuse for so long. Let's get after it.

2007-01-06 1:04 AM
in reply to: #625415

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San Clemente
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Do you all use HRM's while training. How are these helping/hindering your training?

Still looking for a used bike...
2007-01-06 1:29 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

I use a HR monitor for my long runs and when I bike on the road. I don't use it for swims, treadmill runs, or trainer rides, although I should on the latter.

I find it helps me to stay in zone 2 for my runs and helps me to know how much more I can push myself on the bike. Plus, mine keeps track of my mileage and calories burnt. I have a Garmin 305 that I got for my birthday (we don't have kids yet, so birthdays are still a little extravagant!). I really love it!

Re the workout depression. SNAP OUT OF IT!!!! I've had a hard time getting my arse on the bike, and in the pool, but the swim class Derek and I are starting next week will take care of the swimming issues. I do think I will have to get a new tire for my rear wheel before I ride outside. I think the trainer has worn it down a bit.

Come on guys!!! Don't let the lone female in this group kick your butt! There, I've thrown down the gauntlet....


Edited by SuzanneS 2007-01-06 1:30 PM
2007-01-06 2:30 PM
in reply to: #625415


Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Well guys it's been a while since I've posted.

I've managed to stay motivated during the holidays, and continued my workouts, however I let my eating habits get a little lax. So my focus now is to get the diet under control, while maintaining my exercise.

I have been using a HRM for running, and biking, however the one I had (Timex) would stop working during my workouts. Each time I tried to figure out my LT level, it would stop. I tried the gel, and tightening the darn thing but still no joy. So yesterday I went by performance bike, and purchased a Polar M32, which they had on sale at a significant discount. This thing has a feature called Own Zone. It works by giving you a 5 minute warm-up, in which you start by stretching, then a slow walk, brisk walk, and slow jog. The goal is to slowly increase your HR. The monitor will evaluate the varibles in your warm-up HR, and set your upper and lower limits. You can then chose a lite, moderate or strenous workout and it will help you stay in the target zone. I used it today for a long bike ride. My upper limit was 153, lower 116. I rode 29.2 miles, in 1:40 minutes. My average HR was 123, burnt 1245 calories and I was in the zone for 1:24 minutes. The highest HR I saw was 150, but I couldn't find my max HR listed in the data, I'll have to wait till I get home and read more about the HRM, to find where it's stored,if at all.

I'm hoping the HRM will help know how hard I can push myself. When I cycle I have difficulty keeping my HR about 130 for any length of time, I'm working hard but my HR maintains in the low 120's. When I run my average is in the low 140's. My resting HR is 48-54.

I've been going to the pool 3 times a week, and trying to increase my yardage. The most I've done in one day is 1375, the fatherest without a break has been 300 yards. Does any one have any suggestions or know of any drills I can use to improve my stroke? Right now I have been working on controlling my breathing. I breath every third stroke. My best 100 yrd time is about 2:45, and I would love to get that down. I fell like I'm doing well considreing the first time I ever swam like this was the begining of last month.

Well anyhow I feel that I'm and average cyclist, but know that I am weak on the run and the swim. I have been focusing on swimming first, running second, and not so much on the bike. Do you think this is a good strategy? I mean I don't plan on placing, I just want to complete the events.

Here's what I have registered for so far:
Polar Bear Bike Ride, this will be a metric century, 1-13-07, today's ride was a warm-up for next week.
The MAP Sprint Triathlon, 3-10-07.
Charlottes Finest Dualathon 3-24-07.
MS 150 Tour to Tanglewood, September 16-17.

I'm waiting to see how these go, and then I considering the White Lake Sprint 5-6-07, and the Wilmington YMCA Sprint, 9-29-07, 1500 meter swim, that worries me!!

Well heres to a great year of training.

2007-01-06 6:17 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Long Island
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Well here is my update. I have been working out as much as possible. In the past three weeks I have alternated been running and Biking. My running time as improved dramtically during that time. when I first started out, I was having trouble making around the block without stoping a few times. By last week I was able to run non-stop. I also realized that I am better off running until my heart rate goes to about 80% max then walking till it My HR comes down to about 70% then Run again. I try to stay in that target zone of about 75% of max. It turns a 15 minute workout into a 30-40 workout.
I have lost almost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Not bad so far. At tleast my Wife has already noticed.

I currently use a polar 150s HR Monitor. It works good if you can figure out how to use it. The instructions are terrible.

I have also started lifting again. I am trying to stick to a 35 min 2 sets for each body part with a 15 rep max. It is much differnt then my old football days of 4 sets 6 reps of Bench and squat till you can't move anymore. It also keeps you moving.

I am also looking for a road bike. As of now I'm looking at a felt 90 $600 a trek 1000 $650, or an Giant OCR $800. The guy at he bike shop is trying to sell me a Giant OCR Carbon Bike for $1200 down from $1800 with all SHimano 105 on it. A much better bike but may be to much for me at this time. Then again I don't want to pass up on such a great deal if possible. Does anyone have any suggestions about this? How would carbon frame do with my weight of 235? Any other bike you would suggest researching?

I have signed up for a Dulathlon in April 2-10-2 Run Bike Run and a Sprint Trianthlon in July. Right now my motivation is great. I hope it continues!!!

2007-01-06 8:20 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Great job guys. Things seem to be going really good for both of you. Here is my 2 concerns about the carbon bike. First of all I completely ruled out carbon because of my weight. I was really nervouse about the weight guidelines and cracking the frame. You may want to go online and see if Giant has certain guideline parameters. The second would be the componants. Now don't get me wrong, I think 105 componants are good. But, I am really surprised to see them on an carbon frame bike. Generally on carbon bikes you are hard pressed to find Ultegra and it is almost always Durace. This sounds almost like a bike they threw together to get rid of. Be carefull. On the other hand I really like my O.C.R. 1 I think it is a great bike and I haven't had any problems with riding it at my weight. The only reason I upgraded to a Cervelo tri bike this year was I got a really good deal and I wanted to take the next step to a tri specific bike.
Suzanne- Thanks for the kick in the pants to get started again. Started doing heavier rehab on calf today. Signed up for Total Immersion swim lessons with a VERY good instructor at a really good price. My hope is to get my 1 mile times to under 28 minutes this year. Going to ride the trainer tommorow. Wanted to go tonight, but calf is really tight after rehab today.

2007-01-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Good to hear from everybody again. It is good to hear about all of your successes and challenges; personal fitness goals can be a bit isolating --- I don't want to keep bending my wife's and friends' ears about this stuff... so it is great to swap stories and have an outlet for the discussion.

I don't use a HRM. I am honestly a bit intimidated by keeping track of Zones and maximums and minimums and more gadgets. That may be in the future as I evolve in these endeavors, but I just focus on getting out there and doing it.

No update on the bike search. I have looked on Craigs List. There is one guy who lists road bikes all the time.. they are older models and under $100 each, which is fine on both counts, but I wonder how I can tell if this guy is selling stolen bikes? A "real" investment is more or less out of question right now, but I will keep looking.

Enjoy what's left of your weekend!
2007-01-06 9:49 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

Hinch- I would also steer clear of the carbon bike- I'm going with an entry level aluminum for Derek- Still waiting to hear if we've got the trek that I found on craigslist. I have a Trek and really like it, so I'm partial to them. I feel like they are a good deal for the money. Sometimes, for all brands of bikes, you can find a last year's model still on the floor and the bike shop will discount it. I bought mine last May as a 2005 model and got aboutt $75 off. Not too bad!

Dtraub- I used the think the same thing about running and gadgets,etc. But I find the Garmin really helps me. Not only do I not have to map out my runs now and clock them on the car, but the heart rate thing has helped me to increase my fitness level. I've seen my speed on my tempo runs get fast quicker after building zone 2 base miles on the weekend.

Medictim- Re: Swimming- there are all kinds of drills you can do. One thing I would suggest is using a pull bouy and concentrating on the glide in between pulls. That helped me cut my strokes per 25 m a good bit. I usually make about 21 or 22 per 25 m. In a yard pool it's about 20 I think. It's been about 3 months since I was last in the pool, so I know I'll be rusty next week.  Whatever your number is, try to decrease it by working on the length of your glide between pulls. 1375 isn't bad. You are in a yard pool? Try swimming 100 yds, resting 15s, then another and so on. The next time, do 150 yds then rest for 15s. Keep increasing it until you can do the distance you want to race without stopping. Practice 25 yard sprints and count your strokes per length. Try to duplicate that number of strokes, even when you are getting tired. And, if you need to, swim a couple of laps of breaststroke to catch your breath during a set- there's nothing wrong with that.

Mndiver- get that leg well!!! I know how frustrated I was last summer when I had to do PT on my quad from soft tissue inflammation. It was very tough not to be able to get out and work- but, eventually my leg healed and yours will to! 

Derek's finally home, so he should be logging in soon. YAY!


2007-01-06 10:31 PM
in reply to: #625415


Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

Thanks for the advice. The pool I swim in is an olympic size, I believe konw it's 25 yrds across when they have it set for the short course, on the long course I think it's 50 m. I am following this plan I found online 0 to 1650 yrds in six weeks. You basically increase your yardage each week. For example the first week a session included the following:
100 yrds, rest for 12 breaths, repeat 3 times.
50 yrds, rest for 8 breaths, repeat 3 times.
25 yrds, rest for 4 breaths, repeat 3 times.

You do three sessions a week, and each week the distances increase. I have been doing a little more than what it calls for each session. I will work on increasing my glide between strokes. I have noticed that when I so my stroke down, I seem to make better time. I'm not sure what a pull bouy is. Is that the little thing I see folks put between their legs? I also don't know how to perform a breast stroke. I hope I can find a swim class that will work with my schedule.

What is immersion swimming?

Thanks again, and keep up the good work everyone.

2007-01-07 9:12 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Yes, a pull booey is the little flotation device people put between there legs. Helps to float your legs so you can work on your stroke. Total Immersion swimming isjust another method of swimming that uses different techniques and drills. It gets you to swim longer(taller) in the water which apparently speeds you up. Also gets you rotating from side to side more which is also faster. I have noticed pretty good gains from just reading the book and watching video and am looking forward to personal coaching.
Going to try the elliptical today. See how the calf responds. If all is good will go for treadmill tommorow. Fingers are crossed.
2007-01-08 8:37 AM
in reply to: #645107

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Medictim- I'm impressed that you learned freestyle before breast stroke- most people can do the breast stroke but not free style as it's somewhat easier to do. I used to teach swimming lessons for our city pool when I was in college. You should be able to find some adult classes to help you- maybe try through your YMCA?

2007-01-09 8:47 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL

Good morning peeps! Derek and I started our swim class this morning... suffice to say it kicked our a$$es!!

Hope everyone has a good day!


2007-01-09 9:47 AM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Congratulations to both of you. I am always amazed how much I can sweat while in water. My wife and I have our first Total Immersion lesson next Wednesday night. I guess this guy is really tough, so I'm looking forward to it.

Roll-call for everyone on this mentor program!!! How has the new year started out and are you happy with your progress?

For me the year started out rehabbing an injury in Cozumel. Great location and fun time, but tough injury wise. The leg has come along great so far thanks to a lot of patience on my part and great physical therapy on others. So I am happy with the progress I have seen and am now putting together my racing and tri calender.

Now it's your turn.
2007-01-09 6:03 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Long Island
Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
My workouts have been getting better. I finally got around to inputting my information into the online training journal. For the past few weeks I have been focusing more on running and biking. I needed to find out my target zones and Heart Rates. I plan on joining a Ymca soon and get back in the pool. Outdoor workouts are getting a little difficult because of the weather outside. IT's starting to finally get down into the 30s. On days when I can't run or bike I make sure I am in the gym. I have started a curcuit routine which helps keep my HR up and shortens the time in the gym.

I bought a Bike today. I test rode 5 Bike and went with the Giant OCR 2. It just felt the best for the right price. I am looking forward to the weekend so I can put some good miles in on it.

That's it for now.

2007-01-10 6:56 PM
in reply to: #625415

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Subject: RE: mndiver's Group - FULL
Glad you were able to get a bike Hinch. Good luck wearing it out over the next few years. I think you will like your Giant. I have one also and ride it quite a bit. Only thing they are known for that is bad is they tend to squeek in the stem, very easy fix. Some don't much like the saddle they come with, I didn't. Another easy fix.

Small update. I hope no one gets upset, and I'm sure no one will, one other person asked to join our group. Because Spokes branched off I figured we could use another to add to the discussions. He should be checking in with us sometime soon.

I think I have my race schedule for the year set.

April 29th- Lakeville Ironman bike ride. Will probably do the 62 miler. Don't know if I'll be ready for 100 miles that early in the year.

May 12th- New Prague half marathon

May 26th-Owatonna sprint triathlon 05 14 3.0

June 10th- Manitoa sprint triathlon .5 15 3.1

June 16th- Grandmas half marathon

June 30th- Minneman sprint triathlon .3 13 3.0

July 15th- Heart of the Lakes Olympic triathlon .5 22 5.2

August 19th- Pigman half Ironman 1.2 56 13.0

Thats the plan. Barring anymore injuries or hold-ups I hope to start and complete everyone of them. My biggest race is the last one. I have never done a half Ironman before and it has me a little nervouse. That is why I put in the two half marathons. I figured those would give me the confidence boost I need. Or show me that I'm way out of my league. Either way, I'll find some things out about myself this summer.
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